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Spanish Civil War (SCW) update

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Finally if any of you have resources for SCW battles, information, OOBs and maps in particular - please let me know! My Spanish is limited so materials in that language are particularly sought.

If you like, we can cooperate to build an scenario. I have the materials required to build maps located in the area where the Ebro battle took place. So, if you are interested in some operation in the area, please let me know and I'll be pleased to help. We can cooperate to make the scenario togheter, for example, I can build the map and you can build the OOB and the operation briefing.

Update, Collision and Malaga were completed while Sesena was never able to be completed - it wasn't possible for the AI to do what I needed it to do!.

Ohhhh, after reading the article on soviet tank operations in Spain, by Steven J. Zaloga, I started thinking about an scenario covering that action, then I saw you were working on it. I'm sorry you can't complete it due to AI unappropiate behavior.
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Originally posted by Hans:

Most of these will be Small Battles but one will be a fictionalized (and much smaller scale) invasion of Ibiza and Majorca - an invasion and counter-invasion operation.[/QB]

Why a fictional operation and not the real invasion?

I disagree with the choosing of CMAK. Those desert landscapes cannot be found easily in Spain, and houses have a different shape than those depicted in CMAK, but, taking that aside the materials and weaponry available in CMBB are much closer to the real war than those from CMAK, and the russian army is much alike to the republican army than allies. When I have speculated on designing scenarios for CM based on the Spanish Civil War, my first election would be CMBB, and not CMAK.

Just my oppinion.

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Hello Patxi

You are correct CMBB is a much better platform for SCW. But for my own design I've moved to CMAK - and have restricted SCW development. Hopefully CMx2 will be more friendly to my favorite period SCW.

Oh the other invasion is much to large, I could split it up into smaller bits but other projects intervened!

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I had to uninstall CMAK because I needed the space in my HD, but I will try them as soon as I finish a CMBB operantion I am currently playing. Anyways, Where can I find them?

Oh, if you accept suggestions, a campaign that would fit perfectly in CMAK/CSW would be the maquis invasion in 1944, the "Reconquista de España" operation. Since last year was the 60th anniversary, a lot of new information and documents have been and are being published currently.

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The scenario depot, of course. I should have first thought in it.

It is not "marquis", but "maquis" or "maquisards", the guerrilla forces that operated in France during german occupation (later they formed the core of the FFI), which most of them were ex-republican army exiled spaniards. In august, 1944 a force of about 7000-15000 men (it depends on the sources used)crossed the Spain-France frontier by several points in what would be known as "Operación Reconquista". They had been told that it was the first step to depose Franco of the power and that they would be cheerfully welcomed and that the invasion would start a popular andgeneral movement, that would overthrow the fascist regime. The reality was much harsher and they found no support on the people and much difficulties than they have supposed and of course, no revolution. The armed opposition increased steadily as Franco's forces sent reinforcements (tanks included) and finally they retreated to France. The idea of an invasion "en force" was discarded and during the following years groups of guerrillas (the "maquis") infiltrated through the frontier to start cells of resistance against the regime, that wouldn't be defeated completely until the early 50's

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This is why I love CM! It cause such interesting bits of history to pop out. Patxi can you recommend an English or German language book that covers this interesting subject? Junk2Drive - far to much on my plate but I can see possible scenarios in this (heck I can see thousands of scenario most everywhere!). Without more information I cannot proceed, but it is certainly an interesting concept.

Sometimes I find that data needed for "interesting concepts" doesn't exist (or doesn't exist in a language I can read or the material is not available) I found this with certain battles, to include the Chaco, Greek Civil War, several resistance groups in eastern Europe, etc against the Soviets interesting fights but not enough info to build a historical scenario from.

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The first flag is ok,

but I don't know about the second one..

Hans, I enjoyed your scenario Republicano Ridge, good idea and design, balanced and funny !. By the way, I think you've translated Bullring to "Anillo de toros", while the Spanish term is "Plaza de Toros" :D;)

[ January 17, 2005, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: magomar ]

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Originally posted by magomar:

The first flag is ok,

but I don't know about the second one..

Hans, I enjoyed your scenario Republicano Ridge, good idea and design, balanced and funny !. By the way, I think you've translated Bullring to "Anillo de toros", while the Spanish term is "Plaza de Toros" :D;)

Bullring? I stand corrected, I learned my Spanish in Mexico and Honduras where Castilian doesn't penetrate. Do you mean in the Ebro operation? ...hmmm I believe that was given to me by a Spaniard! Would that be the Catalan translation?

