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Close Combat III operations- any interest?

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I have completed about half of the scenarios from Close Combat III in the form of operations. I have converted the number of points you get from CC3 into a big equation for different difficulty levels of the game and converted it as best I could and bought roughly the same number of CMBB equipment.

They are playable from either side, I guess I'll release 'Veteran' difficulty levels.

The maps are pretty exact, including height.

Before I go through fixing them up to be good enough to release, zipping them up and posting them I was wondering if anyone is interested?


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Hey, sounds good! Count me in. Question: why not send these to THE PROVING GROUNDS for testing? This will save you the trouble of emailing all of the ops and you just upload them once to the PG, and a large percentage of the CM community will have access to them. Best of all, you get feedback on the discussions board.

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I have the # 8 and 9 battles (snow ones) uploaded and ready for both players. I haven't really checked them much though, so bear with me!

I removed some counters I had on there, maybe that was causing the problems.


[ May 08, 2004, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: ww2steel ]

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Thanks guys, not familiar with "Proving Grounds", I'll see what I can find.

I left them original scale exactly, including elevation to make it as close to the original experience as possible. I combined all of the maps of an operation, with as natural barrier such as trees between them.


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The Proving Grounds, link in my sig below. These would be neat to playtest and discuss. A discussion thread will be started automatically for each battle that you upload. The guys there are great at testing and providing feedback, hope to see your scenarios there.

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You could do them two player, but I made them to correspond to the difficulty setting of CC, therefore whoever is playing the side of the PC will usually win (about 14% more points, though there is a huge varriance through the scenarios). Put the weaker player, if there is one, on the defending side generally.

1- Blitzkrieg and a reworked KV2 roadblock (not CC) are being uploaded right now to my site.

See ya,


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Okay, I have the first nine ops available for both sides. The ones fought on the same map I condensed 2 CC ops into 1 CMBB op so you can contiune with the same troops, it works better that way.

I have all available individually or a zip file with everything.


I'll continue with the next set, that's all the maps I have done so far!


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I might try to use one of these maps to play a 'quick operation' on PBEM. That is, I'll use the map, and then my opponent and I will purchase our own units.

The Stalingrad map looks a little funny, as most of the factory buildings are open on one side or the other.

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Yes, I know... I am going to go back through them and fix the appearance. I was attempting to get it identical to CC with the openings (big doors) of CC3. I was also hoping vehicles would be able to drive in... no luck :(


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Great job recreating the CC3 maps for us. It has the right feel visually but as far as the operational play I think a lot of tweaking could be done here. Would you mind if I fool around with the unit set up to try and make it more playable? when I have the time to do so and finish my version I'll send it to you first with my reasoning.

All best


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I finished the opening operation but will test it out first to see if it plays well. Then send it to you for your input and approval.

One thing I noticed is that you have 7 reinforcement turns but the operation is only 5 battles long for Barbarrossa. I corrected that in my revison and reduced it to a 4 battle operation at a set 20 turns. I may switched back to your original 20 + variable setting if testing shows it needs the additional time.

I've set up hypothetical forces for both sides for balanced play. whether that holds true n testing I'll have to see, but I will keep you posted on that.

Again I must say you did a great job on the operational maps. It really captures the look of the original ccIII maps.

All best


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The seven reenforcements were set up as follows- 4 additional days of a 5 day battle and then three reserves which came from the points allotted with the maps- as you got the map points when you lost and went to the next map. The Battalion reserves were 1/8th the total of that side's map points, the battalion are 3/8 and division the remaining 1/2... transformed to a CMBB scale and then transformed again to a veteran player... hence different point settings for each side depending on which player is human. You should see all of the equations and the like on the spreadsheet I made- it's really quite ridiculous!

Another thing I at least tried to do was look up how many of what units were actually available at the time of the battle... got rid of the unusual vehicles and leaned more towards the commoon- though an unusual one is still here and there for some spice.

I too used a 20 turn flat at first, but after a while decided that 20+ worked better... tell me what you think?

Thanks for the compliment,


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Yo Mike,

That's pretty complicated going by the exact CC point system for reinforcements! Totally over my head. The thing is though if in the parameters you indicate it will be a 5 battle operation that's all the battles that will be played and the reinforcements scheduled to come in after the 5th battle will never come to use asthe operation will be over. As far as I know...

I've set up the forces for the Blitzkrieg op. map and am testing it out. Will email it to you in a day or 2. all best


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On a 5 day battle the renforcements should be laid out as follows (assuming that there are points for reenforcements all 5 days, and there aren't always... but almost)

I also added 75% chance for defender reenforcements and 90% for attacker, to simulate real differences in supply between an organized attacker and a force simply attempting to defend itself.

R1- battle 2

R2- battle 3

R3- battle 4

R4- battle 5 (100% for both sides)

R5- Battalion

R6- Regiment

R7- Division

...and of course the program I wrote would spit out the points available on a CMBB scale for each of these reenforcements + the on map (including the guys already in the scenario when the game is started) depending on which side is human... etc.

Hope this helps,


[ May 21, 2004, 09:49 AM: Message edited by: ww2steel ]

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