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Meeting Engagements vs Soviet SMG teams


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Well RAM, look at it this way, you have an advantage over this opponent: he's predictable.

He's a rusher, so you know where he'll be hanging around and which routes he is going to follow. And you know beforehand that most of his infantry force will be SMG infantry.

These are bonuses for you, IMO.

Buy your force consequently: heavy arty and strong direct HE support (75mm/105mm/150mm IGs, StuGs/StuHs, Pz IV tanks).

Set up so that you have covered the most probable approach avenues and to have LOS/LOF to the flags (you know he will be sitting there sooner or later,no?).

Then, whack the hell out of him!!!

While the whacking is still in process, move your infantry in followed by your mobile assets as overwatch.

If your infantry still meets resistance, give 'em some more HE area fire and, yes, torch the place (Flammpanzers/Flame h.tracks are a good backup for your infantry).

BTW, have you thought about adding Pioneers to your infatry mix? They are pretty effective in close quarters firefights with their FTs and satchel charges and against already suppressed troops they are lethal.

Anyway, I wouldn't get obsessed by those flags. In an old post, another player whom I can't recall the name wrote (more or less): "Flags should not be viewed as objectives. They are bonus points you get for doing well. Having a flag does not let you fight better. Losing troops makes you fight worse. Concentrate on the fight. Play to win the battle and to kill the enemy and let the flags sort themselves out".

I think this is a damn good advice, it helped me a lot.

I hope it will help you, too. smile.gif



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  • 2 weeks later...

After some time without connection, I'm back. Thanks everyone for your comments and posts! :D

Originally posted by l.cassidy:

Well RAM, look at it this way, you have an advantage over this opponent: he's predictable.

He's a rusher, so you know where he'll be hanging around and which routes he is going to follow. And you know beforehand that most of his infantry force will be SMG infantry.

These are bonuses for you, IMO.

Yes there should be bonuses if I had the capability to buy all those assets...but I don't...we usually play 1500 point MEs, combined arms and on that ammount of points I simply can't get all that stuff. My usual purchases are:

one 105mm artillery observer (normal or veteran)

one platoon of StuGIIIs (veteran or crack)

two or three crack sharpshooters

one platoon of 75mm halftracks (regular)

one company of infantry (usually jägers but not always) (veteran)

an extra platoon of infantry (SMG if it's late enough in the war, if not, depends) (also veteran)

if the rarity of the period gives me enough points for it I add one MG42 and if the points are high enough a 75mm AT gun (regular or crack) with a truck (green) to tow it.

That's the most I can extract...combined arms with 1500 points will give you little more than 300 points on armor. Can't waste it on siG Is or other toys to play around...the most I can expect are 3 StuGs :( ...

Wich takes me forward to the next step: armor. T34s are cheap as hell, so I always get outnumbered by more maneouverable,turretted, and flexible enemies. If is late enough in the war they are T34/85s, too, and those are nasty anti-stug buggers. 75mm halftracks are good for support missions and maybe to suprise one or two of the T34s but they always end squashed in the process.

In short: what I mean is that I usually have enough work for my armored assets, so much that I can't detach them for infantry support...if I try to do it I'll get outflanked while supporting infantry and bye bye.

given the facts I have to deal vs enemy infantry with my infantry and indirect fire assets...armor usually has to fight their own battle. And heck...they almost always lose it because the enemy numbers and higher flexibility won't let me do anything!!!!

In short...relative prices of soviet vs german equipment and 1500point battles won't let me apply those tactics, because I won't be able to purchase the tools neccessary :( .

So I'll have to stick to infantry-and-artillery tactics, I'm getting better at it but still getting smashed bad.

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Budget problems, huh? :D

From your buying list I see you are going for quality over quantity, but this way you end up pretty outnumbered by cheaper Russkies. How about lowering a notch the troops' quality to get some more assets you can play with? For instance, do you really need a veteran FO? And all of your infantry as veteran ? I think some more optimization can be done, so that you can save some points to invest in other useful assets: one more 75mm Pak to cover your flank, or a 150mm IG, or another tank, or some more infantry...you choose.

BTW, my usual CMBB opponent is getting lazy in sending me turns so I have time for another PBEM. Drop me a set up, if you want: you play the evil Ivan "SMG" Rusher and...I'll try to walk in your shoes as German, or vice versa, and let's see what happens. E-mail is in my profile.



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Well, since you know your opponent is setting up pretty close to the flags so he can get there quick, why not use a preset arty barrage on a likely crossing ground? You don't need LOS, and the chance to disrupt your opponent while you advance into the village is very good.

Sure, you might not get it right every time, but when this does work it can provide you with enough time and softening up power to hold the flags and set up at an advantage.

Finally, don't be afraid to keyhole your tanks and just systematically demolish the buildings with the tanks and, if you can, a 75mm or even 150mm infantry gun. This can work wonder, since the SMGs are going to be very little use if they're forced onto the streets where your rifle squads long-ranged firepower can pount them.

Those are my two cents anyway:)

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Well I just played a meeting engagement with 1500 points, medium map and combined arms. What really saved my hide was that instead of spending my support on MG's and mortars I ended up spending it on AT guns (2 green 75mm and one green 88). By using them to knock out enemy armor I was able to focus my tanks on infantry support. Also I was able to cover my flanking maneuvers. However the survival rate for them was low (only one 75mm survived), still the damage was done- I knocked out 2 elite greyhounds and 1 elite 76mm Sherman (total 450 points).

The way I see it is that if you win the armor battle you can usually win the infantry battle after. That Is why I also suggest buying poorer quality infantry.

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