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Biltong's Campaign Rules

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Originally posted by zukkov:

when using biltaid, how do you add your attached units? after battle number 2, it said i had 20 points for attached units, but how do i go back and add them to my roster?

You buy something (what is allowed in the rules: under 40% rarity, only vehicle, inf or support)

and after the battle you will be asked, to report the new unit in. Only the XP-level is a question, you must use the normal BCR rules manually, but for easier play, I copy it here:


June to Aug

1-3 5 experience - Green / Low

4-9 10 experience - Regular / Medium

10 25 experience - Veteran / High

Sept to Oct

1-3 5 experience - Green / Low

4-7 10 experience - Regular / Medium

8-10 25 experience - Veteran / High

Nov & Dec

1-5 5 experience - Green / Low

6-8 10 experience - Regular / Medium

9-10 25 experience - Veteran / High

(use a D10 die, or the electronic one)

Hope this helps.



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An update on playing the campaign as a Soviet CO:

Been restricted in playing time by my work lately (12-14 hour days) but have finished third battle. Rules seem to be working out OK, but haven't really struck anything "unusual" yet.

Last battle I was actually not defending! I had to Probe with my Green/Conscripts against a Veteran German force with +25% Axis advantage. Fortunately, the map was quite large and the points on the small side, so I picked one of the four flags and attacked it and left the others alone. Local odds at the one flag were in my favour, so I took the flag about turn 20 without significant losses. However, as I thought I would, I used up almost all of my ammo doing so, so didn't advance any further for the rest of the game. Ended up with a Tactical Loss, so not too bad overall.

One of the hard things about playing as Soviets with my rule changes is that early on you have many casualties from the roll-up of the Casualties parameter. Combined with the likelyhood of getting Green or Conscript replacements, this means you don't get much net XP gain. However, for me it is still early, only 1st week of July, so as time goes on things will improve. As I said previously, the first month or two of battles will simply be a matter of survival and small XP gains where every point is cherished (definitely a different experience to playing a standard BCR campaign as the Germans)

[ July 25, 2003, 03:49 AM: Message edited by: atiff ]

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Originally posted by atiff:

An update on playing the campaign as a Soviet CO:

As I said previously, the first month or two of battles will simply be a matter of survival and small XP gains where every point is cherished (definitely a different experience to playing a standard BCR campaign as the Germans)

Hi Andrew,

this is exactly opposite to what happens to the Germans in the beginning. I had a step rise to a crack/veteran force. In the Winter, I went to a regular/veteran Co with one green plt (as my HQ was crack for a long time, the replacements had a +3 modifier). Now (3/42) my squads slowly rise again (18 - 40 exp).

For the Soviets, it will be very different (if rules represent history). In the beginning, they will die fast. Even the Winter '41 will see lots of casualties. But late war, it will be a cakewalk and you will probably get some crack troops.

Have you considered playing with two inf companies - one of them "guards" - with different replacement rules? In case of an emergency reorganization, only the best men of the 2nd Co fill up the ranks of the 1st, the rest stays cannon fodder? Maybe change the rules so you can attach a whole Coy. Now and then you just get rid of the depleted attached Coy and buy a new one (or pay favor to fill up its ranks).

Currently I play with an attached plt (as GE) and I'd say it improves my core exp.

Hoping to have some time during the weekend to work for '43...



[ July 25, 2003, 04:20 AM: Message edited by: Scarhead ]

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Anybody ever encountered a huge battle with more than 10000 pts in BCR? I'm in the midst of a 16000 vs 3600 pts battle and it takes 30 minutes till a turn is processed.

Question: As it ain't the first to go soooooo slow, should these very huge battle (factor 5) be more restricted by the rules?

AAR till Turn 24 (!):

Nothing much happens... both on 20% ammo and the AI's inf did not reach my inf positions. Only some tanks and ATGs battled it out. Losses till now: a 3,7cm PAK, a 5,0cm PaK a TH team and a SdKfz222 vs 5 T34 and 5 T70 or T60, plus some inf from a 75 and 105mm strike.

