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kinda suck on a good Anti-Infantry tactic.

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in my current game i am facing a greater than 2:1 advantage in Infantry in favor of my opponent.

I use sMGs to fire at long range for suppression and small caliber Arty(8cm or 7.5cm) to suppress infantry advances,

but I need to get some kills in.

The 8.8cm Flak and StuGs have been doing a dent, but I haven't used Inf vs Inf tactics yet, due to a an enemies slow advance and a large map.

Mainly a slow advance has proved to be my great defense.

He is also cautious in advance and will withdraw to his line again if a push goes poorly. giving group up to distance my line and his.

I have Flammwerfer, LMGs, and Snipers in the lines to assist the infanty teams.

I haven't been doing bad, just need to know what some of the better Anti-Personal weapons are in the game.

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Originally posted by Panzer_M:

I use sMGs to fire at long range for suppression

Uh, I assume you mean heavy machineguns?

And like Sirocco said, achieving kills isn't necessary - although if your casualties are relatively higher than the attackers, you'll obviously feel the sting in the final score.

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Yep, like they said, kills are not *that* important.

I just did the "Petracholi Ridge" scenario as the Germans, and used two HMGs in a trench, and a flanking force to lay supprseive fire on them and stop the whole Allies attack in their tracks, then followed up with an Arty strike (those 81mm mortars, i.e. the lowliest Arty you can get, ever) to damage and, more importantly, rout them. Afterwards I got some reinforcements and sent in a StuG to finish them off, and realised that most of the squads that were painfully retreating were not *that* heavily damaged - they'd just got one hell of a shelling, and their morale was beneath the Earth mantle, so the StuG just moped up, lobbing HE shells here and there to get the stragglers running back.

This example just to show : you don't have to obliterate the ennemy assault to win, just to deny them any kind of progress whatsoever.

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Remember if you've broken or routed an enemy squad it'll then, being 'rattled', essentially be useless for the rest of the battle.

This is the best use for mortar strikes.

You did mean HMG's for long range fire, didn't you?

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Long-range HMG fire to pin and suppress, yes-- but in CM as in RL, it's the HE, doing its "unbelievably cruel work" (as Paul Fussell, a WWII combat vet, puts it), that kills, wounds and drives crazy. Of course, if you mostly have direct fire, lowish calibre guns, and your opponent is advancing in open formation across a big map, in open ground rather than in air-busrt fertile trees-- how will you make him concentrate to drop whatever precious indirect fire HE assets you have ?

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Originally posted by jtcm:

Long-range HMG fire to pin and suppress, yes-- but in CM as in RL, it's the HE, doing its "unbelievably cruel work" (as Paul Fussell, a WWII combat vet, puts it), that kills, wounds and drives crazy. Of course, if you mostly have direct fire, lowish calibre guns, and your opponent is advancing in open formation across a big map, in open ground rather than in air-busrt fertile trees-- how will you make him concentrate to drop whatever precious indirect fire HE assets you have ?

I have been blessed with a few bottlenecks on the maps due to hills, and his avoidence to go over a hill but rather around them. So I pretarget passes I suspect he will be using with FOs and hope, they will hold up and advance or prevent from trying to make his way through the pass while shells are dropping.

[ June 05, 2004, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: Panzer_M ]

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Originally posted by Panzer_M:

sMG = Schwere MG or Hvy MG

figure most of you would get that in the context I used it in. Since a MP/SubMG would be ineffective at long ranges.

Just like in sPzAbt, the "s" is for heavy.

Oh. Heh. I was about to make a reply about it saying something along the lines of "There's your problem right there...". When I see the word "sMG" I assume it means SMG and the small s is just a typo. Glad to see it was purposeful, and now I've learned something new. :)
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Don't pre-target bottlenecks with a fire plan (too late now !)-- but keep your FOs for reactives fires in the defence:pin with HMG, and call down fire missions. In the defence, use fire lanes to disrupt enemy concentrations at their jump off lines.

You don't want to hold him up by making a bottleneck impassable-- your HMGs will do that. You want to drop HE on plts and kill and rout them.

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Originally posted by Panzer_M:

sMG = Schwere MG or Hvy MG

figure most of you would get that in the context I used it in. Since a MP/SubMG would be ineffective at long ranges.

Just like in sPzAbt, the "s" is for heavy.

I'll call the "please refrain from using multiple languages unless utterly necessary" policy. Unless you're writing in German, there'll be less confusion if you stick to the SMG/HMG/LMG/MG abbrevations. ;)
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Obviously ambush tactics with infantry squads often yield the highest casualties. The problem is that a wise player will never charge new positions headlong, but uses scouts instead.

A good combination is to use MG's in keyhole positions behind your hidden troops to ward off the scouts - with any of luck, the frustrated opponent will spend his waste his artillery on your machine guns, and then charge his infantry force directly to your ambush.

Hint: sharshooters are also an excellent way to repel scouts, since they usually cause panic in the targeted unit, and the sniper himself is difficult to locate.

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