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Recommended sound mod(s)?

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There are a few of the sounds in CMBB that don't seem as good (hard hitting) as CMBO but I can't identify which ones exactly. I had Scipio's sounds for CMBO and thought they were excellent.

I've installed GJKs 'Beefy Sound and Tank MG mods and it seems to be a bit better now.

I'm still concerned that some of the incoming shells/arty sound a bit muffled in the game and some of the tank firing sound seem a little more light weight than I'd like. Trouble is I can't confirm exactly what wavs they are so I can play around with them.

I have seen the 'Father of None' mod at CMMD but, seing as it is 10 or more? downloads I wondered if people are using this and what it'sa like. Any other recommendations greatfully received.

[ February 14, 2003, 10:45 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]

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I agree about Scipio's sounds,they were great.I have been trying for days now to convert them,or get a .wav file list(which i know someone has)so that i could do the conversions to make them work in CMBB.The Father of none mods,while they sound good,are a pain in the a*s.They are in mp3 format which means you have to convert to wav format.Not such a big deal,but if you dont pay close attention while decoding 10 zip files worth of sounds,some have to be decoded at a different frequency(?) or something.Which means that if you dont do them right,you will hear for example a voice in super slow motion.Funny as hell to hear :D ,but ruins the game.I have since had to uninstall/reinstall since i didnt make a backup of my CMBB files.I also agree with Bone_Vulture,Ohjusmies sounds are good,they are what i currently have.Hope this helps.

Edited PS

Some of Scipios' sound mods for BO are BB compatible.

Welcome to Warfare HQ I think they help.

[ February 14, 2003, 12:41 PM: Message edited by: Ares_the_Great ]

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I would be really grateful if someone would like to send me an e-mail about wich files have to be converted to different formats... i could check it out myself but if someone has done it already it would spare me alot of work... i will be including the new instructions in the readme for the addon pack im doing (it will take a while yet noob since i am actually putting in some new sounds) :D

My e-mail is: josefporta_2@hotmail.com

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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

I recommend the various infantry firearm mods made by Ohjusmies. Pack a fiendish punch! :D

Ditto that. I D/Led his MG42, SMGs, and rifle sounds.

BTW, Does anyone know of a Maxim MG mod? The default sound has the typical "TAT, TAT, TAT...TAT, TAT, TAT, TAT, " but I wanted something again with more punch or crispness. When a Maxium is shooting at me, I want to KNOW IT! :cool:


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Originally posted by Oddball_E8:

I would be really grateful if someone would like to send me an e-mail about wich files have to be converted to different formats... i could check it out myself but if someone has done it already it would spare me alot of work... i will be including the new instructions in the readme for the addon pack im doing (it will take a while yet noob since i am actually putting in some new sounds) :D

My e-mail is: josefporta_2@hotmail.com

Well, last night I was playing a TCI/IP game and when an enemy mig blew the hell out of my flak truck, the escaping man came under tank MG fire and said something like weeeeeeerrrrr haaaaaaaaaaarrrr. I have tried to find the wavs but since , they sound nothing like in the game its really is difficult.

I installed CMBB to my other PC and am putting wav folder on a zip disk. Then I'll just start from scratch with a new wav folder and add back the sounds I want.

I do like the mod, so I guess when its straightend out I'll put back in.

[ February 16, 2003, 03:28 AM: Message edited by: Shatter ]

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Looks like somw good stuff on the horizon. Got the mods recommended. Good stuff. I like the MG42 but I do like Scipio's version in CMBO where you get the a very harsh, echoey sound and that 'weeeeeah' (crap description I know) after each burst.

I wish I could turn the birds down too. I like 'em mind, jsu a bit bloody noisy over my incoming 150s!

I have noticed the game v. wav thing too. Nature of the beast I suppose. When played through the wav player I use a lot of the sounds are very different to how they sound in game. Bit of a pain.

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I am going to releas an addon to my soundmod wich contain new backgroundsunds that replace the birds with battle sounds... it will also include new sounds for the cannons (37mm to 88L) and some vehicles (heavy tank, panther tank, light tank/HT, armored car)... i am looking around to see if i can find some more sounds to include... oh yeah... just remembered that i have also modded the "idle" sound for vehicles... and now it wont drown out all the other sounds... :D

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Originally posted by Apache:

Looks like somw good stuff on the horizon. Got the mods recommended. Good stuff. I like the MG42 but I do like Scipio's version in CMBO where you get the a very harsh, echoey sound and that 'weeeeeah' (crap description I know) after each burst.

I wish I could turn the birds down too. I like 'em mind, jsu a bit bloody noisy over my incoming 150s!

I have noticed the game v. wav thing too. Nature of the beast I suppose. When played through the wav player I use a lot of the sounds are very different to how they sound in game. Bit of a pain.

Apache, the bird ambient sounds are 00005004 & 00005007. All the ambient sounds are 00005000 to 00005007.

I have a fairly complete sound map for CMBB if anyone wants it.

[ February 17, 2003, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: Shatter ]

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Originally posted by Shatter:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Apache:

Looks like somw good stuff on the horizon. Got the mods recommended. Good stuff. I like the MG42 but I do like Scipio's version in CMBO where you get the a very harsh, echoey sound and that 'weeeeeah' (crap description I know) after each burst.

I wish I could turn the birds down too. I like 'em mind, jsu a bit bloody noisy over my incoming 150s!

I have noticed the game v. wav thing too. Nature of the beast I suppose. When played through the wav player I use a lot of the sounds are very different to how they sound in game. Bit of a pain.

Apache, the bird ambient sounds are 00005004 & 00005007. All the ambient sounds are 00005000 to 00005007.

I have a fairly complete sound map for CMBB if anyone wants it. </font>

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Originally posted by Ares_the_Great:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Shatter:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Apache:

Looks like somw good stuff on the horizon. Got the mods recommended. Good stuff. I like the MG42 but I do like Scipio's version in CMBO where you get the a very harsh, echoey sound and that 'weeeeeah' (crap description I know) after each burst.

I wish I could turn the birds down too. I like 'em mind, jsu a bit bloody noisy over my incoming 150s!

I have noticed the game v. wav thing too. Nature of the beast I suppose. When played through the wav player I use a lot of the sounds are very different to how they sound in game. Bit of a pain.

Apache, the bird ambient sounds are 00005004 & 00005007. All the ambient sounds are 00005000 to 00005007.

I have a fairly complete sound map for CMBB if anyone wants it. </font>

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Sound Map is done, well at least as done as its gonna get. Don't expect a translations for ever single voice files, cause you are not gonna get it. I also could really only figure out the Russian, German & Finnish voice files. So I labeled all voices files as all voice files. Then under that labeled the Russian, German, Finnish voice wavs.

Everyting else is there though.

Ares,Griffon, I'll send it to you guys in a few.

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