Given that playtime is about 12 hours now, this is not very exciting...



[ July 25, 2003, 04:43 AM: Message edited by: Scarhead ]

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Well, I finally started a campaign usuing Biltaid.

Battle 1: Axis Assault

Got really badly mauled by Soviet defence, pillbox ATG and 3 76.2 mm ATGs in trenches on very open map...yikes. Scratch Core Pz II, III and IV, plus Aux Pz IV and 2 armoured cars...double yikes. Thought that since I still had infantry and couple of ATGs plus both MG and ATG pillboxes were KO'd, tried to overwhelm defense...shouldn't. Since I didn't have arty for smoke, I soon found out that there were few MGs and infantry in those trenches too. WW I, anyone ? smile.gif

OK, I had to push the attack, since it was first day of Operation Barbarossa. 23-67 to computer. Favour -63...Army Group South loves me smile.gif .

Battle 2:

Triple yikes, immediate Soviet counterattack when I had half of my company left after emergency reorganization. Fought on random (almost, I checked it was approximately the type that Biltaid gave) QB map from Map Packs and my forces were edited with editor, then imported to QB.

Anyhow, I had only 4 squads, (those that were wiped out remained out of battle, hiding on friendly map edge, since even with editor, it's impossible to simulate emergency reorg).

Anyhow, I got only meager aux reinforcements, all armour and fortifications so I invested on Aux Flammpanzer II, trenches and *lots* of anti-personnel mines. Now it was Soviet turn to run gauntlet with AT and MG fire smile.gif Bad day for Soviets, total victory, Flammpanzer fried 77 AI grunts...and since AI came with tankettes only, my reorganized tanks and my still intact HMGs ripped AI to pieces. Total victory to Germans, prodigal son returns, High Command is happy.

Battle 3:

High Command was so happy, they ordered Immediate assault...with what, I ask ? And into town too smile.gif . Okie...got 1200 pts of arty and such things, on 2000 pts battle smile.gif Minor victory, didn't dare to push too much, despite knowing that AI was on 10 % ammo. They still managed to KO sIG 150 mm, with HMG, it seems...dang. But, after all got my core units up to strength after that, despite some conscript squad being included smile.gif

Battle 4:

Not yet fought, another Axis Assault, 1200 pts, but at least I'm not too much on minus with favour smile.gif



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Originally posted by Scarhead:

Hi Andrew,

this is exactly opposite to what happens to the Germans in the beginning. I had a step rise to a crack/veteran force. In the Winter, I went to a regular/veteran Co with one green plt (as my HQ was crack for a long time, the replacements had a +3 modifier). Now (3/42) my squads slowly rise again (18 - 40 exp).

For the Soviets, it will be very different (if rules represent history). In the beginning, they will die fast. Even the Winter '41 will see lots of casualties. But late war, it will be a cakewalk and you will probably get some crack troops.

Yes, as I said, playing as the Soviets would not be for the faint-hearted!

I have played maybe 30 battles in a German campaign and, due to casualties, my force experience often averaged about Veteran. I think in Soviet BCR that the average force experience will be about Regular, due to the fact their replacements are somewhat poorer (ie, Conscript and Green until later in '41 at least)

Have you considered playing with two inf companies - one of them "guards" - with different replacement rules? In case of an emergency reorganization, only the best men of the 2nd Co fill up the ranks of the 1st, the rest stays cannon fodder? Maybe change the rules so you can attach a whole Coy. Now and then you just get rid of the depleted attached Coy and buy a new one (or pay favor to fill up its ranks).

Currently I play with an attached plt (as GE) and I'd say it improves my core exp.

Guards did not appear until at least September '41, I think, but I know what you mean. smile.gif Maybe for Soviet BCR the force type can change to Guards at the start of 1942 (like the Axis change to Fallschirmjager (sp?) in regular BCR).

