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What a pretty panzer...be a shame to destroy it

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So i was playing a game against my brother and I had one of my soviet pioneer platoons hiding in some scattered trees by a road. I knew there was a panzer III nearby, and that my pioneers and their handy det packs could handle it. So i assigned cover arcs. The buttoned up panzer rolls into the arcs, and the pioneers pop up...and do nothing! It was maddening to see them rotate to follow it and not do anything. The panzer was not more than 20 meters away! I had to give the pioneers the assault and follow vehicle order on my next turn. Luckily i could use a heavy machine gun hidden in front of the panzer to make it stop inexpliccably and my men blew it up. Is there a way to make your soldiers attack tanks on their own? There is no cover armor arc and they had the right tools for the job.

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It can take a bit of time before a squad attacks, I suppose they're tossing coins trying to see who is the lucky one who gets to crawl close enough to toss the explosive pack. Did they target the tank when it entered the arc or did they just sit there? Giving cover arcs doesn't make them react to potential targets any quicker.

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We've all heard about the CMBB 'Death-Clock'. I sometimes wonder if they've also secretly installed a 'frustration clock'! The clock will start counting down when you tell a unit to do an absolutely VITAL command, and doesn't run out until you're standing with your fists clenched screaming at your computer "Don't just sit there, DO something!!!!" :D:D :mad: ;)

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