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Or anyone else that might be able to help.

I'm looking for Gordon's old PzJgr IV's from CMBO in their "ambush camo" pattern. Specifically, I'm looking for the snow covered ones. Not the whitewash, but the snow covered. I also want these particular winter files with the mesh side skirts if possible.

I have the non-winter files, and I use them in CMBB, but I need the winter versions and I can't find them anywhere anymore.


[ September 07, 2007, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: BeauCoupDinkyDau ]

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If you do a complete install of CMMOS and click on the German Vehicles and Guns tab you will get a very colorful screen with a bunch of colorful icons.

The first row consists of five different icons. Depending on which you click on it will change every German vehicle to mono-gelb, bi-color camo, tri-color camo, ambush camo, or hasty. I just tried it and have to remember to undo it before I play CMBO because I usually play scenarios that took place before that particular camo pattern was in use.

If you poke around in your bmp folder you should be able to figure out the code for invoking the ambush camo. My cmmos install is very recent because I just had my computer replaced, so I can assure you it is in there.

The whitewash coat probably replaces any particular camo pattern. But there's a snow covered set of buttons that work the same way as the summer set.

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Okay, I found the rulesets you are talking about and downloaded them. May of the AFVs have the snow covered camos (like the above pictured halftracks), and many of them are in the hasty style, but not so with the PzJagers. They are only listed there in whitewash and ambush snow covered--no hasty. I know this mod exists. I d/l it when they were first released.


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Heh, why did you delete your post? I was just about to argue with you that there was no way in you-know-where that I was going to d/l and reinstall CMBO, CMMOS and all the rule-sets to find that mod--no matter how bad I want it. LOL

I really appreciate your effort on my behalf, though. I went through every German AFV file at CM.com on the CMMOS page and it just wasn't there. Perhaps it was in previous incarnations of the program, but it somehow escaped getting into the last reorganization of the set. Remember, CMMOS was not as elaborate as it is now, and sometime in '02 or '03 (IIRC) it was completely reworked. At that time the hasty camos were also available as stand alone mods that were not part of CMMOS. But after the reorg, all the stand alones that were now a part of CMMOS were wiped out (probably to save site space).

If someone can just come up with the individual bmps, I would appreciate it. Otherwise, my poor ‘ole Td is gonna have to live out it’s days in whitewash.

There's some good snow mods for CMBB out there, but too few IMHO.


...and hasty is not my favorit, either. I prefer bi or tri-color also. I put the hasty on the AFVs that do not come into play very often. I just like to mix my patterns up. Thanks again! :D

[ September 07, 2007, 09:00 PM: Message edited by: BeauCoupDinkyDau ]

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There is a global button in the top row of CMBO CMMOS German winter vehicles that makes every vehicle show up with snow-covered ambush camo.

I just tested it out and there are snow-covered ambush pattern Jagdpanzer iv's with and without skirts.


My cmmos install is less than a month old, so I can assure you that it's at cmhq if you really want it. As a former member of the cmbo cmmos team it tears my heart out to deconstruct it, so as far as that goes you're on your own.

David Inglett has a couple of very nice snow-covered Jagdpanzer iv's in the CMAK section of cmmods. They're tricolor rather than ambush, but I'm not totally sure ambush would have appeared on those vehicles that often anyway.

[ September 08, 2007, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: Philippe ]

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Again, thanks very much for the effort. I just don’t have the time or patience to go through all that will be needed to come up with one set of bmps through CMMOS. I may fish around a little more at CMHQ, but otherwise it’ll be time for me to move on.

That is my all-time favorite interface for CM, BTW. I still use the main menu buttons from that for CMAK (they go along surprisingly well with Tarkus's olive interface mod). :D

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I'll spare you the sloth and lack of attention to detail lecture, but I will repeat that the files that you want are sitting there in plain view at CMHQ CMMOS and all you have to do is read the labels, use a modicum of common sense, and download them. And I know the link works because I just tested it to make sure it really was the correct set of files.

