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The New and Improved v1.03 Cheery Thread of Master Goodale's Maggot Madness

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Originally posted by Kurt Russell:

Alright you MAGOT, set up has been sent and I expect a promt reply so I can kill you finnish you off quick!

Two things : It's spelled M-A-G-G-O-T. Not too difficult for ya big shot is it ? :mad:

And you're not "finnishing" anyone, only Über-Finns are able to do that. And, as you're located in something called NC, you aren't of the Valiant Breed. You may be onto something with that sig of yours though. :mad:

My mouse problems continue. I "borrowed" a mouse from my brother's eMac only to notice a one-buttoned mouse doesn't function too well in a Windoze environment. :mad: I'll probably get a proper mouse today from a mate, and I may get back to the turns on Monday. My apologies for the delay.

Hey Snotball you turd ! For that QB I was thinking about a Finn-Soviet battle. That good for you ? About the date, it could be around June '44 - so you would get interesting toys for me to wreck. I will be looking forward to seeing all that Soviet armour burning all over the field, having been killed at extremely close ranges by Über-Finn tank hunters ! SINKO AMPUU !!!! :mad: :mad:

And as far as delays come, I will be very busy between next Thursday to Wednesday next week. That is 12/6-18/6. I will be chucking live TNT, as I have been ordered to a military excercise. I do not know whether it will be too clever to hand me, in the capacity of a mailman that I am, an assault rifle... http://world.guns.ru/assault/as43-e.htm :mad:

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DaveH you fould pile of maggot fesces crust that was just wiped off Snarker's face!! :mad: I swear to the God Of TNT if you quit CMBB I will hunt you down and slather you in TNT-Coated maggots and toss you into a pile of chicken guts!! :mad:

ASS69 seems to think that his second STURM that ran over a mine and became immobile (and probably lost a crew member or two) is all bad ass because "It can still fire!!". :mad:

I sent Teddy a setup but haven't heard back yet. He's afraid. I understand his fear of me. :mad:

Whine Boy finally sent another turn. What a maggot. Are you done jerking off puss face?

Keke currently has the upper hand in our battle. We'll see if he keeps that hand. Or the other one. :mad:

I've noticed a rather significant lack of enthusiasm around hear lately you cowardly sack of non-tnt-chucking maggot testicles and it's down right pissing me off!!! :mad: You all better drop your daddy's cock and grab your smocks because I have at least 6 more months of TNT to chuck - and that's before I even make another batch maggot lips! Get with the program or get off my thread!! If you don't dream about this game (and have nightmares about me killing you in it) then you don't belong here!! :mad: You maggot larvae don't appreciate what you have and it's high time MasterGoodale teaches you all a few lessons to remind you!


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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

I will be chucking live TNT, as I have been ordered to a military excercise

Does Finland have compulsary military service like Israel? Can you imagine if the U.S. had it and Mike_the_wino and MasterGoodale took part?

"This just in....half of California and half of New Hampshire have just vanished off the map....more news to follow."

Oh, and MasterGoodale, lack of insanity on our part does not equal a lack of enthusiasm for CMBB. Lucidity -- you should try it sometime. :mad:

Battle despatches later today.

Posse out, you maggots you. :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Dave H:

In other PBEMs, mike_the_sicko has dropped out of sight. All in all, 9 out of 10 people consider this a good thing.

My survey results netted a solid 10 out of 10.

They are considered accurate within .000000000001 per cent 20 times out of 20.

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Originally posted by Kurt Panzer Meyer:

MAGGOTS!!! :mad: :mad:

Where is this scenario called "inferno"?! GRRARR :mad:

If one of you not so bright fecal matter licking roaches has this scenario, let me know and/or send it to me! GRAWR!!! :mad:

