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Canon is setting new MOD-standards

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Just wanted to say thanks for this great work.

A few days ago i D/L all of Canon's German vehicles (combatmission.com) and i've never before seen vehicles giving such a strong impression of metallic surfaces.

The vehicles look much better in the game than on the pictures. In game they develop an incredible plastic look.

IMO, the 3D impression is setting complete new standards.

And the best thing: all are CMMOS compatible!

Even my favaourite MODs, now look plain and dull compared to Canon's.


Canon RULEZ!

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I'm guessing part of what you're referring to is his use of strong hilites. I personally like this more 'dramatic' look on my box, but my concern (from the Modding end) is that this is the 'twinkly' thing that some have reported. I'd be curious to hear from anyone who might have a take on this, especially Canon.

I'll also add my "Good work, doood." to the others. Anything w/ your name on it gets DL'd, sight unseen.


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Im one of unfortunates that does get the twinkling. However its easily fixed by using a image programme to soften or blur the bmps by just one notch. Retains all the quality (except at level 1 view). You have to be careful not to blur the pink bits or else :eek:

[edit - typo]

[ February 02, 2003, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]

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Thanks for all the kind words guys. Kind words = more mods! smile.gif I have Remgain and MikeT to thanks for making my mods CMMOS compatible.

With regards to the twinkling effect, that happens most when the mod has a lot of rivets, as they often get a little too sharpened and bright, but I'm working on new techniques that still give the metallic effect but reduce the twinkling. I don't really get much twinkling on my machine, but I can see why it would happen.

Anyway, thanks again. As soon as I get a little free time I'll get back to modding!


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