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Brooding over stale ale, cheery ants and moldy waffles

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

I was quite surprised to see you pulling off a flank attack on a wooded area with your company command whose members, sad to say, won't regale the beer halls in Munich with tales of their bravery.

Why did you put them in that attack? You had lots of other cannon fodder.

But I quibble. Good show, Snarker, good show.

As the Russians say though, "Revenge is a dish best served with blindingly hot TNT."

Jas :mad: n

I didn't like them. :D :mad: :mad: Actually, I think they had fausts and my other fine fellas had rifle grenades. Which, by the way has anyone actually seen any unit fire a rifle grenade? Me, never. I can get pioneers to throw satchels by area targeting in throwing range, but that doesn't work with the rifle grenades.

[ May 29, 2003, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Which, by the way has anyone actually seen any unit fire a rifle grenade? Me, never.

Listen up, maggot! :mad: Rifle grenades are fired automatically, not with some gamey area fire, you dimwit! :mad: If nevermind was here, he could share some horror stories about tanks lost to rifle grenades. :mad:
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Originally posted by Soddball:

Who was next on my list of challengers? I have a slot free and need someone to satisfy it.

Best of luck to Jim and his wife at this difficult time.

1. I will willingly take up the gauntlet and smack you with it. QB or Scenario, your choice.

2. Agreed, our wishes and prayers are with Jim and his wife.

Al Bundy quote "Give me beer or give me death."

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Originally posted by Wallybob:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

Who was next on my list of challengers? I have a slot free and need someone to satisfy it.

Best of luck to Jim and his wife at this difficult time.

1. I will willingly take up the gauntlet and smack you with it. QB or Scenario, your choice.

2. Agreed, our wishes and prayers are with Jim and his wife.

Al Bundy quote "Give me beer or give me death." </font>

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This one wasn't a radio intercept from MasterGoodyear.

Instead, it's what his NKVD troops have blaring from loudspeakers at his defensive positions:

"I sense your fear of the forest.. . . . . .come hither."

If his first three pre-emptive attacks are any indication, my guys are more afraid of dead trees falling on them than his forces.

Jas :mad: n

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Oh my, someone is gonna be all kinds of mad and cranky when he gets his turn. :D Let me give you a hint, he is covered in mold, ants and is probably having a stale waffle right about now.

"Car Wars" has begun. Dave H will be charging in here in about 2-3 turns telling all what a gamey bastiche I am.....I can hardly wait. :D

Snarker claims to have no functioning tanks left and yet one them occasionally lets loose an errant round that does nothing. Did the building collapsing on your head hurt, big fella?

Speaking of collapsing buildings, Soddball and I are currently trying to level every building on the map. At some point I imagine we will try to shoot at each other.

So Prinz Eugen is now gainfully employed...good, good. Goes to show how even a mindless nong can get a job if they try hard enough.

Speaking of mindless nongs, Teddy has taken a leave of his senses and left for a week. Just like that. Not so much as a "by your leave". Just buggered off like Soddball to an open bar. Hrrrrmmmpppfff. :mad:

Since nevermind is gone I am free for another game. Which of you tools was next?

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Snarker claims to have no functioning tanks left and yet one them occasionally lets loose an errant round that does nothing. Did the building collapsing on your head hurt, big fella?

Wine doh! you said 5 tanks to 4. I said 5 tanks to 1. He's the one your mortar-chucking-'splodie-thing toasted the tank commander on... think lad, I know it's in the emails...

I discovered the yellow Red will crank a shot if I use S&S instead of hunt... should do wonders for his already amazing aim. The other tanks really don't have operating guns. I'm a-gonna start ramming things with those clanky bricks!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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No need to work yerself into a lather snarker, I will dispatch you in good time. I really like the shelling of your own troops in a vain attempt to hold me off. ;)

As far as this goes:

I discovered the yellow Red will crank a shot if I use S&S instead of hunt... should do wonders for his already amazing aim.
That is what irks me about Soviet armour, the complete feckin lack of ability to hit the side of a barn. Luckily they make it up in short range engagements...but who makes it that close?
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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Since nevermind is gone I am free for another game. Which of you tools was next?

Oh you dense, doddering old fool. Since you always like calling out MasterGoodpuke with quotes 'n' stuff, here you go:

Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Wanna have another go at it, tough guy? How about some ski troops on the steppes? You know I will send you turns on a regular basis. :D

Originally posted by Axe2121:

Roit! Setup! E-mail! Now!

Anything else I can do for you while I'm up? Change your incontinence diaper? Let you know what day of the week it is? Just let me know. I'm here to help.

Jas :mad: n

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Ahhh, is there anything more satisfying than strolling into a GF discussion on, oh, anything those freaks are arguing about, making a couple of nonsensical posts and leaving?

Good times.

After covering something like this , it kind of puts things in perspective.

Jas :mad: n

[ May 30, 2003, 08:38 AM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Good article maggot. :mad:

Let me just say that Russian armor crews have to be the worst shots I have ever laid witness to in my TNT-Slathered life maggot pods. :mad:

Simply amazing how innacurate they can be. So astonishing is this incompetence I have decided to nominate them for the "Darwin Award". Gunnery this appalling MUST be the work of natural selection. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Ahhh, is there anything more satisfying than strolling into a GF discussion on, oh, anything those freaks are arguing about, making a couple of nonsensical posts and leaving?

Good times.

After covering something like this , it kind of puts things in perspective.

