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I thought CMAK was supposed to have the dust clouds!

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After battling with those ubiquitous Italian theater Shermans for awhile we're all eventually going to be hankering for a game of SU-85s vs King Tigers again! CMBB is not dead by a long shot.

But those of us who have been playing CMBB continuously for the past year will welcome the change-of-pace.

The game that may be destined to fade into obscurity is CMBO. But maybe not, despite the game engine advancements you can't play with Jumbos and Pershings in CMAK. None were in Italy.

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Yep, I agree with MikeyD about CMBO RIP. But CMBO dies to help create a better CMAK. I am looking forward to BO-AK conversions! I am hoping that now that there are additional height levels (right?) in the CMAK game, this will lead to designing more accurate maps of Normandy and the Ardennes. I especially loved those historic maps created by those gamers that live in France and Belgium. I especially look forward to those KGP adaptations which better depict the many elevation changes.

I guess we will have to wait for the CD to see what AFVs "made the cut".

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I asked if CMBB could be updated to CMAK standards even though CMBB is a "completed" product over in the the tech support forum . It seems to me that the incremental changes made in the game engine with CMAK would be a relatively small upgrade in CMBB compared to overhauling CMBO.

Madmatt stated that there are "no plans" to update the earlier titles.

I don't mind if CMBO goes into retirement, but I'd really like to see the smoke and dust effects in CMBB.

Please Battlefront... reconsider the decision not to update CMBB!

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Originally posted by tooz:

I am hoping that now that there are additional height levels (right?) in the CMAK game,

No. There are 20 height levels, just like in CMBB. There will be an additional contour level of 8 metres, though. I gather that you can't mix contour levels in the same map (ie part of the map at 1.25 with another at 5 metre contour, etc.) So while you will be able to get 160 metres of vertical relief, the minimum change between levels will be 8 metres. And still only 20 levels.

My understanding, at any rate.

this will lead to designing more accurate maps of Normandy and the Ardennes. I especially loved those historic maps created by those gamers that live in France and Belgium. I especially look forward to those KGP adaptations which better depict the many elevation changes.[/QB]

See above. Most ASL conversions have the ASL levels set 10 metres apart (ie two 5 metre contour levels); if 8 metres happens to work, then it becomes possible to include more levels, but the terrain will be quite choppy.

[ November 23, 2003, 07:50 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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From the screenshots it looks like CMAK will be able to do a more competent job of mountainous terrain than CMBB or CMBO could (necessary for modeling Tunisia and much of Italy). But I don't believe the CMAK map generator works much different than the CMBB map generator. Perhaps the toggle for shallow, normal, or steep terrain will help you with your Ardennes maps.

But why focus on Ardennes terrain when you can instead work on Gothic Line terrain? After all, it is the Italian theater!

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