Perhaps being Guards could just mean a bonus in replacement level rolls (like the German CO being Veteran or Crack) (and maybe Guards could add +1 to Note 7: force modifiers or somethings - worth thinking about)

I haven't considered using two companies as my core force for the reason that I don't really like big games. I don't use the Large Battle parameter at all, and still occasionally end up commanding 2000 points of troops, which I think it enough.

But, like you, I exploit my attachments for emergency reorganisation to keep the core company strong. I always (in the past, as Germans) try to maintain an infantry platoon and a vehicle of some kind to top up the battle-damaged squads and armour when it is required.

I know that at a Battalion scale most regimental commanders tended to deplete their "reserve" battalion to keep the other two up to strength - I would assume the same thing happened at company level. Utilising your attachments to keep you core up to strength is entirely acceptable.

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ok, i got the attached unit thing figured out for biltaid. i simply needed to advance the battle and it asked me to place it. now i got another question. after 3 battles, i finally get my first replacements. in the rules it only allows for green/reg/vets, but all of my depleted squads returned as conscripts! what gives?

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More on the Soviet campaign:

Battle #4 was a disaster waiting to hapoen. After the previous (battle #3) Probe by the Soviets, the Axis immediately counterattacked with a huge Romainian force (Axis Attack with +75% force modifier) while the Soviets were struggling to bring forward supplies (ammo at 10%). Needless to say, the Soviets got hammered, with most fleeing of the map rather than being cut down where they stood.

I lost 60% of my men, including 19 captured by the enemy, and my Favour dropped to from +12 to -101! (I probably should have rules about getting shot by the Commisars, but who really wants their CO, ie themsleves, to die?) I did manage to cause enough casualties to the Romanians so taht the loss was only(!) a Tactical Loss. We avoided getting cut off (a dice roll; getting cut off means joining the Partisans behind enemy lines for a while) and are now refreshed with a large influx of Conscripts. We will see what the next battle brings.....

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this is an aar from my first bcr battle:

battle 1:

my force was attached to a romanian mech rifle company, all green. it was mid day and the visability was good. i also had 3 spw251/1s and 1 psw222. artillery was provided by the romanians. they gave us 2 81mm mortar and 1 each 100mm and 105mm spotters, also inexperienced. as the terrain provided only light cover and small hills, they decided to use all but 1 81 spotter for prep fire on the enemy, with delays so the timing would be a little before we were in position to assault the objectives. unfortunately, the romanians used a wide sheaf on the targets, so the barrages were mostly innefective. but the biggest mistake was the romanian commander split our forces in 2 groups. he put the romanians on the right and my forces on the left. i pleaded with him not to do this as the separated groups would not be able to support each other. also, the right flank had very little cover, only a gully which ended about a 150 meters short of some pine woods. i told him that the russians would surely be waiting for him there, but he insisted the artillery would take care of that. and once in position he said, they(the romanians) would be able to support my unit to the major objectives. and with that, he ordered one of the halftracks, the armored car and a pzIIc that had just arrived over to the right to cover his troops, and headed towards his starting point.

i knew better. i knew this couldn't work. the enemy would surely chew us up piece meal. and so it went...

on my side i had a hodge podge of support. besides my company, i had tank support consisting of a pzrIIc, mkIIIg, mkIVd, a mkIVf that arrived only just arrived as we were set to move out, and 2 spw251s. i put the IVf and the 2 halftracks in the center and started my advance. the first few minutes were ok. i ordered some of the squads to split up and move out ahead of the main force. the tanks were kept back initially in case there were anti-tank guns hiding, which my gut told me there were sure to be. the initial barrages were set to commence at h plus 15 minutes, which didn't seem like nearly enough time, but since we had "tactical surprise", the (romanian)commander felt it was more than enough. unfortunately, we made contact with some advanced defenders, well short of our assault positions. they fought well. i ordered the tanks up to support our advance, but those stubborn russians didn't break and run as i had been lead to believe. then disaster. the IIIg was hit by a hidden a-t gun and knocked out. then a halftrack was also destroyed, killing the entire crew and my hmg34 team. i knew this would happen!

