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I was able to intercept this radio transmission in my battle with MasterMopandpail:











You filthy pile of puss!!!

AS IF that 45mm shell did'nt penetrate the rear of that Sturm from


You will pay with blood."

After that, it was something about Dmitri, Pavel and a jammed mortar tube. At least that's what it sounded like. There was a lot of static.

Death to the Bolshevist hoardes!!!

Jas :mad: n

[ May 28, 2003, 09:51 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Axe, I was afraid you had turned into Gaylord Focker (the maggot) for a minute. Some of your posts on the previous page had all the wit and intelligence of someone trying to increase the number of his posts exponentially. Just like Gaylord Focker! Has anyone ever seen the two of you in the same place at the same time?? :confused: :eek:

MasterGoodale (you fury maggot), I sent you a turn on Monday morning. I know you were really busy keeping your vomitorium cleaned up, but come on! :mad: Do you have to come whining for a turn that could even get to your place in two days? GRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:

Mike the wiener, as soon as I finish a game or two, get ready for Round 3. It will be glorious, maybe green and conscript armored cars and halftracks duking it out in broad daylight. ;)

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Keke you are a hoor. A Finnish hoor to be sure, but a hoor nonetheless. The plate is full so our match will have to wait til I "Finnish" with Prinz Eugen.

Unlike Captain Suck, aka Dave H, I only play against one Finn at a time. The smell of lutefisk and all can be overwhelming.

mike_the_mouse, it is about time that someone gives you some education, although preferably with a sledgehammer right in your face. If you want lutefisk, you have to play with a Norwegian hoor fer crying out loud. mad.gif :mad: mad.gif :mad:
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Originally posted by Dave H:

Mike the wiener, as soon as I finish a game or two, get ready for Round 3. It will be glorious, maybe green and conscript armored cars and halftracks duking it out in broad daylight. ;)

Dave you silver-tongued maggot, you. You have reached deep inside of me, well ok not that deep, and found that thing I been most yearning for...an armoured car go-cart rally. Can we have it on a really big map with no VLs? Pretty please. :D

As for Gayporn Popstar not a peep, a sig line change or a serious attempt at a rematch. The low quality of maggots that show up here is really disappointing. It's enough for me to advocate for inclusion of Canadians in here....nah, that's just going too far. :mad:

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Calloo, Callay, oh fabjulous day. MasterGoodale's turns have started appearing in my inbox again now that he has zipped them.

Apparently my email company's spam filter puts into junk mail any email from someone with an IQ smaller than their shoe size.

Turns out to all Maggots this morning (GMT).

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Dave you silver-tongued maggot, you. You have reached deep inside of me, well ok not that deep, and found that thing I been most yearning for...an armoured car go-cart rally. Can we have it on a really big map with no VLs? Pretty please.

Mike, a demolition derby it shall be. Want me to send you a setup tonight? My game with Jim Boggs is on an indefinite delay. The game I envision probably won't last more than about 10 turns, as two lines of ACs and halftracks charge each other like knights at a tournament. No VLs. Very few trees, buildings, or hills. No guns over 20 mm. No crews better than green. No tactics, just let the AI fight it out. Think of it as a WW2 Car Wars arena. Sound okay with you? :D

Hey, sometimes my wife's catering business is hired to provide wine for dinners and parties. Are you the MD 20/20 kind of wino, or can you make some recommendations of some really good wine at a reasonable price? I suspect there are some excellent wines readily available, but without the big advertising bucks and name recognition of a few big companies. Since I personally think all wine tastes slightly worse than vomit, I'm no expert on what is a good table wine. tongue.gif:D

For those of you who don't know, Jim Boggs' wife is evidently having very serious medical problems. She had surgery last week, and he was hoping she would get to go home at the end of the week. She is still in the hospital, and he is spending his evenings there with her. :( I hope all of you can take a moment to think about Jim and his wife and wish them well. Thanks. smile.gif

