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What's the best way to play singleplayer attack and assault?

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If I want to work on my attack skills, but not trough a slow PBEM, I guess that playing a QB against AI will leave the AI pretty helpless.

Are there good scenarios out with default force placement for the defenders, so that the AI can "borrow" intelligence from the scenario designer?

As I understand it, defense is mainly about correct unit placement (as long as you dont have a moving defense). Am I correct to assume that the AI would fare better in a game where a human places the units for it?

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First off,why not play some TCP/IP?

Secondly,im guessing you mean combined arms attacks,if that is the case i dont know of a scenario right of hand,but remember the AI even in a QB is much better at defending.You could,via handicap or casualties,make it as tough as you want.I do know of a good scenario for infantry tactics.If you have some time and patience,B&T-Green Hell,is tough.I went in thinking i had good infantry tactics,i came out with a minor defeat.

Sorry if this wasnt too helpful.

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I play this all the time, but as an Operation, not a QB and using no Flags at all (the AI tries to defend them all). I found that giving the AI a complete battalion with supporting AT/armour and then going up against it with an Armoured Coy (half-tracks) beefed up with at least a Platoon of tanks is interesting. You can add reinforcements on the same lines and, if your computer can't cope with more than one battalion-sized unit, then give the Russians extra arty spotters, the heavier the more interesting. It's in keeping woth Soviet doctrine and plays hell with an advance! The AI is actually quite good at placing for defence, especially fortifications. It does things with barbed wire that gave me an insight into how to use that component better. About 1 in 10 cases it will actually rumble forward in a counter-attack, but that can be interesting, since it tends to take you by surprise! Lastly, if you want to get truly vicious on yourself, make a steppe map (set the parameters to Open and Gentle Slopes on the minimum elevation). For added realism, I create balkas (gulleys) using a Height setting of 2 and treating them as you would river lines. The end result is a seemingly flat landscape that hides a multitude. below ground level. The AI actually uses them, too.


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The consensus is that the AI is better at defense than attack, so I think it's reasonable to build your attacking skills vs. the AI (though ultimately you'll want to face human opponents.) You can work, in particular, on coordinating your use of infantry, armor and artillery. That takes a certain volume of practice. And I think it can be done effectively in the context of a well-designed scenario or operation.

I'd suggest checking the Scenario Depot:


Look for scenarios that come highly recommended against the AI (there's a list of them under Lists). One scenario on the CD which offers good attack practice is "Desperate Measures" (as Axis). A lot of the Stalingrad Pack (SP-) scenarios at the Depot are good for attacks vs. the AI. Try, for example SP-The Library, which comes in a version specifically for AI play. I think you can get great practice attacking trenches from an operation, SP-The Bitter End.

[ March 02, 2003, 03:23 PM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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You can also try the Biltong rules with the map packs. You'll get mostly attacks - a wide variety of unit mixes and situations ranging from walkovers to truly desperate battles where you have to pull out all the tricks you know. The maps are excellent and representative of what you will see when playing a prepared scenario. It's a great training exercise.

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i'm trying to sharpen (read: get some) skills before i play a real live person. i found playing vs the AI that it wouldn't even attempt to win the armour battle. i.e. it would just use HT's & Medium tanks, which never lasted for long.

so i tend to use allied probe (still learning the sovs, i'll learn the germans next) give the AI a + 1 exp bonus + 25% forces if i'm feeling generous & make it play "armour". that too has it's limits so i'll change to pure infantry next.

hopefully i can learn the basics before i have my head handed to me.

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