on the right, the romanians reached the end of the gully and waited to assault the woods after the artillery ceased fire. as i predicted, the barrage scattered all over the place and only a few rounds actually landed on the targeted woods. once the shelling stopped, he sent a platoon forward, while another platoon took up position in a patch of light woods to provide covering fire. his assaulting platoon was stopped dead in their tracks and they were never able to reach the woods for the entire battle. i must admit however, they fought much braver than i hoped, and did manage to bleed off some of the enemy's reserves to reinforce the woods.

for the rest of the battle it was a bloody mess. the prep artillery was just too scattered to aid our advance, and the remaining 81 mortar fo was never able to get into a good position to call in a single strike. worst of all, the enemy, in his dug in positions, were just too numerous to root them out. i suffered heavily in this action. the equivalent of 3 squads of infanty, 1 panzer, 2 halftracks, and 1 mg34 team. it was only a "minor" defeat, but that was probably being too generous. if not for the brave actions of the tanks in moving forward and routing some of the russians away, i would not have managed to capture even one of the objectives. the battle ended due to a mutual cease fire agreement. both sides were tired, bloodied, and low on ammo.

the outcome was predictable. the romanian commander reported that i was mainly responsible for the defeat, as i had most of the heavy support, and it was my job to take the objectives. he accused me of being a coward and said that if i was an example of the master race, then germany could go to hell. i wanted to kill him right there on the spot, but there was no time. the romanians were being pulled out of the sector and german reserves were sent in to reinforce the area. intelligence reported a large russian infantry force preparing to counter-attack in the next few hours. as there was no time for replacements, i had to reorganize my unit as best i could and prepare for the enemy's assault....

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Originally posted by zukkov:

damn, sounds like you're having a rough go of it atiff. hope uncle joe is sending you your daily vodka ration!

Well, that will be kind of tricky now.... smile.gif

Battle #5 was a massacre. Defending with a mix of Conscripts and Green troops on relatively open ground, I thought I might do OK against the attacking German infantry force. However, I started noticing strange things such as the Germans running straight through my recon outposts and then outpaced my guys when they tried to retreat! The first German I ID'ed was Elite! The rest were only(!) Crack, but try stopping Cracks with Greens and see how well you do smile.gif

Anyway, ended up with a Minor loss (thanks largely to killing just enough of them to keep them honest) and all my troops legging it back towards Kiev (well, the 40% that weren't dead, at any rate) smile.gif

Battle #6 was over before it began (literally). I rolled up an Axis Assault by Vet/Crack troops at night (with +25% Axis force size to boot), against my largely-Conscript core force (thanks to lots of Conscript replacements after the last battle) and Conscript Naval infantry support. And I had 40% casualties due to the die roll before even setting up.

Consequently, my Company CO decided not to fight that particular battle; we "withdrew on turn 1" (I didn't even bother setting up the game). No experience loss or gain (+1 for a battle, -1 for exiting map). Then the roll dictates we get cut off by the German advance, so now I am fighting with the Partisans (and hence get to test out the rules I made up for that bit).

So goodbye Uncle Joseph, see you when we break back through the lines.

More later,


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Oh, in addition, thought I would mention that my Soviet campaign seems to be going the way of the real war; once the Germans broke through me in one battle, they are continuing to do so with relative ease. This is likely to continue until I manage to get to perhaps August or September when I will get some better quality replacements and supporting troops.

I also think I need to introduce a rule about getting shot by the Commisars; perhaps if Favour hits -200, you get shot and replaced. I'm starting to push that limit (-171 now).

I have included a way to earn some hefty favour though. If you get cut off and fight with the Partians, you earn double favour for all positive favour rewards, and when you finally break back through the lines (in 1-7 battles time) you get a bonus of +50 favour for "continuing the good fight against overwhelming odds".

