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In Praise of the Cold War for CMX2.

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“My two cents, This would not be a big deal to a cold war game set in the 1960's or 1970's but it is my understanding that the composition of the armor on many of the modern MBT's is a closly guarded secret. Hence it would be difficult to create a realistic game if one did'nt know exactly what protection, said armor afforded.”

I understand the concern, but happily, certainly for 1980s and earlier equipment, there is no great secret about the performance of the armour. That does not mean that there will not be a few unhinged, nerdish disagreements, but not much more then for WWII equipment.

The performance of Cold War equipment is normally known in huge detail. All the detail that is required. One of the reasons has always been the competition between companies, and countries, to sell their equipment. You really cannot sell equipment without telling, and demonstrating to the potential purchaser, the performance of the equipment.

If you follow these things for a number of years, you will come across details of just about everything. Plus reports of how they did when tested by the “opposition”. Try this official US Army site, just as a start, Threat Support Directorate.


When it comes to CMX2 Steve has already indicated that they could do it, if they wished… but who knows if they wish to. I already use 3km by 3km maps. I would guess that range and such are really a function of computer power. But I am no programmer. I do know that a lot of long range antitank, and tank fire, in CM leads to quite long “computation time” for the one minute action movie. But causes no crashes or problems.

I am very optimistic that a Cold War game will happen, but being human, I would like to see it as the first game with CMX2. A Cold War game after CMAK would refresh me for more WWII games in the future.

All good fun,

All the best,


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I would pay double the asking price for a post WWII version of CM-X. Modern/Semi-modern warfare is what got me into wargames (esp. the Twilight 2000 RPG and Command Decision miniature rules). I grew up reading Harold Coyle, Tom Clancy (RSR was good) and Larry Bond. I want to create battles from those books. I want to take my old army air assault unit into combat.

I like WWII a lot but I'm getting a bit worn out with it, if that makes any sense. Besides, aren't M-1A2s the modern day equivalents of King Tigers?

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I like WWII a lot but I'm getting a bit worn out with it, if that makes any sense. Besides, aren't M-1A2s the modern day equivalents of King Tigers?
Not really. Many other tanks have equally as capable guns (Leo 2 has the same one) and most have comparable or even more armour.

In any case, M1A2 are post mid-1990s, which is a bit later than any scenario where you would have remotely comparable armies.

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“I like WWII a lot but I'm getting a bit worn out with it, if that makes any sense.”

Yup, you hit the nail on the head. I know exactly how you feel.

After CMAK there will have been five years of nerdish study of WWII, without a break. Time for a change, then back to WWII again. Of course, if BFC went for North West Europe for their first game with the new engine I will still be wildly enthusiastic about it. But I would be even more enthusiastic for a North West Europe game after a while studying the Cold War.

There are some who do not wish for the Cold War because it never went hot. I understand that view. But the history of war gaming is that most players are happy to play post WWII games, now and then.

Overall WWII will always be the favourite because it did happen on such a huge scale. My favourite too, but not for “every” game, indefinitely into the future.

I am very optimistic that a Cold War game will happen. But of course, the guys at BFC, if the read this, may be laughing as they may know differently. :D

All the best,


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