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Quick Question about mods:

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Since I still have to wait to buy this game, I have a few questions about mods and how the game works:

So when you start up the game I know there is pre-built scenarios but can you like just select a map and build a force? Kind of like Rome Total War or the other Total War games?

When you say download l a new type of tank (mod) does that tank now overwrite an old tank or allow a new tank that can be used in scenarios?



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1. Yes there are quick battles.

2. The *only* kinds of mods for the CM engine are texture changes (you can't download new kinds of tanks). So to answer your question, yes when you overwrite the texture with the new texture the old texture it overwritten. (Though programs like CMMOS will backup your original textures for you)

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Have you tried downloading the demos yet? It might clear up a lot of your questions.

The game uses bmp skins stretched over a hard-coded frame. The frame is 3-D. Not to be confused with 3rd Party Mods. Please spend some time over at CMHQ (click on "resources" in the upper-right hand corner of this screen and follow the link) and everything will become much clearer.

As I mentioned in another thread, you can mod the demo but can't add scenarios to it. You might want to try downloading CMBO and tossing in a few mods to see how it works. Easiest place to start is CMHQ -- lots of pictures, and Madmatt's essays on mods is very good, even at this late date.

What other games have you modded, by the way ?

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Originally posted by ErikinWest:

So perhaps you wished to create a vehical but there is no chasis close to it your screwed right?

The units available are the historical units. But if you want to paint them with desert tan or winter white or central russia cammoflague or the classic German gray. That is what is meant by mods. Basicly a Panther is a Panther and it has a 75mm gun and it can't be modded to a laser blaster type III :eek: nor upgunned to an 88mm.

As for scenarios you can creat one any way you like. If you play a scenario that kicks your ass, you can replay and add a percentage forces to your side. If you go into the editor you can do what ever you like to the forces on both sides.

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You make a folder called grass, with six or seven different folders inside of it named after whoever made the grass you're interested in. One of the folders should be the back-up of your original. Repeat for every moddable object in the game.

Or you can download CMMOS and install the CMMOS mods.

Go to cmhq, go to the cmmos section, download cmmos 4.03. And don't keep asking for links that we've already given you.

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McMMM is another mod manager that works well...not all mods are CMMOS; actually, it looks like there are a lot more non CMMOS mods out there.

McMMM does the copying/backup of your old BMPs, so it's very easy to install/uninstall them at your leisure, to see what you like.

Between Combat Mission HQ and CMMODS.com, you can get everything your little heart desires, but you will have to do some poking around yourself to find stuff that you might be interested in.

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Originally posted by ErikinWest:

Can you create your own missions were you set up objectives, create terrain and give units to sides?


Erik [/QB]

yes...just play with the scenario editor, it's very intuitive...you'll get the hang of it in about 15 minutes.

You can do all the things you've mentioned, giving each side ecactly what units you want them to have, etc. You can have the editor generate your battlefield, or place every tile yourself...whatever you want.

It's one of the absolute best features of the CM game system.

Start small, and work you way up.

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So one more q:

Say changed the skin of my German infantry to pink or whatever colour. When I play someone online it transfers my files that have been changed via-email so their computer knows what my guys look like right?

If so does this data overwrite there data (I would think not) or does it store it in a temporary folder till the game is over. If so can then you take there custom skins?

Hope I wasn't to confusing,


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Already answered that question two days ago. Go back and read over your earlier threads a bit more carefully.

This doesn't work like on-line flight sims. What is in your computer is in your computer, and stays there. Same goes for his. You'll never know how ugly you look to the other guy. Then again, he'll never know how ugly he looks to you.

Bottom line: the bmp files don't move. The only thing that is getting passed back and forth are movement and combat instructions for your troops. The game is being played out semi-independantly with the same orders and outcomes on both computers.

So if you give his guys really good camo uniforms and play at realistic magnification with the bases off inside a realistic terrain mod, you may have a hard time finding him. Or your own troops, for that matter.

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