I think in this way, fighting with the partisans is hard (they haven't got much to fight with) but if you tough it out you can be well rewarded.

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Originally posted by zukkov:

ok, i got the attached unit thing figured out for biltaid. i simply needed to advance the battle and it asked me to place it. now i got another question. after 3 battles, i finally get my first replacements. in the rules it only allows for green/reg/vets, but all of my depleted squads returned as conscripts! what gives?

Well, I don't know if Biltaid features vet replacements :rolleyes:

That's why I work with paper (no, actually I'm too dumb to get that java thing running :D )

IMHO Conscript German replacements in June '41 are a bit unrealistic.



[ July 28, 2003, 04:02 AM: Message edited by: Scarhead ]

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Originally posted by atiff:

Yes, as I said, playing as the Soviets would not be for the faint-hearted!

Guards did not appear until at least September '41, I think, but I know what you mean. smile.gif Maybe for Soviet BCR the force type can change to Guards at the start of 1942 (like the Axis change to Fallschirmjager (sp?) in regular BCR).

Fallschirmjäger (or -jaeger).

Perhaps being Guards could just mean a bonus in replacement level rolls (like the German CO being Veteran or Crack) (and maybe Guards could add +1 to Note 7: force modifiers or somethings - worth thinking about)

Then everybody would choose guards ASAP... Maybe this could depend on a favor level. Pay 500 favor and get the guards designeation plus the replacment bonus.

I haven't considered using two companies as my core force for the reason that I don't really like big games. I don't use the Large Battle parameter at all, and still occasionally end up commanding 2000 points of troops, which I think it enough.

After I had almost 7000 men attacking me, I know what you mean (before the attack :D ). After playing one battle for 4 weeks I had a small pure armor battle vs armored SO assault... the battle was shorter than a turn in the previous!


But, like you, I exploit my attachments for emergency reorganisation to keep the core company strong. I always (in the past, as Germans) try to maintain an infantry platoon and a vehicle of some kind to top up the battle-damaged squads and armour when it is required.

Yes, that concept is great - but it took some time to discover that plts count as 1 unit :rolleyes: .

Winter got me and in '42 I have only a few vets left. Casualty levels are damn high. And I can't afford a plt at the moment... :mad:

From the look of the rules for German BCR '42, I guess it won't get better.



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Originally posted by zukkov:

this is an aar from my first bcr battle:

battle 1:

my force was attached to a romanian mech rifle company, all green. it was mid day and the visability was good. i also had 3 spw251/1s and 1 psw222. artillery was provided by the romanians. they gave us 2 81mm mortar and 1 each 100mm and 105mm spotters, also inexperienced. as the terrain provided only light cover and small hills, they decided to use all but 1 81 spotter for prep fire on the enemy, with delays so the timing would be a little before we were in position to assault the objectives. unfortunately, the romanians used a wide sheaf on the targets, so the barrages were mostly innefective. but the biggest mistake was the romanian commander split our forces in 2 groups. he put the romanians on the right and my forces on the left. i pleaded with him not to do this as the separated groups would not be able to support each other. also, the right flank had very little cover, only a gully which ended about a 150 meters short of some pine woods. i told him that the russians would surely be waiting for him there, but he insisted the artillery would take care of that. and once in position he said, they(the romanians) would be able to support my unit to the major objectives. and with that, he ordered one of the halftracks, the armored car and a pzIIc that had just arrived over to the right to cover his troops, and headed towards his starting point.

i knew better. i knew this couldn't work. the enemy would surely chew us up piece meal. and so it went...