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I sent him an email saying I hope everything is ok. I basically just suspended our game until I hear from him (and stopped calling him maggot for now :mad: ). DaveH you flask of gonorhea the last turn I have is Axis and I sent it, but I'll resend tonight (puss pod). :mad:

ASS69 you are so damn lucky I can't even stand it!! :mad: Just remember, there's a whooooole lotta TNT waiting for you up on that there hill maggot and it aint happy. :mad:

Kinky is charging my flags like a bull in a China closet - unfortunately for him this closet is full of hot, angry lead!! :mad:

Whiner - our battle is progressing slowly, but steadily and with great caution on my part. You don't take a hull-down Tiger on a hill lightly, backed up by a Panther on a flanking hill. This next turn will make somebody very angry.

Snarker has basically signed his own death warrant by blistering my men with copiuos amounts of angry lead in this gamey, crappy map he picked out of some evil Hitler-Worshipping redneck's website (I can only assume). I've never felt so bad for my men forcing them to undergo such atrocious conditions. In our rematch he will never have witnessed such a slathering of his men. :mad:

U_x* (god what a stupid game name I can never remember it) just recently returned our setup after a long delay. He's only delaying his own inevitable, TNT-Slathered slaughtering.

CplCarrot is defending a hill against my brave Ruskies and apparently our men were quite angry when they met for the first time in any significant numbers. The outburst of lead, TNT, and blood-curdling screams was unprecedented. Hard to tell who came out ahead. He did some damage and so did I. :mad:

Apparently my email company's spam filter puts into junk mail any email - SoddBall

Could you please repeat that skunk nuts?? :mad:

[ May 29, 2003, 09:56 AM: Message edited by: MasterGoodale ]

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Oh gawd, the humility. Nothing like a dose of humble pie in the morning.

In our rematch after I scored a major victory against him, Snaker done gone and whooped my ass.

I blame it on the defeatists and Motherland traitors in my ranks who revolted and forced me to surrender on turn 19. Total victory.

I signed up for a Geocities account to post a brief, one-picture AAR but maybe if I e-mailed it to Keke later this weekend, he'd be so kind as to post it here? He really needs to get the recognition for this one. I think he only made one mistake in the battle. Can you guess what that was Snackfood?

Now for the good news. MasterGooeyvomit has lost not one, not two, but three AFVs (including a KV-2). The other two were T-70s taken out by infantry and an armored car!! What a loser!!! Bwhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

[qb]Dave you silver-tongued maggot, you. You have reached deep inside of me, well ok not that deep, and found that thing I been most yearning for...an armoured car go-cart rally. Can we have it on a really big map with no VLs? Pretty please.

Mike, a demolition derby it shall be. Want me to send you a setup tonight? My game with Jim Boggs is on an indefinite delay. The game I envision probably won't last more than about 10 turns, as two lines of ACs and halftracks charge each other like knights at a tournament. No VLs. Very few trees, buildings, or hills. No guns over 20 mm. No crews better than green. No tactics, just let the AI fight it out. Think of it as a WW2 Car Wars arena. Sound okay with you? :D


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I'm with the Post Office now, delivering frickin' newspapers to some maggots in need of a good ole spankin' instead of papers. If any of my opponents that I hate so did not notice, my turn-sending rate is delayed a bit. :mad: :mad: . My job requires me to get up at WAY too early, thus messing up my daily routines. Which leads me to not sending too many turns these days. I'm still practising the art, but when I get the hang of it, which should be soon, I'll get back to sending turns. And boy, are those turns going to come with an insane twist ! :mad: You know what they say about postmen ??? I'M GONNA GET ALL POSTAL ON YOUR ASSES !!! HAHAHAHAHAA !!! :mad: HAHAAAA !!! MAGGOTS !!! BWAHA HA HA AHAA! NEWSPAPERS EVERYWHERE !!! :mad: HA HA HAA HAA !!! MAGGOTS !! :mad:

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:


I'm with the Post Office now, delivering frickin' newspapers to some maggots in need of a good ole spankin' instead of papers...[snip]

Hehe, been there done that. Ah the memories...

