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Sitio de Combat Mission en Espaniol

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A todos aquellos camaradas de habla hispana de Combat Mission os invito a participar del sitio dedicado a este juego Municion y Tactica. Esperamos por medio de el darle al jugador hispano recursos para que pueda tanto interactuar con sus pares como asi tambien participar en ideas, torneos, etc que partan de la comunidad que se esta intentando formar. Espero formen parte de este nuevo proyecto de nuestra comunidad y podamos divertirnos mucho entre nosotros.

La direccion es


PD: Disculpad la falta de la enie es que mi teclado no la acepta.

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Qué? smile.gif

For those of us who are a little rusty in Spanish, here's what Babel Fish had to say:

To all those comrades of Hispanic speech of Combat Mission I invite to participate to you in the dedicated site to this game Municion and Tactica. We waited for by means of giving him to the Hispanic player resources so that it can as much interact with its pairs as asi also to participate in ideas, matches, etc that leave from the community that this trying itself to form. I hope comprise of this new project of our community and we pruned to amuse to us between us much.

The direction is http://municionytactica.tripod.com/

PS: You excuse the lack for the enie is that my keyboard does not accept it.

I think the good ol' Babel Fish still need a patch or two, but it gets the job done.
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Let me translate this:


To all Spanish-speaking comrades of Combat Mission, I invite you to participate in the site devoted to this game Municion y Tactica [ammunition and tactics]. Through it, we hope to provide the Spanish player with resources, so he can both interact with his fellows and take part in ideas, tournaments, etc originated from the community that is trying to get shape. I hope that you will take part in this project from our community and that we can have a lot of joy between us.

The address is


PD: sorry for the missing "enie"; my keyboard does not accept it.


Bueno, pues me pasare por ahi a ver que tal. Saluditos.

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Los amigos

Para esos interesado en la Guerra Civil España hay dos guiones para CMBB ahora en la Estación de guión

Invada en madrileño


Dos más vienen pronto

El Camino de La Corunna 1936

Cerro de Angeles de Los

Hans, "El Supremo"

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