on my side i had a hodge podge of support. besides my company, i had tank support consisting of a pzrIIc, mkIIIg, mkIVd, a mkIVf that arrived only just arrived as we were set to move out, and 2 spw251s. i put the IVf and the 2 halftracks in the center and started my advance. the first few minutes were ok. i ordered some of the squads to split up and move out ahead of the main force. the tanks were kept back initially in case there were anti-tank guns hiding, which my gut told me there were sure to be. the initial barrages were set to commence at h plus 15 minutes, which didn't seem like nearly enough time, but since we had "tactical surprise", the (romanian)commander felt it was more than enough. unfortunately, we made contact with some advanced defenders, well short of our assault positions. they fought well. i ordered the tanks up to support our advance, but those stubborn russians didn't break and run as i had been lead to believe. then disaster. the IIIg was hit by a hidden a-t gun and knocked out. then a halftrack was also destroyed, killing the entire crew and my hmg34 team. i knew this would happen!

on the right, the romanians reached the end of the gully and waited to assault the woods after the artillery ceased fire. as i predicted, the barrage scattered all over the place and only a few rounds actually landed on the targeted woods. once the shelling stopped, he sent a platoon forward, while another platoon took up position in a patch of light woods to provide covering fire. his assaulting platoon was stopped dead in their tracks and they were never able to reach the woods for the entire battle. i must admit however, they fought much braver than i hoped, and did manage to bleed off some of the enemy's reserves to reinforce the woods.

for the rest of the battle it was a bloody mess. the prep artillery was just too scattered to aid our advance, and the remaining 81 mortar fo was never able to get into a good position to call in a single strike. worst of all, the enemy, in his dug in positions, were just too numerous to root them out. i suffered heavily in this action. the equivalent of 3 squads of infanty, 1 panzer, 2 halftracks, and 1 mg34 team. it was only a "minor" defeat, but that was probably being too generous. if not for the brave actions of the tanks in moving forward and routing some of the russians away, i would not have managed to capture even one of the objectives. the battle ended due to a mutual cease fire agreement. both sides were tired, bloodied, and low on ammo.

the outcome was predictable. the romanian commander reported that i was mainly responsible for the defeat, as i had most of the heavy support, and it was my job to take the objectives. he accused me of being a coward and said that if i was an example of the master race, then germany could go to hell. i wanted to kill him right there on the spot, but there was no time. the romanians were being pulled out of the sector and german reserves were sent in to reinforce the area. intelligence reported a large russian infantry force preparing to counter-attack in the next few hours. as there was no time for replacements, i had to reorganize my unit as best i could and prepare for the enemy's assault....

Seems you saw most of your mistakes.

I guess your biggest mistake was to attack with two equal flanks vs dug in positions. A feint or a split attack vs the dug in AI is usually not a good idea. Try to force the AI out of its foxholes - if you pin the reserves in their foxholes, you will need more men and ammo to kill them. If you lure them out, you can kill them much easier.

AI SOP is to counterattack any lost flag with its reserves. So the most promising attack vs the AI is to attack a single flag you can reach, wait for the counter and then show your reserves to kill his moving reserves. After the AI committed the reserves, there are less dug in defenders and you can advance to some more flags.

The desired force ratio for attacks is 3:1. You have 1.7:1. So concentrate your forces with only some lookouts along the whole front to spot reserve movements. With two companies, you can field a scout plt in half-squads forward, a Company up front and 2 plts in reserve (or vice cersa).

I seldom use preplanned arty. Most arty is used in the battle for the first attacked flag, the rest is targetted on gun positions (if it is reactive...) or smoke (esp on open ground. Could smoke have helped you more than the barrage?)

Hehe... Biltong wrote the rules to improve the tactics. And you better improve them before the winter comes. Yesterday I had an assault at 1.7:2 in open ground with large hills. Light snow, strong wind (=no smoke!). Concentrated forces, infantry as moving targets, trying to draw fire (it worked with very limited cas).

First thing to pop up where 2 bunkers at the map edge, followed by another one. An attached 2cm FlaK plus a plt of IIc routed them. The flank was clear, I moved in under cover of some hills to a small flag. On a center hill, there was a KV just out of sight for my 5cm PaK :mad: , but I moved along a road in a valley and he could not shoot me.