SO watch out your language Asswhipe666!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I'll bet Prinz Eugen looks really butch just like Kevin Costner in his post-apocalyptic postal uniform. tongue.gif

Mikko, glad to hear you got the job after all. You didn't have to have anybody eliminated to open up the position, did you? Just FYI, your Germans are still a loooooong way from the Russian's train station.

Axe's Romanians seem to be wearing Harry Potter cloaks of invisibility. I had an advancing regular squad almost trip over one of his squads, which proceeded to slaughter my Hungarians. How gamey is that? I thought advancing troops were ready to fire at anyone who got in their way! GRRRR!!! :mad:

Mike, a big map is doable. Which side do you want, Axis or Allies? This comment of your's, and I quote, "Sounds quite gamey but with these conditions even a nong like you could easily win." has cut me to the quick. Of course it's gamey; unless I'm seriously misinformed we are playing a G-A-M-E!!! Have another liter or two of wine and it won't matter. Or at least you won't care. tongue.gif

MasterGoodale (you maggot), did you send my turn to Soddball by mistake? I don't even have a filter for my e-mail, and I did not receive a turn from you. Do you ever look at your Sent folder to see what addresses you've used on these wayward turns? Or to see if you even sent turns in the first place? Maggot. GRRR!!! :mad:

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Just wait till I cast the undead spell. Then you'll see something special.

Oh wait. The only ones who are dead are your troops. That won't do.

On the up side you will have something to shoot at. Just remember to cast a dispel when you run out of bullets to rid yourself of the undead. :D

Dave H I typically prefer the Axis, as I also enjoy kicking kittens and pushing old ladies down on the sidewalk. What fun. Unrestricted nationality and let the gamey-ness reach new lows.

[ May 29, 2003, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

...let the gamey-ness reach new lows.

Uh, uh.

Since you're attempting that which is impossible, why don't you two geniuses work on cold fusion while you're at it.

Turns out tonight, maggots. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Oh gawd, the humility. Nothing like a dose of humble pie in the morning.

In our rematch after I scored a major victory against him, Snaker done gone and whooped my ass.

I blame it on the defeatists and Motherland traitors in my ranks who revolted and forced me to surrender on turn 19. Total victory.

I signed up for a Geocities account to post a brief, one-picture AAR but maybe if I e-mailed it to Keke later this weekend, he'd be so kind as to post it here? He really needs to get the recognition for this one. I think he only made one mistake in the battle. Can you guess what that was Snackfood?

Jas :mad: n

:confused: Did I GeFingerPoken your tank instead of blowing it up?
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

AGRAGARGAHARAHGAR and some other worthless crud.
Shut yer piehole and get on with dieing. Are you going to surrender now or make me wait the next 20 turns?

Your sig is going to look mighty juicy when I've finished with it.

Turns out to all you Maggotoros.

Today's top tip for Snogrock:

Panzer IVs and deep snow go together like melted cheese and precision machinery.

Keke and I continue to growl and snarl at each other like two Goodalesque bitches. He has just started moving lots of tanks away from one part of the map to the part of the map where my tank is turning his infantry into pastry men.

Nevermind will return soon. Until then, here is some light music.

Strap-on Mike and I are glaring at each other across a few metres of run-down Russkie town. Apart from an attempted suicide by one of my - I hesitate to use the word 'tank' since it's a SUck-76 - vehicles, and the loss of a couple of my guns to total fluke on Mike's part, the real excitement is watching us level factories.

Who was next on my list of challengers? I have a slot free and need someone to satisfy it.

Best of luck to Jim and his wife at this difficult time.

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Did I GeFingerPoken your tank instead of blowing it up?


I was quite surprised to see you pulling off a flank attack on a wooded area with your company command whose members, sad to say, won't regale the beer halls in Munich with tales of their bravery.

Why did you put them in that attack? You had lots of other cannon fodder.

But I quibble. Good show, Snarker, good show.

As the Russians say though, "Revenge is a dish best served with blindingly hot TNT."

Jas :mad: n

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