Jas :mad: n

Jason, that's quite an article. As sad as everything else that has happened to this woman, to think that her only surviving sister disowned her for marrying outside the Jewish faith is tragic. Obviously the lessons of the evils of hatred and separateness taught by the Nazis in the concentration camps didn't get through to her sister. Surviving a year of slave labor at the camps and losing your entire extended family except for one sister would break the hearts and spirits of most people. To then emigrate to Sweden, fall in love with and marry a Swede, and have your only surviving sister turn her back on you for religious differences would be too much for anybody. This is one strong woman. :cool:

By the way, who are you calling a freak, maggot? I post on the General Forum all the time. I have learned to just post and leave the thread, instead of waiting for the thought police to come along and point out how wrong my opinions are. tongue.gif Anyway, you make nonsensical posts here all the time, and we still like you - as long as you stay far enough away. :D

Mike, I won't even wait as long as you thought. Let me quote you correctly here, "Car Wars" has begun. Dave H will be charging in here in about 2-3 turns telling all what a gamey bastiche I am.....I can hardly wait." Well you're in luck; your wait is over. Mike the whino is probably the single gamiest CM player living in the continental United States. Of course he can't compare in gaminess to Canadians and Finns, but then who can? tongue.gif Stalin's Organ is making me think the alleged people in Australia and New Zealand are every bit as gamey as their northern counterparts. tongue.gif:D

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Surviving a year of slave labor at the camps and losing your entire extended family except for one sister would break the hearts and spirits of most people. This is one strong woman. :cool:

The part I left out, because it didn't have any relevance to the story, was that her husband, that "beautiful Swede," was killed by a drunk driver in the early 1960s.

That was the part that broke my heart.

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Originally posted by Dave H:

By the way, who are you calling a freak, maggot? I post on the General Forum all the time.

I stand by my quote. tongue.gif

I'd just like to let the rest of The Brood know that Dave H, our mild-mannered budget analyst, is starting to exhibit frightening, Mastergoodale-like tendancies.

To wit: his last few subject lines in our PBEM have been, "Death to Romanians!!" and "Die, Romanians, die!!

I think Dave should check his basement for, in no particular order:

a) Mold

B) Ants

c) Ale

d) Waffles

e) Vomit

f) All of the above.

Whatever he has, let's hope it isn't contagious. Can you imagine the whole family Hutchens lumbering around the house, frothing at the mouth yelling GRAGRGARGGGAAA!!!! at each other?

End result? Property values in his neighborhood plummet.

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Let me just say that Russian armor crews have to be the worst shots I have ever laid witness to in my TNT-Slathered life maggot pods. :mad:

Riiiiiiight. It wouldn't have anything to do with your Indy 500-like tactics, would it?

Oh, and I'm most impressed your troops have managed to throw a Molotov cocktail and not drink it. Kudos.

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ARRRRRGGHHH!!!! :mad: :mad:

Get 2 yards of modified gravel, 1 yard of sand, 2 pallets of pavers, 2 pallets of retaining wall stone delivered.

Put it in the gravel driveway because:

1) New house, and the newly graded ground is like rock soup goo because of the recent rain

2) The driveway isn't going to be paved for a few weeks and there's time.

WRONG!!!! :mad: :mad: WRONG!!!!

One of the other homeowners who's using the same driveway company (and gave us the timeframe) is apparently a total loon!!! The paving company called today and said 'Monday' They never spoke to the other guy regarding the time frame. :confused:

Asked around about some of the other things he told us and turn out the guy has a, shall we say, propensity to tell all kinds of stories.

So, my maggoty comrades, turns will be scarce after tonight as my weekend is now planned out BY EVERYONE BUT ME!!!!

But I'm not bitter. Really. :mad: :mad:

[ May 30, 2003, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Asked around about some of the other things he told us and turn out the guy has a, shall we say, propensity to tell all kinds of stories.

Hire MG to chuck some TNT at him. Or mold. Or vomit. Or...you get the picture.

Just don't ask MG to take him out with a tank. He'll level everything in the neighborhood except for the guy you want him to take out.

Jas :mad: n

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Wow, where to begin? Guess I will start with Axe2121. Axe I used to think that you were the biggest lameass, no-tactic-using, lucky mo-fo that I knew. But I have changed my mind. You are the biggest lameass, no-tactic-using, lucky, kind-hearted mo-fo that I know. Nice article. Some times you media fags print interesting stuff. :mad: Not often enough but occasionally. :mad:

MissusCastratedmyballs I thought that you would be fumimg a bit more having lost the latest armoured shoot-out, or have you finally come to terms with your inevitable loss?

snarker sucks and is losing. I am happy. :D

Teddy is still away. Bastiche. :mad:

DSL provider has been buggy for the last 24 hours. If I owe ya a turn send me an email.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

DSL provider has been buggy for the last 24 hours. If I owe ya a turn send me an email.

You don't owe me a turn, but you owe me a rematch so bring on the your wooosey molten tnt magnets you will surely tout as a fighting force! :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ May 31, 2003, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

DSL provider has been buggy for the last 24 hours. If I owe ya a turn send me an email.

You don't owe me a turn, but you owe me a rematch so bring on the your wooosey molten tnt magnets you will surely tout as a fighting force! :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

DSL provider has been buggy for the last 24 hours. If I owe ya a turn send me an email.

You don't owe me a turn, but you owe me a rematch so bring on the your wooosey molten tnt magnets you will surely tout as a fighting force! :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

DSL provider has been buggy for the last 24 hours. If I owe ya a turn send me an email.

You don't owe me a turn, but you owe me a rematch so bring on the your wooosey molten tnt magnets you will surely tout as a fighting force! :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
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