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Russian Partisans

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Hi there CM players, Playing with Vet. Russian Partisans defending against Romanians, Hungarians. Problem is the Partisans don't seem to cause any casualties even when springing ambushes at 20 meters at enemy squads running towards them !!

Any one have similar problems??

Using V1.03

Thanks, Brian

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Fighting inside woods interiors tends to be a bloody matter of local many-on-few match ups. LOS isn't integrated - only B out of ABC sees X and Y out of XYZ, for example. Once 2-3 units are firing at 1, the 1 pins and stops firing, and the 2-3 pour in their own fire until the guy ganged up on routs or dies. The 2-3 don't lose half or a third as much, they lose practically nothing, because the lone unit spent most of its time ducking, not firing.

To deal with this, you have to make short movements (typically using the "advance" command) to establish LOS yourself, for a whole platoon at a time. It is the units not currently seen by unsuppressed enemy that do the most damage. Think first rank shield, second rank sword - understanding that the sword only helps by moving back and forth.

If instead you just sit there in deep woods, a moving enemy will pause to kill the first unit hit before moving further, into LOS of the next. You can readily lose numbers equal to the attackers in sequence, without hurting those attackers much, just running them low on ammo.

Do not remain static, therefore. Exploit your own knowledge of enemy locations and his lack of knowledge of yours. Think in terms of local counterattacks in favorable places, and evasion in less favorable places.

Obviously you also prefer to catch moving attackers in open ground, rather than trading equal blows with them inside equally good cover. Exploit clearings and narrow necks of woods. If you have any obstacles (wire, AP mines) you can cut or narrow full cover routes into your position, overloading the few units that will fit through them at any one time.

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Don't use move to contact in woods. I accidentally had that as my command once and got two of my squads anniahlated (sp) upon "contact" of the enemy. Use advance... a lot.

Speaking of advance, it tires out troops; how less effective are troops who are "Tiring" and ones who are "Tired"? And what's the usual rate for them to recover?

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Thanks for the replies Guys.

I will give a little more detail on the ambush.

One Partisan Veteran Squad sitting in a foxhole within a wood with an arc defined to approx 25 m out. One enemy inf fiqure appears from across the road running straight towards my boys, when the enemy triggers the ambush (at 50sec of move time) they open fire at 20 m & fire three times causing the enemy to hit the ground just on the edge of the wood. I press the 'done ' button & check on my boys 'kill' record to see what damage was inflicted & found 'no kills'.

I have found in this game where I am using one Coy of regulars & a bat. of partisans that the partisans don't seem to hit anything as there are no partisans showing 'kills' yet there has been heaps of firing.

Just a little perplexed. Iv'e just started playing CM recently.

thanks, Brian

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Ah - well that explains a lot then! smile.gif

Can you see how many casualties there are on the enemy squad?

Because the in-game count of how much you've killed only represents what you can SEE.

It seems likely to me that you've killed some, but you can't see how many - fog of war.

At the end of the game everything is added in so you get an accurate record only then

Edit: Member 863 and you've made _2_ posts - a new lurker award I think!! :D

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Yes I joined early, played the then demo a time or two then went to the dark side, Steel Panthers WWII...

Have started playing email BB & AK against a mate from my wargames club. Everything was going great until now, I've heaps to learn by the look of it.

Most pleasing to get instant help from knowledgable CM gamers

Thanks again, Brian

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Next turn has taken place & all has been revealed.

My Partisans carried on shooting up the hapless enemy squad as it moved away ( must have been 'broken') until it showed '0-11 Eliminated' I flicked into my squad info menu clicked on kills & found 5 'kills' showing.

Thanks all, these proceedings are now closed.

Cheers, Brian

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On Extreme fog of war you can kill a squad yet still not know how many people were in it. I've eliminated something that only said "Infantry" next to it, so I had no idea if I had destroyed an ad-hoc or a full squad... or just tank hunters. So, basically, you wont get a whole lot of information on some fog-of-war settings (namely, Extreme).

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My Club is the Christchurch Wargames Club ( active for over 30 years ) Christchurch, New Zealand.

My main interest is tabletop gaming,'Ancients' using DBM rules, also Steel Panthers WWII since its first release.

Just started CM again last November/December.

I might be a 'Junior Member' on this list but I am a rather 'Senior Member' at CWC.

Cheers, Brian

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Yes I'll be at ValleyCon, and the posts doesn't include my other login names I had here for a while after the system collapsed a couple of times - there's another couple of thousand under "Stalins Organ" smile.gif

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