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Newbie, Hill 312 and .. your Mail server is borked

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Well no wonder I could not get registered with this forum! your mail server is listed in every blockhole database under the sun. It appears to be an open relay, and has been all month at least.. many people will not be getting the signon/welcome/lost password emails at all.


Now my question. Sorry I am very new at CMBB..


Although my little 10 man team reached the rear of the bunker without getting shot at, when I commanded them to "assault" it, the game responded with a red line that said "follow vehicle".. are bunkers modelled as immobile vehicles? ok I guess so..

Nevertheless they did close the gap to 10m and chuck one grenade in its general direction which exploded very satisfyingly. But only one grenade. Unfortunately the MG inside was still active and shooting at my other teams.

At that stage, the MENU for my squad changed to a tiny menu, with commands such as "rotate" and "cover arc" but no target, assault, move, withdraw, sneak or any other infantry type items.

So I split the squad into two, and the new squad had the full menu while the old was the tiny menu, then picked assault for the split squad as well. Nothing happened, for either squad, for the entire 60 seconds of the move. If I selected either squad, red lines came out of them. If I selected the bunker, yellow lines came back to the squads.

Although they were black lined to HQ, it wasnt that far down the hill, and previous commands were being executed inside 20 seconds. I could, and did, for example, order that far squad to assault the trench instead (a far more losing proposition). Neither squad was being shot at in any way or was pinned etc.

When the game ended, shortly after this, (no time left) the bunker had its full complement of 6 or 7 russians inside, no injuries despite my large explosion. Both halves of the split squad had various grenades and so on.

What was I doing wrong? the bunker has a door, why don't they just go in and do the job? or at least keep throwing grenades? its only wooden!

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ah ok! thanks.

I've read the manual several times, cover to cover, and it had escaped me until now that assault is not an order to actually assault in the dictionary sense of the word .. escaped me probably because infantry does not seem to need to be told to target infantry, whenever you got within 10m, it would happen.

Ok so movement commands, including assault, do not imply attack, er, so if an anti-tank team reaches 20m from a tank facing the other way, you have to order them to fire? they will not take the opportunity? i guess they will. So why doesnt the infantry take the initiative at this defenseless pillbox? because the tacAI thinks its a "vehicle" and not so vulnerable to grenades? even though it is?

At the risk of stretching the point wafer thin .. having a command called "assault", and for it to be specifically quoted in the manual as useful "for *covering* the last 10-20 yards", sounds much, for newbies, to be like a combination of move and attack furiously, but it means "move to 10m, no closer, then let TacAI decide what to do .. which may not be anything".

Perhaps calling this command "charge" would be more intuitive?

last question .. if you want to move/assault/sneak/run/humanwave, then target (fire).. as you would probably do against this pillbox, or a tank, does firing happen last? or first? are the move/fire fire/move commands executed in strict order for infantry (unlike vehicles)?

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The answer is, well, complicated.

For the bunker, there is no need to issue further orders once your men are in the position shown. Bunkers are an immovable form of vehicle in the game (their guns and armor work in 'essenially' the same ways).

In CM, vehicle assaults are abstracted. The grenade you saw thrown represents the squad close assaulting the bunker. They will continue to do so until they are overwhelmingly threatened by some other unit, suppressed or they succeed in taking down the bunker.

This generally takes 1-2min for wooden bunkers and 2-3 for concrete. Your men do have to gain entrance to the bunker and subdue the crew. It is likely that they had the presence of mind to lock the door when you came knocking for a cup of sugar.

Flamethrowers will generally do the job much faster, but probably should be given a target order.

Engineers will throw demo charges at the back door. This is particularly effective, but means that they, and all other units should be at a safe (20m?? not sure) distance.

Bazookas were fairly effective at this in CMBB, and I suspect that their lend lease friends and shrecks, etc. would work fairly well in CMBB.

In short, sit tight and that bunker will be down in a couple of minutes.

