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Question for our Russian speakers-where is this?

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Originally posted by Hans:


Where is this fortress and what period of time is it from?


There is a XVII on the lower right building- probably a church from the XVII. century. Additionaly, in the lower left corner there is a number 1831 or 1834,indicating that part (the road???) was done in that year.

Guess the plan was done in the 19C.



[ August 13, 2003, 09:22 AM: Message edited by: Scarhead ]

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Originally posted by Scarhead:

There is a XVII on the lower right building- probably a church from the XVII. century. Additionaly, in the lower left corner there is a number 1831 or 1834,indicating that part (the road???) was done in that year.

Guess the plan was done in the 19C.



Well, there is this information in the link I gave:

"In 1350 Nizhni Novgorod became the capital of the Nizhni Novgorod pricipality. The prince's palace, stone cathedrals, and monasteries were built in the Kremlin. The new capital began to develop trade and crafts, and began to construct a new system of fortifications and to mint its own coins.

A new reconstruction plan, beginning in 1837, lead to the building of the governor's palace, a new cathedral and a Kremlin garden. The old moats were filled up and a promenade was constructed. In 1847 a water supply system was established."

So the original Kreml was built during the middle age, and restored during the romance.


This is from the collections of the art museum in N.N:


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