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Petrow -

If you ever figured out how to spell your name in a Slavic manner, without German spelling rules, you might get a break from the hammer, chisel, and coal face that are your best friends these days.

There have been dozens of battles in the last 4-5 months, but there's lots of glory still to be won for men willing to defend the Motherland.

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Once again, unprovoked, withering criticism is provided of a given item or system without anything in the way of a replacement. It sounds like you have an axe to grind more than being concerned about misrepresentation.

Originally posted by Fritz Lahm:

Anyway, your opinions are your own, and you are correct in that its probably not eveybody's cup of tea...some peple like to field 30 tigers vs 30 KV'2 in an open field and shoot for 3 minutes...me I like something more creative...

Your response:
And if you poked around these forums for oh I don't know, maybe 15 minutes you'd know how laughable your Tiger - KV comment is. Someone here is a CM rube, but it isn't me.

Well, look at that. Someone's so busy hammering out his condemnation that he's not actually reading the posts of others. Priceless.

Now just for fun let's talk about how silly CMMC is, just because you've goaded me into it.

Goaded? It has always been you who have made the goading remarks in discussions like these. Don't make me quote you.

Others may be satisfied with treating you like a buffet, but I get tired of your comments altogether when they turn vitriolic. I would make some suggestions to you that I think would greatly assist you with your problems, but they would most likely be viewed as "flaming".

TO&E knowledge is good to have, but a balance must be struck between historical accuracy and fun. Your fanatical devotion to the former greatly detracts from the latter, especially in your scenarios that I have played so far.

Feel free to wave your horsefeather flag, though.

One last thing: Will we be allowed to experience the splendor of your version of "Our Backs to the Volga"?

[ September 08, 2006, 12:32 AM: Message edited by: Shmavis ]

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Jason C

If you'd read (and analysed what you just read) these posts:



you might have noticed some phrases like ''CMMC2 will be a single operation based on a historical situation, but will vary details to create ''. Some people can actually enjoy a campaign game even if the TOE arent correct from reality, some people do it to have fun and enjoy the company of others that think alike. I'm pretty sure you're not that kind of person. The condescending way you adress people just because they dont have 5215 posts says alot about you.

Having great knowledge of WWII TOE's (you see I'm able to recognize people's strenghts and dont have to use the word Ignorant around for no reason) doesnt mean you have to give us leasons about how ''unhistorical'' CMMC2v2's OOB is. I'd like to see the rules and AAR's of the 3 campaigns you played...anyone can poke holes into any simulation.

You sound alot like Fionn does/did, are you guys related?

As for the ''I goaded you'' part, I bet you couldnt wait for me to do it right? Gives you a great chance to write another post and expose your infinite knowledge to guys that just love to read your many words right?

Quote from you: ''I've probably done more actual operational CM than nearly everyone on this board.'' want the medal in person or should I have it delievered to your Chateau?

I've seen guys like you all my life, especially in my military career (it's been a full one even if I only have less than 20 posts here...).

You COULD have just written informative pieces about tactics , training scenarios (I actually enjoyed my quick scan of the 20 trainig scenario package...) and WWII TOE's etc... and gotten the ''respect'' you deserve from having done the work/research etc... BUT you guys don't stop there do you? You seem to think that poking holes into TOE's that are recongnized as modified and blasting the people that designed the scenarios makes you better than them, it doesnt...it just shows the kind of guy you are deep down.

quote from you again ''Your ignorance is quite touching, actually'', you see dude, thats so easy to write, yet it hurts you more than it does me, again it shows how you think insulting me makes you better in some way. Just because i'm new to forums (i'v been busy with 20 some years of real military training on tactics and the like...) doesn't mean i'm ignorant my friend. I dont have to know your reputation and bow down in front of the altar of your infinite knowledge to be knowledgeable, but you probably dont see it that way do you?

Fire away dude, knock yourself out!

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Originally posted by JasonC:

I gave an honest assessment for those who might not know better, you decided to go three rounds of ignorant abuse after being here all of four days.

Can you direct me to the honest assesment part?

Is this what you call an honest assesment

It's about sending each other a lot of mail to jump through byzantine hoops constructed by control freaks who think it mimics military miscommunication or something.
You must have been crushed when the GM's decided to keep the TOE as they wrote it even after you exposed the numerous errors in it. Cant have fun if the 12PD portrayed in CMMC2v2 isn't ''accurate'' down to the last MG34 right?

Is that when you quit, or was it when you had to communicate with ignorant regular people like me? Maybe they weren't bowing low enough and not showing you the proper respect right, or was it the part about having fun that threw you off?

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Wow. That was... unpleasant to read.

I had a hell of fun in CMMC1. I learned an awful lot while playing it, and it was a great experience. I got out of CMMC2 for personal reasons, and would have liked to be able to continue. So, it is all not hyper-realistic, but then again, neither were the TEWTs run in Great Britain in 1944. So friggin' what?

I'll get back to the coal-face.

With proletarian greetings,

Petrow, Major-General, Workuta Socialist Re-education Camp

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JasonC; Hard word but interesting comments.

I participating in CMMC2 because I think it could be fun to play in a more realistic situation than a scenario in CM will provide. I understand that actually "playing" is a smal part of it and as an BC you don't really play very often.

You said that you been in other campaings, is there any websites where I can see how they were organized? What does it take, in your oppinion, to make a "good" campaign?

Personally I think that CMMC2 is a too big project and perhaps takes too long time to finish. Perhaps it could be more interesting if it was played in divisional size?

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= = = I had a hell of fun in CMMC1. I learned an awful lot while playing it, and it was a great experience.

Petrow, Major-General, Workuta Socialist Re-education Camp = = =

This must have been the first Combat Mission-campaing with a concentration camp. How did you replay the killing of over 200.000 political prisoners and POW's in that camp?

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They were not killed. They were engaged in healthy outdoor activities building Socialism. Certainly a few fell by the wayside due to poor constitutions and runny noses and so forth, but do not underestimate the benefits of plenty of hard work in the fresh air, or deep within the welcoming bowels of Mother Earth. Comrade Petrow certainly doesn't, I can assure you.

In fact, Comrade Petrow has become one of our leading experts on the implications of Imperialist Agression against peace-loving Communist nations. He also is displaying a distinct talent at intricate wood-carving, and some of his works are even earning the Soviet Union valued foreign currency in the Berezoka store chain as authentic Russian peasant folk art, suitable for purchase by foreign tourists.


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Originally posted by Bigduke6:


They were not killed. They were engaged in healthy outdoor activities building Socialism. Certainly a few fell by the wayside due to poor constitutions and runny noses and so forth, but do not underestimate the benefits of plenty of hard work in the fresh air, or deep within the welcoming bowels of Mother Earth. Comrade Petrow certainly doesn't, I can assure you.

In fact, Comrade Petrow has become one of our leading experts on the implications of Imperialist Agression against peace-loving Communist nations. He also is displaying a distinct talent at intricate wood-carving, and some of his works are even earning the Soviet Union valued foreign currency in the Berezoka store chain as authentic Russian peasant folk art, suitable for purchase by foreign tourists.


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