Got a small flag, eliminating a plt there (the idiots had wired their way out). 2 MGs and 2 plt went to the only patch of light trees on the right map side, near the center. Then came the counter - stopped by that group in the center, while my light tanks rolled up the flanks. 2cm FlaK kept pinging the KV, until it got angry and came down a steep slope. Pop up a StuG and 2 PzIIIJ from the front, 5cmPaK from the side and hail fire! 3-4 front upper hull + front turret penetrations at 300m with a 50L42 and a 75L24! I like the armor model of CM - 30° sloped armor coming down a 30° slope = nil sloping.

After I had half of the flags, I did not want to progress more. 80:20. Key to success was a brute application of massive power on a small area. I had 6 tanks + 2 StuGs attacking the small flag, with limited infantry as spotters.

What helped was the hilly terrain. If the map is flat - look for every dip you can find to completely hide your tanks until you spotted the ATGs. If there is no cover - pray. Or have support wpns ready.

An open, flat map without smoke with decent ammo for the AI is not a place for an attack. This is when I start to think about leaving the map and accept -50 favor.



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Originally posted by atiff:

Oh, in addition, thought I would mention that my Soviet campaign seems to be going the way of the real war; once the Germans broke through me in one battle, they are continuing to do so with relative ease. This is likely to continue until I manage to get to perhaps August or September when I will get some better quality replacements and supporting troops.

He who runs away lives to fight the other day...

I also think I need to introduce a rule about getting shot by the Commisars; perhaps if Favour hits -200, you get shot and replaced. I'm starting to push that limit (-171 now).

:D Not realistic - they did not kill all of their officers. Maybe you should introduce a parameter "join the party". Once in, favor can drop to 500.

I have included a way to earn some hefty favour though. If you get cut off and fight with the Partians, you earn double favour for all positive favour rewards, and when you finally break back through the lines (in 1-7 battles time) you get a bonus of +50 favour for "continuing the good fight against overwhelming odds".

Nice idea...

I think in this way, fighting with the partisans is hard (they haven't got much to fight with) but if you tough it out you can be well rewarded.

Some points to think about:

Ammo level for partisans?

Do you use their wpns or your own companies wpns?

Influence on missions (assaults less likely).

Replacements (conscripts only, or a few other soldiers who fled to them join your ranks?



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Originally posted by Scarhead:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by atiff:

Perhaps being Guards could just mean a bonus in replacement level rolls (like the German CO being Veteran or Crack) (and maybe Guards could add +1 to Note 7: force modifiers or somethings - worth thinking about)

Then everybody would choose guards ASAP... Maybe this could depend on a favor level. Pay 500 favor and get the guards designeation plus the replacment bonus.


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Originally posted by Scarhead:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by atiff:

I have included a way to earn some hefty favour though. If you get cut off and fight with the Partians, you earn double favour for all positive favour rewards, and when you finally break back through the lines (in 1-7 battles time) you get a bonus of +50 favour for "continuing the good fight against overwhelming odds".

Nice idea...


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Originally posted by Scarhead:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by zukkov:

ok, i got the attached unit thing figured out for biltaid. i simply needed to advance the battle and it asked me to place it. now i got another question. after 3 battles, i finally get my first replacements. in the rules it only allows for green/reg/vets, but all of my depleted squads returned as conscripts! what gives?

Well, I don't know if Biltaid features vet replacements :rolleyes:

That's why I work with paper (no, actually I'm too dumb to get that java thing running :D )

IMHO Conscript German replacements in June '41 are a bit unrealistic.


