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Brooding over stale ale, cheery ants and moldy waffles

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Hey ASS69 how'd ya like that furious chunk of TNT my assault tank chucked at you yesterday? Huh?! :mad: I bet bloody Kraut limbs flew in all directions on that one HHA HAH AH AH AAH H AH H HAAA!!! :mad:

That's just the tip of the iceberg of what I have in store for you maggot pouch :mad:


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Originally posted by nevermind:

In other news,i managed to make it 5 1/2 months without significant work,but i cant make it any longer.DSL will cancel as of the 27th of this month.

I just dont get it.Why isnt there more of a demand for gay midget goat humping pornstars?I fear i may have to resort to my other career choice :( Unless one of you guys would like to hire me?I can provide my own goat :D
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Hey ASS69 how'd ya like that furious chunk of TNT my assault tank chucked at you yesterday? Huh?! :mad: I bet bloody Kraut limbs flew in all directions on that one HHA HAH AH AH AAH H AH H HAAA!!! :mad:

You must have me confused with someone else. That KV-2 doing a *snicker* area fire, has only left a crater for your corpses to fill, maggot. :mad: :mad:

The way I figure it, with the points you spent on that mother, the only thing I'll have to contend with when I take it out is a couple of conscript truck drivers and a couple of tank hunting teams. :mad: :mad: Maggot.

Sorry to see you go Nevermind. Things'll look up soon, I'm sure. Look at it this way -- at least your life is mold and ant free. Just don't sleep in Goodale's backyard.

Jas :mad: n

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Alright, that's enough of this.

I'll catch you maggots Sunday.

Keep your sticks on the ice.

And the beer too.


Jas :mad: n

edited for a few :mad: :mad: :mad: s

[ May 23, 2003, 02:00 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

How many posts until Mastergoodandconfused finds this one?


I'm just testing my email account - although given that everyone else has successfully sent me turns and received them, I know where the problem is. It's in between Goodale's keyboard and his chair. :mad: </font>

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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

How many posts until Mastergoodandconfused finds this one?


I'm just testing my email account - although given that everyone else has successfully sent me turns and received them, I know where the problem is. It's in between Goodale's keyboard and his chair. :mad: </font>

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I'll be sending Puss Oozing a setup tonight that pathetic wannabe I'm gonna slather him with so much angry TNT he won't even need a match to light it cause it will self-combust!! :mad:

I'm also working on what I think will be the most furious, most bitter, most emotionally disturbed 2 player scenario ever created! :mad: I'll be looking for 2 players to play test it. Hopefully they never return! :mad:

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Originally posted by nevermind:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by nevermind:

In other news,i managed to make it 5 1/2 months without significant work,but i cant make it any longer.DSL will cancel as of the 27th of this month.

I just dont get it.Why isnt there more of a demand for gay midget goat humping pornstars?I fear i may have to resort to my other career choice :( Unless one of you guys would like to hire me?I can provide my own goat :D </font>
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Originally posted by nevermind:


Let me have it!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said i was a gay midget,goat humping pornstar for fecks sake.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Personally I believe you. That probably explains why you haven't told anyone where you live. tongue.gif;):D

[ May 23, 2003, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]

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I'm heading home now to chuck some angry TNT brood :mad: I better have an inbox full of fury and I better get turns back often this weekend. It's raining all weekend here and I'm gonna have a whole lotta TNT and a never-ending supply of anger to dish out scum sacks! :mad:

Nevermind - I won't hold your hand, but I'll blow it off :mad:

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Attention Nevermind


Hook up with the free 1045 hour trial of AOL. It's not like you got any pride or anything. Hell..I got AOL!

NEVER!!!I may be a gay midget,a gay midget that is a goat humping pornstar,but by gawwdd,i have my pride!!


Besides,this will only last for about 2 weeks tops.You see the pic above,i want to return that way.

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Ohhhhh, I take back everything I ever said about Mastergoogalot he's just a cute little bundle of fluff.

Not quite as cute as the Gnome of course, but he sure has potential.

I mean, look at that smile!!!

If I p*ss him off on purpose will he growl and show his teeth?

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