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Yes its the dreaded, Ukrainian agricultural question!

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Saw a grainy black and white photo of an action in Ukraine, the terrain "looked" like it was fought over a French Vineyard. Tall groups of plants in near hedge row type style, classical vineyard.

I'm fairly sure they don't grow grapes in the Ukraine so does anyone have any idea what this crop might have been?

(building a scenario based on that photo and really need to be able to label what most of the terrain is!)


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Guest konrad
Originally posted by maroule:

they grow grapes in marocco, Madagascar, all over the place, and even in Autralia apparently, so why not Ukraine?

yes ,considering its the one of the best earth on Earth.
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Yes hops, that is probably it. The picture I saw had a wider spread but they were probably growing smaller vegetables between the rows.

Thanks that was a puzzler

Oh to the wine growers of the Ukraine, my humblest apologies for even SUGGESTING that the black soil of Ukraine isn't capable of growing grapes!!!

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