Joachim </font>

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here's my 2nd battle. it was a russian immediate counter-attack. it was not a very interesting battle because as somebody on this forum once said, "the ai couldn't attack itself out of a paper sack" or something to that effect. instead of writing it as a typical aar, i decided to use a guy from an auxillery platoon as if he were telling a story.

battle 2: private andy goes to war

i was born in north carolina, but my mamma and papa were from germany. when germany went to war we moved back there cuz our neighbors weren't too friendly to us any more. papa enlisted me in the army and told me to make him proud. i didn't do too good during training. the sargeant that was always tellin us what to do would kick me and hit me alot. i think he didn't like me cuz i was from america. but i tried my best to do what he said and somehow i finished my training with the other fellas.

then they sent us to the russian border. and one mornin all hell broke loose and the racket woke me up in my tent. we was told that germany had declared war on russia and we would soon be attackin the enemy. my outfit was bein held in reserve at first, until the officers got a feel for what was happenin. then the captain came and told us that my platoon was goin to help some other outfit cuz they got the hell beat out of em this mornin and the enemy was fixin to attack em.

we got into trucks that took us up to the front lines, but there weren't no fightin goin on when we got there. after i got outta the truck, i could see the fellas we was supposed to help. yep, they was whipped alright. i could see it in their eyes. my lieutenant spoke to their captain and in a few minutes we was walkin up to some trees to setup in. we didn't actually get up in the trees, only dug some holes next to em. after we was through diggin, i noticed that we was up farther than the fellas we was helpin. didn't seem fair to me, but the lieutenant said that they was tired and their captain had to reorganize em.

after awhile, i could see the enemy comin. they looked like they was about 500 yards away, so i aimed my rifle to shoot, but the lieutenant told me to hold fire till they was a lot closer. i told him i was a crack shot and could hit a flea off em at this range, but he said no, so i just sat there and watched as they come closer and closer. they was getting so close it made me nervous. then they come out of a field of sunflowers and the lieutenant hollered to open fire, so the whole platoon started shootin. it was kinda funny really. them russians would come a runnin towards us, then they'd hit the dirt and crawl away. then some more would come and then hit the dirt. then some of em would start running away while some was comin at us. i reckon they didn't know whether they was comin or goin!

it went this way for a few minutes, but it seemed like hours. then i heard this really loud metal clankin noise and the ground started to shake. i turned around and i saw a whole bunch of panzers comin from every direction! i never seen so many big cannons and machine guns firin all at once! and that just seemed to upset the russians even more. they were hoopin and hollerin in russian. many more started runnin away, but some changed direction and headed toward a set of woods over to our right. but they didn't get very far cuz there was some more of them panzers over there and a machine gun too. after i thought about it, it seemed to me that this weren't no battle at all. it was like shootin fish in a barrel. i felt bad for them russians. i even quit shootin at em and just watched till i couldn't watch no more. i know they was the enemy, but it just made me feel real bad. then when i thought it couldn't get any worse, the artillery shells started landing out there in the sunflowers. i could see arms and legs flyin in the air and some of em screamed so loud i could hear em over all the noise. i didn't think it would ever end. but it finally did.

the lieutenant said we had killed or wounded over 300 of the enemy and we lost only 1 guy wounded and 1 was killed. we was told it was a great victory, but it just didn't seem sportin to me. maybe that's why i'm a private, cuz i just don't understand it all. anyways, we's going back to join back up with the rest of our company now. hope we did this other outfit some good....

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Originally posted by Scarhead:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by zukkov:

battle 2: private andy goes to war

I guess that private will go back to the US and have a son or grandson named Forrest...

Yes, inf only attacks by the AI are a cakewalk - if there is enough ammo.


Joachim </font>

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Originally posted by Sardaukar:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Scarhead:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by zukkov:

battle 2: private andy goes to war

I guess that private will go back to the US and have a son or grandson named Forrest...

Yes, inf only attacks by the AI are a cakewalk - if there is enough ammo.


Joachim </font>

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Originally posted by Sardaukar:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Scarhead:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by zukkov:

battle 2: private andy goes to war

I guess that private will go back to the US and have a son or grandson named Forrest...

Yes, inf only attacks by the AI are a cakewalk - if there is enough ammo.


Joachim </font>

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