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Any Good CMBB sites out there?

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I took me a long while to get CMBB. But now that I have I am very glad I did. One thing I have noticed about the difference between CMBB and CMBO is the lack of sites (imo) dedicated to mods, tactics, AARs, etc. for CMBB.

I remember when CMBO was new there were hundreds of sites a player could go to, to learn new tactics, look at thumbnail mods, read exciting AARs, and find more scenarios and operations than anyone could play in a lifetime. Just doesnt seem to be the case for the russian front.

I know a few sites boots and tracks, the scenario depot, CMHQ, and CM Mod Database. Yet those seem to be the only ones people talk about for CMBB. So if anyone knows any others that are good, please fill me in. FYI if I didnt include your website here please dont be mad, I just havent heard about it yet. :D

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Hi LC-

Check out The Proving Grounds (link below). I've had it running for over a year now and the membership rate and participation has grown beyond my expectations. TPG specializes in opponent finding and upload and beta testing for CMBO, CMBB and CMAK scenario's and operations. Our goal is to assist sites such as the Scenario Depot and others and to help scenario authors by getting only quality, tested scenarios uploaded to those more permanent archival sites.

Anyways, stop by, say hello, hope to see you there!

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