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For a Newbie you sure had good luck sneaking

up to that Bunker from the rear smile.gif

I played that battle as the Russians and I keep

the Germans pinned down from that hill top seems

like there was Mine fields around that hill.

My troops were firing at anyone moving down below smile.gif Well good job getting up hill. smile.gif

Happy New year

Lane :D

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yeah there was a minefield..

beats me how this can be won (without using the edge of the map and circling around the back). If you can't get your men into the open without them being mown down, and the mortars only have about 20 shots in them anyway ..

I'm beginning to wonder whether "good" canned-scenario players are good mainly because they've lost all the scenarios a few times, so they now know all the positions...

anyway.. now I have the mike for a turn smile.gif

Speaking as a new player to CMBB from the world of shrinkwrap RTS games .. a few key and trivial to add things I wish CMBB had or CMBB v2 could have are:

* a real mini map replacing that useless "country mini map", one that can be clicked once to move the camera.. with a bounding box showing your view and a little arrow showing the camera direction.

* an ability to leave little markers at points in-battle, like little stick-pins, and type something onto them.. such as "key ridgeline", or whatever you need as post-it notes to yourself.

* ability to memorize and return to a few views

* a little tiny vertical list of your units as simple icons down the LHS of the screen that showed via color and or other pixel decorations, damage, out of action, incoming fire, enemy in sight, and can be clicked to bring the camera to them.

* support for the mouse wheel to travel viewpt forward and backward

* a view toggle that temporarily 5x the terrain vertical scale so you can more easily pick hillocks ravines and hull downs etc.

* english subtitles for the voices preferably also done with little speech bubbles ..

Seems to me none of these are very hard to do, not compared to a graphics overhaul, and might expand the fanbase into more people tired of clickfest RTS gaming. Please don't shoot the messenger though, this may have come up many times before and be a typical newbie whine.

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One reason why maybe you couldn't give your squad another movement order:

"Assault" can only be given by itself, not in combination with another movement order, and only with one waypoint. So once you give a unit an assault order, you can't give it another movement order until that movement is complete. Since it was a "follow vehicle" order, it wouldn't be complete until the bunker was dead.

To give another movement order, you would've had to cancel the assault order first, either by "halt" in the menu or by hitting backspace.

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Originally posted by Laox:

Well no wonder I could not get registered with this forum! your mail server is listed in every blockhole database under the sun. It appears to be an open relay, and has been all month at least.. many people will not be getting the signon/welcome/lost password emails at all.


Now my question. Sorry I am very new at CMBB..


Although my little 10 man team reached the rear of the bunker without getting shot at, when I commanded them to "assault" it, the game responded with a red line that said "follow vehicle".. are bunkers modelled as immobile vehicles? ok I guess so..

Nevertheless they did close the gap to 10m and chuck one grenade in its general direction which exploded very satisfyingly. But only one grenade. Unfortunately the MG inside was still active and shooting at my other teams.

At that stage, the MENU for my squad changed to a tiny menu, with commands such as "rotate" and "cover arc" but no target, assault, move, withdraw, sneak or any other infantry type items.

So I split the squad into two, and the new squad had the full menu while the old was the tiny menu, then picked assault for the split squad as well. Nothing happened, for either squad, for the entire 60 seconds of the move. If I selected either squad, red lines came out of them. If I selected the bunker, yellow lines came back to the squads.

Although they were black lined to HQ, it wasnt that far down the hill, and previous commands were being executed inside 20 seconds. I could, and did, for example, order that far squad to assault the trench instead (a far more losing proposition). Neither squad was being shot at in any way or was pinned etc.

When the game ended, shortly after this, (no time left) the bunker had its full complement of 6 or 7 russians inside, no injuries despite my large explosion. Both halves of the split squad had various grenades and so on.

What was I doing wrong? the bunker has a door, why don't they just go in and do the job? or at least keep throwing grenades? its only wooden!

that link you posted was interesting

so is this one:


-tom w

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