Now who is the not so bright fecal matter licking roach? :rolleyes:
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Hey Maggot pouches listen up!! :mad: Wipe the puss from your faces and spit out that hot, angry TNT!! I have 2 scenarios that I think many of you would enjoy immensely. :mad: Hand-Made winter map with nice mixture of craggy hills and sloping terrain and roads leadin up a very large mountain during a blizzard. December 1942, Axis Attack. Predetermined units about 4500 points for the attacker. It's called "Mangler Mountain". The other one is the one I mentioned a few days ago - "Blood and Scones" (Allied Attack). I worked hard to make the terrain on these both interesting and suitable for the units. The forces are balanced as far as I can tell, but I want a couple of you potato heads to test one of them for me! :mad: Both scenarios are based on the premise of a fast mechanized attack with combined arms and lots of tnt to chuck around when you get angry! My personal favorite is "Mangler Mountain" and I would also like to play somebody on this one myself. The deal is, anyone who plays me on these scenarios gets to pick the side after I save the file as a Tournament Save so you won't think I cheated (you can look at the modified date) and if you beat me, you get to steal my "GrandMaster TNT Chucker" title (GRRR!! :mad: ) for 60 days unless I win it back first by beating you in a QB! If I win, there is NO consequence for YOU except I get to brag about it if I want to. Anyone who has the balls to play me in these (and believe me, it's gonna take some balls for "Mangler Mountain") contact me via email and I'll start chucking so much angry, emotionally disturbed, bitter TNT in your general direction you'll swear it's the end of the world as you know it puss pods! :mad:

Oh and Mike The Whiner - where the hell are you skunk nads??! We had a good game going you idgit!! You don't want to be the 5th jewel in my crown by forfeit do you?? HHHRRRRMMMM??? :mad:

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Hear Ye, Hear Ye.

None of The Brood has received turns from me since the patch was released. This is because I suck.

However, I have been conjuring up the horror that is to be Cheery Waffle and I seek volunteers as playtesters. You can give it a go against the AI - although the AI isn't very good - but it will play better TCP/IP or PBEM. So, if you're interested, email me for a copy.

To those hoors who playtested "Island in the Sun" and "Forward Recon" - I still haven't received feedback. If you have comments to make that can't be put in this thread - although I find that hard to countenance - email me again. If they suck, I need to know so that I can remove the suckage and make them groovy.

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Soddball you flask of 3000 year old bladder puss! :mad: I'll tell ya what - if you play somebody in my "Mangler Mountain" scenario I will playtest your Cheery Waffle scenario. All I ask for is the same quality feedback you are looking for. Who better to test Cheery Waffle than MasterGoodale himself? :mad:

Maggot. :mad: The Brood better start chucking some TNT around or MasterGoodale is going to have to get involved. And NONE of you want MasterGoodale to get involved now do you Brood?? :mad: :mad:

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Oh hush, the both of you.

I'll give Cheery Waffle a go Soddy. Any takers out there?

I owe you feedback for both those scenarios. Not done Forward Recon yet but Island in the Sun feedback will be in your inbox in the next hour or so.


Jas :mad: n

[ June 08, 2003, 05:56 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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I'll give Cheery Waffle a go Soddy. Any takers out there?

I'll give it a try. My game with Platcmdr is winding up and will most likly end with nothing but our two Company HQs left engaged in a fist fight.

Edit: At any rate, I'd like to see what role I was cast in.

[ June 08, 2003, 06:39 PM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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Originally posted by Nippy:

I'll give Cheery Waffle a go...At any rate, I'd like to see what role I was cast in.

Ludmila (Людмила ), the pride of Novorossiysk. I heard something about her being compared to some mode of transportation, I think only having two wheels....oh, and it is owned by the "town."

Edited to add: My conditions for victory are simple. Should I win, I require you to sign Alaska over to Canada. Or give it back to Russia. That would be cool.

Jas :mad: n

[ June 08, 2003, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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My conditions for victory are simple. Should I win, I require you to sign Alaska over to Canada. Or give it back to Russia. That would be cool.

Agreed. Jokes on them though, once they get a good look at it, they won't want it.

So, which one of will take the allied side and subsequently get stuck with Mrgoodwrench?

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Originally posted by Nippy:

So, which one of will take the allied side and subsequently get stuck with Mrgoodwrench?

Hmmmm. You raise an interesting point, Nipply_of_the_North. I hadn't thought of that. Perhaps we should play a QB first and the loser gets MG in Cheery Waffle.

