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Some fun CM stuff I thought I'd mention

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I set up a quick battle with the AI as a defender, playing German SS Mech v.s. Guards Mech. The AI picked forces for both sides.

I ended up with a sharpshooter, and placed him in the top level of a 2 level heavy building. During the battle, he took a shot at an OT-34... there was no other combat in the area at the time. I heard the sound of the shot hitting, a scream, and the hatch closed. Naturally, I assumed the TC was killed or wounded. My AT gun KOed the tank a couple turns later.

However, at the end of the game, I checked the kill stats for the sharpshooter and he didn't have any tally. No kills. Obviously, this isn't a big deal or game altering bug, just an interesting little bit of trivia, I guess. I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this. I never noticed 'til now.

I thought I'd mention my 120 mm mortar spotter and Pz IVF2 as well. My spotter ended up with 162 casualties inflicted upon the enemy. smile.gif Good God, it was so amazing, yet so horrible to watch. The AI had a bazillion squads on top of this hill, and I managed to pin them down with 2 50 mm mortar teams until the heavies came in. I think the SoundBlaster nearly got overloaded trying to register all the screams. hehe

My PzIV managed to inflict 38 casualties, destroy another OT-34, a Stuart, and 4 T-70s. It was actually an exciting series of duels... I had the high ground on another little hill, but it was all at close range, with the enemy tanks grouped together...and a couple of the T-70s were engaged in close in fighting with an infantry platoon of mine that attempted to ambush them (my boys got hit awful hard (sniff)). The Pz took some penetrating hits from the Stuart and T-70s, and lost a man, but kept on going. One of the T-70s it was dueling with holed it 2 times, while my Pz missed no less than 7 times in a row over 2 turns at about 200 m! My veteran crew must have been getting nervous from the holes appearing in their armor smile.gif

Anyway, the game was pretty wild. Pretty amazing that a game that is years old is still so damn fun to play. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Lt. Beavis:

I thought I'd mention my 120 mm mortar spotter and Pz IVF2 as well. My spotter ended up with 162 casualties inflicted upon the enemy. smile.gif Good God, it was so amazing, yet so horrible to watch. The AI had a bazillion squads on top of this hill, and I managed to pin them down with 2 50 mm mortar teams until the heavies came in. I think the SoundBlaster nearly got overloaded trying to register all the screams. hehe

That's why I don't play against the AI as attacker. Except in very carefully crafted scenarios the AI on the attack against an at least somewhat skilled player simply sucks. A long time ago I posted a screenshot of a 105mm howitzer crew which had inflicted 200+ casualties.

When I still played QBs against human opponents my 120mm FOs in a typical 1000-1500pts game usually accounted for over 50% of the enemy casualties. Those things are absolutely deadly.

Anyway, the game was pretty wild. Pretty amazing that a game that is years old is still so damn fun to play.

Indeed. Unfortunately lately I didn't have much time to play CM, but every time I start up the game and play a couple of turns I realize again what an incredible piece of entertainment it is.
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In relation to your first querry Lt Beavis about the sniper inccident happenning or having been notice before, the answer is yes by me.

Origionally posted by Zalgiris 1410 26/27 August 2005

Here's one from the other day; I watched and listen to my elite sniper take a single crack at an exposed (Sherman) tank crew and heard "outch my leg" while the camera was close to that tank exactly as it shut its hatches. I thought good bloody shot by Jove! The tank never opened its hatches after that, it waited a bit there then advanced to park itself 100m infront of the main flag building and just sat there for over 10 minutes while my troops could only hide inside. Eventually I managed to move a schreck team against it from the flank and hit it with the forth rocket! Two crewmen out of five got out of the tank who were then shot by the unhiding troops from insde the building.

