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Everything posted by Patxi

  1. The title says it all. The full video -in German- can be seen clicking here and downloaded from that page (to be played with google player, though). It lasts for 1 h 43 min 10 s and the original title is "Das Dritte Reich In Farbe 1937 - 1945" I'd like to give credit to the person who uploaded it but, unfortunately, I couldn't find it anywhere. I'm just sharing the link, that is all. PS: I don't know if it has been discussed here before. If so, please report it to the moderators to delete the topic.
  2. In the caption of the Spanish edition (July. 1941) it says "One of the millions of soldiers that endanger their lives for Europa in the fight against Bolshevism." "Photo PK Lessmann"
  3. I've noticed that in the information page about the Panzer I it is written: "Mod information & download This mod replaces the textures for the German Panzer IB. These textures are based on the original German Panzer IB with additional features and small modifications of the original textures" Just wanted to point out that the textures used for the Panzer I by Battlefront aren't those of such aforementioned tank, but those are taken from the Panzer II. Features like armor and armament fit, but the image doesn't
  4. The whole operation can be found in Spanish in pdf in this URL: http://www.quironediciones.com/pdf/4.pdf
  5. The scenario depot, of course. I should have first thought in it. It is not "marquis", but "maquis" or "maquisards", the guerrilla forces that operated in France during german occupation (later they formed the core of the FFI), which most of them were ex-republican army exiled spaniards. In august, 1944 a force of about 7000-15000 men (it depends on the sources used)crossed the Spain-France frontier by several points in what would be known as "Operación Reconquista". They had been told that it was the first step to depose Franco of the power and that they would be cheerfully welcomed and that the invasion would start a popular andgeneral movement, that would overthrow the fascist regime. The reality was much harsher and they found no support on the people and much difficulties than they have supposed and of course, no revolution. The armed opposition increased steadily as Franco's forces sent reinforcements (tanks included) and finally they retreated to France. The idea of an invasion "en force" was discarded and during the following years groups of guerrillas (the "maquis") infiltrated through the frontier to start cells of resistance against the regime, that wouldn't be defeated completely until the early 50's
  6. I had to uninstall CMAK because I needed the space in my HD, but I will try them as soon as I finish a CMBB operantion I am currently playing. Anyways, Where can I find them? Oh, if you accept suggestions, a campaign that would fit perfectly in CMAK/CSW would be the maquis invasion in 1944, the "Reconquista de España" operation. Since last year was the 60th anniversary, a lot of new information and documents have been and are being published currently.
  7. Why a fictional operation and not the real invasion? I disagree with the choosing of CMAK. Those desert landscapes cannot be found easily in Spain, and houses have a different shape than those depicted in CMAK, but, taking that aside the materials and weaponry available in CMBB are much closer to the real war than those from CMAK, and the russian army is much alike to the republican army than allies. When I have speculated on designing scenarios for CM based on the Spanish Civil War, my first election would be CMBB, and not CMAK. Just my oppinion.
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