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How can my opponent have an 11% victory before he's made his initial setup?

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Hi all, this is my first post :) (thanks battlefront for the preview post button).

I was playing the Finns vs a Russian attack; I had all four of the small flags on my side of the board.

My Russian enemy was showing (to me AND him, BTW) an 11% victory before he had even made his setup! How? What am I missing? He wasn't even close to my flags!


P.S. I bought my first copy of Squad Leader in 1978, and have been playing with my opponent since 1979. It was a poignant moment when I first saw CMBO, and realized I'd never play Squad Leader again.

[ February 01, 2005, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: Dr Dave ]

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That would be 'moment'.

Typo in my first post; great. And I spelled 'poignant' correctly too! Rats.

Thanks in advance for the replies.


P.S. Pilot showed me the Edit button; above post fixed; THANKS ACE!

[ February 01, 2005, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: Dr Dave ]

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Welcome to CM, Dr Dave!

There's a bug/feature in CM where certain fortifications count as casualties. I think these include TRPs, wire and mines. So, any points you spent on these items, the game considers casualties and awards the points to your opponent.

I'm guessing that is what is going on. Based on 4 small flags, it sounds like you spent 44 points on these types of defensive items. A search should turn up past threads on this topic.

A more in depth discussion can be found here.

PS - there's an edit button above your posts that you can use to correct mistakes. It has saved me countless times! smile.gif

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Well, son-of-a-gun! Pilot, you are correct - I did have mines, and I LOVE mines! Didn't check to see if they came to 44 pts, but that sounds about right.

Big thank you for the edit button tip, and the in-depth discussion link, too!

He's going to beat me on this one: he still has both his KV-1s, and unless he gets close enough to get Molotoved or grenade-bundled (not likely) I'm doomed.

Thanks for the answer to my vp question, and I look forward to posting more soon. Oh, and thanks to Joachim, too, member 521! Cool.


[ February 01, 2005, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: Dr Dave ]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey you guys! This is my first post. I am Dr Dave's long time Squad Leader opponent. Can't count the number of hours we've spent over the years shooting at each other in different WWII games. CM has definately topped them all!

Hey Joachim, how did you come up with the 450 points in your response to Dr Dave? I'm a little confused on that one.

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To increase your playing pleasure may I recommend to you PBEMHelper. Assuming you are not TCPing or LANing that is.

Anyway Helper in trusted mode will allow you, once past the prelims, to get two movies and two order phases per sent e-mail. Makes an already great game even better : )


There are quite a few threads on it. Any queries ... : )

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Originally posted by tbroker:

Hey Joachim, how did you come up with the 450 points in your response to Dr Dave? I'm a little confused on that one.

Welcome aboard.

4 small flags at 100 pts each = 400 pts

x points for dead fortifications

x is 11% of the total of 400 + x

As a mathematician I saw the solution is approximately x = 50 here.

x = 0.11 * (400+x)

x = 44 + 0.11x

0.89x = 44

x = 44/0.89 = approx. 50 (minus some rounding error 44/89 = 0.49...)

From observation:

The percentage shown during the game includes your dead units, the flags as you see them (which is not necessarily how they would be counted in the end), and the confirmed losses of the enemy.

In your display:

your points = your flags plus the pts for (confirmed) enemy losses

enemy points = enemy flags plus the pts for your losses (these losses are known to you)

neutral points = neutral flags

total points = your points + neutral points + enemy points

per definition

total points = 100%

It seems unmanned fortifications are initially known to you, thus they count to the confimred enemy losses.



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