Fair enough so I won the battle and checked the kill stats for my units. The sniper had none, WTF, and the schreck had the tank and 3 for infantry casualties while sure enough the troop unit had the other 2 for the crew. None of these units fired at anything else, even the sniper finished with 9 rounds left! (This was on the quiet sector.) :eek:

That tank behaived as if the sniper had hit a member of the crew, staying all buttoned up while nothing was happenning anywhere around it. IME it would have normally made itself unbuttonned otherwise, especially while just sitting there in a very quiet position. I don't know if having been shot at from 300m by a sniper made the crew keep themselves all shut tight for over ten minutes but I definately heard the "outch my leg" or possibly even "outch I've been hit in my leg", not sure IIRC exactly but words to that effect, it was the only thing that happenned durng that full minute turn though.

Unless it was missinformation the only way I can rationalize this is to assume that the guy who the sniper nailed was too injured to exit the tank or else in some way was also hit by the schreck rocket, purhaps worse and thereby in avoiding a double count resulted in only being included in the schrecks kill tally. Bloody weird hay!

The answer in got in respose to this post was that when a tank is knocked out all previous crew casualties are transferred to the tank killing unit in the stats records. I've since noticed this quite a few more times since, wheither the earlier crew casualties were inflicted by a sniper, a HMG, HE, a gun or another tank, etc.

Similarly I think even that if you have two tanks or guns or whatever firing at a tank the kill and crew casualties will go to the last AT gunner to hit and KO that tank just as or before the crew abandoned the vehicle, even if the other tank or gun has made an orrigional KO hit against that enemy tank before the latter hitting one. Even if the first hitter had of caused crew casualties and the crew to actually begin the process to bail out of the tank, then the second and final KO hitter still is gonna get all the credit just the same, IME. ;)

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Well, it depends: when I have the tanks, my crewmembers are ALWAYS victims of enemy snipers. When I buy snipers they usually cannot hit the broad side of a barn, let alone the exposed torso of a TC on a moving tank 300 meters away. :D

Is hitting a crewmember rare? I wouldn't say so. It happens. And skill DO counts.

In my experience, veterans and up usually guarantee at least 1 kill. Skilled snipers are damn hard to detect, too.

Low end snipers are useful in keeping tanks buttoned and guns/mortars/Mgs pinned, though I don't count them as real "killers". They are also good as L.P. / O.P.: fast, stealthy and with binoculars. If you have some points left, adding one or two snipers to your bag of tricks won't hurt you.



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I agree with Cassidy, when you've got some points left the best thing to get are snipers over Tankhunter, LMG, ATR, Flamethrower and rocketeer Teams etc. Even if you can only afford low quality, they are very useful for LP / OP sentinel duty with the advantages of being stealthy, good spotting ability being equipt with binoculars and being the hardest unit to kill.

(Although I like to make sure that I've got plenty of HMG Teams for the fire power and good quality snipers first of all.) ;)

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Originally posted by Lt. Beavis:

I checked the kill stats for the sharpshooter and he didn't have any tally. No kills. Obviously, this isn't a big deal or game altering bug, just an interesting little bit of trivia, I guess. I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this. I never noticed 'til now.

I have noticed the same thing. It does not seem to register all the casualities a sharpshooter inflicts.

Originally posted by Lt. Beavis:

My PzIV managed to inflict 38 casualties, destroy another OT-34, a Stuart, and 4 T-70s. It was actually an exciting series of duels... I had the high ground on another little hill, but it was all at close range, with the enemy tanks grouped together...and a couple of the T-70s were engaged in close in fighting with an infantry platoon of mine that attempted to ambush them (my boys got hit awful hard (sniff)). The Pz took some penetrating hits from the Stuart and T-70s, and lost a man, but kept on going. One of the T-70s it was dueling with holed it 2 times, while my Pz missed no less than 7 times in a row over 2 turns at about 200 m! My veteran crew must have been getting nervous from the holes appearing in their armor. smile.gif

You can never go wrong with a PzIV. :D

Originally posted by Lt. Beavis:

Anyway, the game was pretty wild. Pretty amazing that a game that is years old is still so damn fun to play. smile.gif

Good to see you're having so much fun. And of course no matter what CM never ceases to please. smile.gif



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