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Originally posted by Philippe:

I'll spare you the sloth and lack of attention to detail lecture, but I will repeat that the files that you want are sitting there in plain view at CMHQ CMMOS and all you have to do is read the labels, use a modicum of common sense, and download them. And I know the link works because I just tested it to make sure it really was the correct set of files.

That was really unnecessary. I have looked and downloaded everything that I saw with the word "hasty" in the title. I spent quite a while doing this. I am neither slothful nor do I lack common sense. If the situation bothers you so much, then don't bother with it. I made no personal request of you, but again, I appreciate the effort you have gone through. Now go change yer damn diapers and move on with your life. :rolleyes:
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These are the only two files that I saw that would contain what I am looking for:



Neither had the bmps I needed. I went through every file that had JgdPz, PzIV, hasty, or just "Pz" in it's title and unzipped every one. I did this process three separate times, and all I found that was close was the standard JgdPz IV "hasty" camo scheme in its non-winter form.

I also scanned the standard mod (non CMMOS) pages at CMHQ as well and came up with zippo. I've also did a pretty thorough search of CM Mod Database as well. Now if that isn't methodical enough for you, oh well--whatever.

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The problem seems to be that you are unfamiliar with the names and histories of the different camo patterns.

In your first post you mentioned that you were looking for JagdPanzer IV's in snow-covered ambush camo and posted a picture of snow-covered halftracks in ambush pattern.

The two files that you cite in your most recent post both include the ambush camo pattern.

If you can't find what you're looking for in them, it just might be because you've been asking for the wrong pattern.

Ambush camo was supposed to be applied to tanks rolling off the assembly lines at some point after August 20, 1944. It probably wouldn't have been that prominent until mid or late September, and would tend to show up more on Panthers and Tigers. It can be thought of as a tricolor pattern with different colored dots in each of the colored sections. This pattern is sometimes referred to as Hinterhalt-Tarnung.

Hasty camo was the stop-gap camo used by the Hitlerjugend division during the summer battles in Normandy. It is essentially a bicolor camo consisting of greenish squiggly lines slapped over a dunkelgelb background.

As far as I am aware it did not snow in Normandy during the summer of 1944.

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I knew what I was talking about, but I was unaware of the juxtaposed terms I provided in my first few posts. Now I see where our miscommunications were originally coming from. But you did understand what I was talking about after a time (as your posts indicate), so don't try to let your self off the hook, mister! tongue.gif

I was however unaware of the hasty camo's history. I was under the impression this was a very late-war camo scheme used by more than one unit on the west front (I knew it wasn't an east front pattern). Something like: "Here's your AFV boys. And here's two buckets of green paint. You've got ten minuets to come up with somekinda camo for it before we load it onto the train."

Hiterjugend, summer of '44, and Normandy, huh? Well, than makes it a little too narrow for my tastes then. I don’t mind a little historical inaccuracy when it comes to the paint schemes I use in CMBB, but that would seem more than just a “little” inaccurate. Well, that solves that problem then. I guess I might go with a bi or tri-color scheme then.

Again, thanks for your time, and sorry for the miscommunication.

[ September 10, 2007, 08:19 AM: Message edited by: BeauCoupDinkyDau ]

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Hitlerjugend, summer of '44, and Normandy is why it doesn't show up in a snow version in CMBO cmmos.

Because of the scale involved, I'm sure anything and everything happened on the Eastern Front, at least once. So you shouldn't feel too incorrect using it from time to time in CMBB.


But you'll probably have to find somebody's dunkelgelb version and add your own green squiggles.

[ September 10, 2007, 09:20 AM: Message edited by: Philippe ]

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Hey DinkyDau, When you fire up that Combo set you bought, the CMBO, CMBB, CMAK triliogy, are your Waffen SS edited? I had a CDV version of CMBB, and they were called Waffen Grenadiers...annoyed the hell out of me LOL.


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