Hopefully CMx2 will give us more lattiude to do more SCW!

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Originally posted by Hans:

ullring? I stand corrected, I learned my Spanish in Mexico and Honduras where Castilian doesn't penetrate. Do you mean in the Ebro operation? ...hmmm I believe that was given to me by a Spaniard! Would that be the Catalan translation?


Yes, I mean in the Quinto de Ebro operation, I've forgotten to mention it. I can't believe a Spaniard gave you such a term, unless he was pulling your leg ;) . "Plaza de toros" is the common term in Spanish for bullring, just try to find "Anillo de toros" in google and then "Plaza de toros" :D . I'll try that operation when I had some free time, I'm so busy testing my own scenarios and operations...

[ January 18, 2005, 08:28 AM: Message edited by: magomar ]

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The flags above are from Flags of the World website.

The top one is supposed to be the Republican flag.

The bottom is for International forces. The text for it is:

"The central symbol is not a triangle, but rather a three-pointed star, which was the symbol of the International Brigades. I have a book, International Solidarity with the Spanish Republic (Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1975), which shows several flags of individual brigades on which this symbol appears - but they all have additional devices or text along with the star - usually the arms of the Spanish republic or a symbol of the country or countries from which the brigade was recruited. The simplest flag is that shown in a photograph of the brigades' final parade in Barcelona before their departure from Spain. That is a tricolour, with the star on the lower purple stripe (and it must have been a very pale purple because the star appears darker in this black and white photo - or perhaps the star was black in this example?) with text in the upper stripe of which only the word Mixta is visible in the fly - my guess would be that it read Brigada Mixta [Combined Brigade].

Vincent Morley, 12 March 1999"

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Oh yes a Spanish History question, while doing my earlier research on the Spanish Civil War I came up with a few post war Spanish scenario ideas - do you have any more information on the following?

25 Nov - 4 Dec: Tiliuin 1957

In Spanish Morrocco (Ifni)

The fiercest action was around Tiliuin in the south of Ifni. 60 men - including a high proportion of indigenous troops - defended the outpost and its civilian population:

* 1 x section of Tiradores de Ifni

* 1 x section of local Police

On 25 November, as a preliminary to a Spanish relief and evacuation of the outpost (Operation P-2 and Operation Netol), five old Heinkel-111 bombed and strafed the Moroccan besiegers. Another five Junkers JU-52s then dropped 75 paratroopers (15 per plane) onto the post while a sixth JU-52 dropped arms and supplies. The paratroopers comprised:

* Captain Sánchez Duque

* 2 x sections (1 and 2) of the 7th Paratroop company, 2nd Bandera

* 1 x 81 mm mortar section

* 1 x medical team (2 men I think)

This was the first jump into action by Spanish paratroopers and although it was conducted from half the normal height - only 200 m - there were no losses. The insurgents retreated upon the arrival of the paratroopers, but returned once the new comers had joined the garrison inside the outpost. At that point orders arrived instructing the paratroopers to retrieve their parachutes from the landing area, as these would be needed for subsequent drops. Under automatic weapon and mortar fire, a paratrooper section entered no mans land and dragged the precious silk back inside the defensive enclosure.

Meanwhile men of the 6th Bandera of the Legion marched overland from Sidi-Ifni to meet their comrades. On 3 Dec the beleaguered Spanish at Tiliuin heard the cornet of the Bandera. The Spanish retook the airfield and while still under fire evacuated their wounded. The Legionaries then evacuated all military and civil personnel (4 Dec) and fought their way overland - without transport - to Sidi Ifni, reaching safety by 6 December.

Thanks if you know anything about it?

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oh yes,

I missed to mention important things in the first upload of the scenario, and I couldn't edit it so I uploaded it again, but I was in a hurry and I made some mistakes in the scenario specification. Anyway, both versions contain the same version of the operation. You can obtain more information and view some maps about the operation here:


I hope you like it, ;) I made a great effort to obtain a very realistic map. I really got much fun playing it, though I've made some changes, so I don't know whether it is balanced now or not.

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Gracias for the scenarios and the extra information page. Bueno smile.gif

I see los Quatre Camins on the lower part of the map.

Which terrain, CMAK or CMBB, is more like the area of both battles? I have AK terrain mods for BB.

I think I will make myself a flag and icon pack, then give your battles a test. I hope they are not too much for my humble computer.

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