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Looking for german names, ranks and units

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Back from holiday I’m going to do some serious working. As I told you guys before, I’m planning some Fall Gelb scenarios. Got a lot of help from Dutch Army, but I need some help from the forum too.

I want to make the scenarios as historically correct as possible. I’ve got lists of Dutch commanding officers and even some in command of a group. What I do need at this moment is to up-date the German info. I’ve already got a lot of the names and ranks of those commanding divisions, battalions en comp. But I’m looking for the names and ranks of those commanding the platoons en squads (Zugfuhrer and gruppefuhrer.) to.

Here’s the list and what I’d like to know

Plt. and grp. Commanders


Fallschirmjager-Regiment 1 : from all comp.

Fallschirmjager-Regiment 2 : from all comp.

7 Flieger Division : 1/Luftwaffe Nachr.abt. 41

1/Flakzug 10

1/FJ Art. Abt.

FJ PAK Kompanie 2

FJ Sanitats Kompanie 7

3/Res.Fl.Abt 304

74/Res.Flak 341

4/leichte Res Flak 341

Batt., comp., plt. and grp. Commanders:


Infanterie-Regiment 16 : Aufklarungszug,



Radfahr Schwadron,

Infanterie-Regiment 47 :Like IR 16

Infanterie-Regiment 65 : Like IR 16

22 Luftlande Division : Kradmeldezug 22 LLDiv

Nachrichtenabteilung 22 : 1/NA 22

2/NA 22

Aufklarungsabt. 22 : Radfahrer Schwadronen,


Kav. Gesch. Zug,

SMG Zug,

Pi Trupp,

Artillerie Reg. 22 : Stab,





Stab II/AR22

Pionier Bataillon 22 :1/PiBt 22

2/PiBt 22

Cheers and thanks for the help!!!!

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Think I stumped myself to. I've been reading like 40 books, spend hours on internet etc. and only found about 25 names and ranks. Next time I'll ask something about "why X used weapon Y so often".

Then I'll have my 127 answers too.

B.t.w. like your mods very much.

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I don't know about the Germans, but in Commonwealth battalion war diaries, only officers are referred to by name. NCOs didn't get a look in unless they had performed something noteworthy.

Your best bet would be to find unit diaries of some description. Published works are unlikely to include such things, so you need to go back to source.

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think you're right 'bout that flamingknives, however i did find some info in published works.

Going back to source means I'll have to spend some time in Germany. I've just had a 5 week holiday so I won't be able to take some days off this year. I was hoping some guys here had the info, like players in germany or GB.

Some 1600 FJ and Luftlande troops were send to GB as POW after Fall Gelb. I think there should be a list of them somewhere in GB.

I'll just start working on the scenario's, if info comes I'm a lucky man, if not I'll be spending next years holiday "near the source".

I'll have to ask a German player where I'll have to spend my holiday next year to find the answers???

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My 2 cents:

While it's surely a great thing to have the correct historical names included in a historical scenario, it somehow seems inappropriate to me. Sorry, but several family members have been killed or heavily injured and i wouldn't want to see them included in a game that people play for fun. I love playing CM, but i would never show it to my grandfather.

Michael Wittmann, of course, may always be included!

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I understand what you mean Krautman, as my family is part German we've had out losses on both sides. I don't want to hurt people's feelings. So if it's oke with you I'll only use the names already published in books etc. The search ends here. I'll wait for your answer and then close this topic.


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Hey Painfbat, i didn't want to keep you from researching those names- I wasn't hurt at all, i was just adding my 2 cents, you shouldn't care much about what a single forum member says! I guess there are lots of guys around here who would indeed appreciate such a thoroughly researched historical scenario. But i guess the names are just pretty hard/impossible to find out, that's probably why no one has come up with an answer to your question.

Nevertheless, CM always needs scenario designers - that's why it's still such a famous series. So keep up the work!

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Oke Krautman,

I didn't think you were hurt, but as you wrote:


it somehow seems inappropriate to me. Sorry, but several family members have been killed or heavily injured and i wouldn't want to see them included in a game that people play for fun.


I think you've got a point there. I'll only use the names I found in books, and I'll end the search here.

'Till nect topic and cheers,

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Originally posted by painfbat:

Think I stumped myself to. I've been reading like 40 books, spend hours on internet etc. and only found about 25 names and ranks. Next time I'll ask something about "why X used weapon Y so often".

Then I'll have my 127 answers too.

B.t.w. like your mods very much.


The information you need has too high a threshhold for a quick answer on the forum. Delivering it would require quite a research effort.

The BA/MA (Bundesarchiv/Militärarchiv) will have what you need. It is in Freiburg. Look for microfilm rolls of T315 series to find the divisions - with any luck you'll get the whole roster there. If not, go for the A series, 3356 I think. Anyway the BA/MA will help you out.

Your own archives in Bath might actually have duplicates of many of the films found at BA/MA, and if you stumble on the language barrier in Freiburg the USNA also have plenty of duplicates easily accessible.

Try contacting the author of the divisional biography of the 22nd, von Metzsch. He might not still be around, as the book is from the fifties, but his family is. If you could not find what you needed in his book already, he'll most probably know of easily accessible research data since he has made your journey before you.

The men of the 22nd were from Lüneburg and surroundings. Not far from Hamburg. There might be a Kameradenverein for the division, which you will want to get in contact with in such a case. But an ad in a local media explaining your research will most probably bring people to meet and places to visit. It usually does. Finally a letter to the local municipalities of the towns concerned also always brings something - names, adresses.

Finally, contacting the Fallschirmjäger - about the 7th, their ancestral unit - will bring suggestions and ideas of not data. They're in the army now of course, not the airforce.

If your really go through with this undertaking, you might want to consider publishing, to get some of your hours and expenses back and to share the research you have gathered.

Best of luck


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Thanks Krautman & Dandelion,

Seems to me I'll have to spent my holiday next year in Germany(have to go to school again as my German isn't what it used to be).

And after that in GB, as my own archives are in The Haque.

I won't be publishing, but I'll put everything "on the net" for those who have an interest and a friend who works at a museum want's the info to.

As soon as the scenario's are ready I'll let you know. I'm busy with several maps at this moment and I'll be needing some testplayers soon.

Thanks for the help.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes I did, but...

The first scenario I made was a operation, because the map size had to be 4km x 4km to get the original zone. However I didn't get the reinforcements were they should be original. And I made it in BB 1.03. Threw everything away and decided to start again after my holiday.

I'm planning to copy the maps from BB to AK, but first of all I'll spend the next few months making the maps and placing the units etc.

I have some idea's about the uniform and need your help for that. As soon as the maps are ready I'll call for HELP as if my pants are on fire.


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