No, that won't do.

Hmmmm. MasterBigmouth could be an asset if he fights one-tenth as tough as he talks. Then again, he probably would be terrible at following orders.

Sgt. Pushkin -- "Take that hill, now NoGoodnik!!!!

NoGoodnik -- I would comrade Pushkin, but my uniform has become moldy in the steady rain and mud. What's more, it looks like it may snow. To top it all off, ants have got into the workings of my PPSh41, rendering it useless."

Not to beat up on the lad too much (could that ever happen) but MasterGoodale is making the rest of The Brood look more maggotty than him. Not one, not two, not three, not four but five (!!!) turns this weekend from him. What -- don't tell me the rest of you have lives. The rapid rate of returns only means a quicker and, by extension, less painful loss for him. :mad:

Dave continues in vain to break the resolve of my Romanian demi-gods. Like Achilles, the wind flows through their ample tresses as they shrug of mere mortal rounds of TNT. Woe and misery to him that attempts to beat them. :mad:

Snarker and I are just starting that abomination also known as Inferno, created by our resident evil genius Soddball. Last building standing is a rotten egg. :mad:

Perhaps Shosties4th, Prinz Eugen and Mike_the_spaz should get together for a little Q&A with Schrullenhaft over in the tech support forum. They seem to have as much a handle on updating as they do on tactics. :mad:

And now Nippy and I are into the breach. The lad will soon long for the peace and quiet of the Alaskan wilderness. :mad:

That is all my dear, dear maggots. :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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Ass69 did you not read my post maggot?! :mad: I said I would try "Cheery Waffle" out so why don't you take me on in our rematch puss face? Afraid? I thought so. :mad: (GRRR!)

Anyone have big enough balls out there to play "Mangler Mountain" or are you all a bunch of twat lips?? :mad: Once again, I thought so.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Ass69 did you not read my post maggot?! :mad: I said I would try "Cheery Waffle" out so why don't you take me on in our rematch puss face? Afraid? I thought so. :mad: (GRRR!)

Are you daft man? I mean, more daft than usual?

Explain to me how we are supposed to have a rematch when we aren't even half-way through our current match?

Sheesh. Talk about a glutton for punishment. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

bAnyone have big enough balls out there to play "Mangler Mountain" or are you all a bunch of twat lips??

Twat did you say?

So sorry, I am too busy already kicking your maggoty arse all over the place. Pity about that M-17...you sure could use it in a little bit. And the KV-flamer. And the Churchills....

Actually, I am re-watching the last turn movie, and drinking a beer...and Lord, how I am laughing!

The only regret I will have about owning you, bitch, is that I really don't want you. I guess I will accept the best offer someone gives me, and trade your skanky ass for a case of cheap beer. Cheap because you wouldn't go for much on the forum. People would be too afraid of catching something moldy, and wobbly bits dropping off.

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MasterGoodale (you maggot) I'll be willing to try either one of your scenarios. After all, I've played two of Soddball's and survived with only slight impairment to my ability to walk. Plus I've developed this nasty tic. Oh, and I have to type everything with my left hand now, as my right is permanently clenched in a fist. But otherwise there haven't been any side effects. Well, except for the occasional drooling. :D

So how about it Teddy Windsor, are you up for a genuine "Goodale" production? If we're looking for gamey unreality, what better place to find it? tongue.gif

Originally posted by Paula's Axe:

Dave continues in vain to break the resolve of my Romanian demi-gods. Like Achilles, the wind flows through their ample tresses as they shrug of mere mortal rounds of TNT. Woe and misery to him that attempts to beat them.

I was thinking of your Romanians more in terms of Transylvanian werewolves and vampires. We forgot to bring our silver bullets and our wooden stakes, and my Hungarians are paying the price. Mere lead and TNT has had little effect on your troops. I forgot to tell you I also had two on-board mortars fire their entire ammunition load on your men, without noticeable effect. Maybe my Hetzer can accomplish something, even if it's just running over them. GRRRR!! :mad:
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