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It's a program that was designed to help the user with managing which mods are used in the game. There are tabs for mod types, such as uniforms, tanks, support vehicles, buildings, terrain, etc that allow you to pick and choose from the mods you've downloaded into your BMP folder. Check here for more info: http://www.combatmission.com/cmmos/cmmos.asp

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I only briefly used the CMModManager but never really got the hang of it. I like CMMOS a lot better and find it much easier to use. CMMOS doesn't back up the original BTS bmp's, but they are on the CD should you need them. All the CMMOS'ed mods have extensions on the file name that prevent them from being overwritten by another mod. What CMMOS does is take the mod and copy it to replace the original game bmp's, that way you can swap mods without losing any of them except the stock bmp's- which again, are on the CD, so you could copy and paste them from the CD into your installed BMP folder if you decide you want them back, rather than reinstalling the game.

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One thing to remember though, if you have mods that haven't been done for CMMOS and don't have an extension (like, for example, 4553_cammo_zim or something) those will be treated like the stock bmp's and will be overwritten if you use another mod, because the ones with no extensions have replaced the stock bmp's instead of being temporarily copied over them.

Does that make sense? It sounds kind of confusing, but it really isn't.

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Mike T produced an excellent CMMOS tutorial & put it up at CMHQ. It's pretty simple ( in most cases anyway ) to convert non CMMOS mods to CMMOS compatible ones & provided you don't go distributing the finished product as your own I'm sure most of the mod authors don't mind. I would suggest downloading the tutorial ( it's in the CMMOS section ) & taking a whack at it. Sometimes it takes a very long time before mods get CMMOSed ( if at all ).

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That's a good point. I never used the tutorial, but I've done several of my own CMMOS mods, or modified existing ones to include more options and it's really easy to do once you understand how the program works. What I did was just to look at how existing mods were written in the rulesets and descriptions and copied the format to make my own, just changing the necessary bits to differentiate mine from an existing one.

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I've spent the last hour or so trying to understand how to use CMMOS and am totally confused.

What are the mods included with the standard CMMOS install, are they what comes with CMMOS and are they available for immediate use ? Still worried what they will overwrite though !

How do I get other mods into CMMOS,I copy them into Mods folder but nothing appears to happen.Tried as zipped and unzipped.


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O.K.heres a simple question.I have DDs grass mod which is listed as compatable.

How do I get CMMOS to list and install this mod.It shows this mod with a line through it on the interface and will not show up when I copy the file to the mods folder in CMMOS. ??????

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If you are having problems with CMMOS you may want to give McMMM a try.

It is a mod manager for CMBO / CMBB and CMAK and it doesnt need any particular rulesets installing. It can also handle all the latest mods, not just the CMMOS compatible ones.

It is VERY simple to use ... just put all your mods in a directory and point McMMM to them.

It will also backup your original game bmp's are restore them if/when you remove the mod....

If you want a copy go here http://www.cmmods.com/ it is in the CMBB section. If you search be designer it will be under 'GreenAsJade'.

You now have to register to use the site .... but its free and it it THE site where all the mod designers release their CM mods.

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Will not work.Says that the zipped file will not open.

I use Winrar as my file zipper and that is how the downloads arrive.Is there a particular program that this Mod Manager prefers as it does not appear to like Winrar.

I think I am about ready to give up on these Mod Managers as I have spent most of the day with no results.

One last plea for help.

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McMMM works fine on windows ... actually thats all it works on smile.gif

There is a new thread on the forum announcing the latest version .... it will also support sound mods.

As long as your mods are in .zip format you shouldnt have any problems with McMMM.

I dont want to be too critical of CMMOS as its an excellent program and I used myself for a long time, but McMMM It is much easier to use

and it can handle CMMOS mods and non-CMMOS compliant mods with ease.

Try it !

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Thanks for your email. McMMM installs OK but will not open the zip files I downloaded from various sites. Winrar is a common zip program which is my default and works fine usually.

When I try to install a mod I receive an error message can not open file D:/....../....etc. I also get "Can not focus a disabled or invisible window "after initially trying to install the mod.

Its got me whacked !

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Got these messages from the log.

ALERT: *** WHOA unmodded BMP with existing entry in ModdedBMPName: NOT GOOD!

It appears that D:\Program Files\CMBO\bmp\17569.bmp will be a new BMP


ALERT: *** WHOA unmodded BMP with existing entry in ModdedBMPName: NOT GOOD!

It appears that D:\Program Files\CMBO\bmp\17570.bmp will be a new BMP


ALERT: *** WHOA unmodded BMP with existing entry in ModdedBMPName: NOT GOOD!

It appears that D:\Program Files\CMBO\bmp\17571.bmp will be a new BMP


ALERT: *** WHOA unmodded BMP with existing entry in ModdedBMPName: NOT GOOD!

It appears that D:\Program Files\CMBO\bmp\17572.bmp will be a new BMP


ALERT: *** WHOA unmodded BMP with existing entry in ModdedBMPName: NOT GOOD!

It appears that D:\Program Files\CMBO\bmp\17573.bmp will be a new BMP


ALERT: *** WHOA unmodded BMP with existing entry in ModdedBMPName: NOT GOOD!

It appears that D:\Program Files\CMBO\bmp\17574.bmp will be a new BMP


ALERT: *** WHOA unmodded BMP with existing entry in ModdedBMPName: NOT GOOD!

Saving baseline...

Unzipping mods...

Then I get the error message can not open file D:/...etc.

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