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Need a list - original scenario titles in CMBB

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Citadel Schwerpunkt.cme

Demo Tutorial.cme

Yelnia Stare.cme

21st Army Counterattacks.cmf

A Battle of Minors.cme

A Deadly Affair.cme

A Long Day's March.cmf

A Morning at the Zoo.cme

A Warm Place to Sleep.cme

Approach to Sevastopol.cme

Assault on Moon.cme

Balkovzy Surprise.cme


Borisovka Station.cme

Cemetery Hill.cme

Cracking the Egg.cme

Danube Blues.cme

Death Ride of the 424th.cme

Defense of Verkhne-Golubaya.cme

Dergatschi Roadblock.cmf

Desperate Measures.cme

Directive Number 3.cme

Dzerhezinsky Tractor Works.cme

Eberswalde Last Stand.cme



Hill 312.cme

Hornet's Nest.cme



Kalinin Raid.cme

Katukov Strikes Back.cme

Korsun Relief.cme

Kruglowka Railway.cmf

Lake Ladoga.cme

Lonely Country.cme

Magnuszew Bridgehead.cmf


Message from Goetz.cme

Mobile Defense.cmf

Night Raid.cme

Once a King.cme

Pavlov's House.cme

Penny Packets.cmf

Pop Guns and Elephants.cme

Poselok 5.cme

Prokhorovka - Finale.cme


Red Parachutes.cme

Reluctant Warriors.cme

Retaking Viipuri.cme

Royal Opponent.cme


Schoenhauser Allee.cme

Siberian Devils.cmf

Siege of Schloss Klessin.cme

Stalingrad on the Danube.cme

The Balka.cme

The Bridgeheads.cme

The Gate Keepers.cme

The Iron Roadblock.cme

The Last Stand.cme

The Move Back.cme

The Seam.cme

Tiger Tiger.cme

To the Volga.cmf


Viennese Waltz.cme

von Lauchert.cme

Where Forefathers Fought.cme

White Wave.cme

Winter Wonderland.cme

Wittmann in the East.cme

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You know there are a lot of neat guys on this forum but every once in a while I am just dumbfounded at how cool some of you guys are. Like what markshot just did. Want to all that trouble for Mr_Gonzo. I'm impressed anyway. This is a really cool forum because of guys like markshot. My hat goes off to you markshot.

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