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My revamp of Capitalistdoginchina's "Our Backs to the Volga" now at the PG

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Available now at the Proving Grounds

Here's the Overall Briefing, which also includes details on the changes:


Scenario Title: WBRP Our Backs to the Volga

Version: Aug 27, 2006

Date: October 1942

Map: Large

Weather: Clear

Time of Day: Mid Day

Conditions: Dry

Temp: Cool

Wind: Breeze ESE

Turns 45 + Variable

Type: Semi-Historical

Type: Axis assault

Best played as: Two player.

Next play as: Solo Hotseat (don't bother with vs AI as doesn't use artillery)

Author: Brent (Socialist Cat in Alberta) Pollock.

e-mail: b3b@telusplanet.net

This is my revamp of the Boots & Tracks Scenario Design Team scenario "SP-Our backs to the Volga", which I've enjoyed playing from both sides in 2-player mode. Hats off to the original author: Terry (Capitalistdoginchina) McLaughlan. e-Mail: Capitalistdoginchina@hotmail.com. Most of the briefing texts are from the original version.

Historical Information:

Stalingrad, October 1942. The Germans were relentlessly pushing back the Soviets in attempts to reach the banks of the Volga. Elements of General Chuikov's 62nd Army fought to the bitter end for every factory, street and house in Stalingrad. Soviet Divisions and Regiments were broken down into heavily armed, small "Storm Groups" ideal for lightning attacks and counter-attacks in the city. Volga Ferries, under heavy fire shipped men and ammunition into the city whilst Stalin repeatedly demanded that "Stalingrad must not be taken by the enemy". In mid-October the Soviet 62nd Army, split in two and consisting of 47,000 men and only 19 tanks were on the receiving end of a terrible onslaught.

Previously, on 23rd August 1942 units of the German 16th Panzer Division, sixth army raced across 35 miles of Steppe, and by nightfall had reached the Volga at Spartanovka, a Northern Suburb of Stalingrad. Stalin received news of the German breakthrough with curses and anger. Workers were mobilised to reinforce the Red Army. Every plant and factory was turned into a miniature fortress amidst hurried preparations to fight inside the city itself. Stalingrad was in perilous danger.......and everyone knew it.

About this scenario;

This battle takes place in Stalingrad on the banks of the Volga close to the shattered ferry terminal, German Jaeger companies supported by Pioniere, Stukas, artillery & armour make a renewed effort to reach the riverbank, the river was in sight, not far to go before the objective was reached. In between the German army and the banks of the Volga stood a few factories, buildings and warehouses...occupied by Soviet Naval units prepared to fight to the bitter end.

Resources: Terry's = The Eastern Front, by Professor John & Ljubica Erickson. Carlton Books 2001. Mine = Stalingrad, by Antony Beevor; Design notes for TAHGC's Red Barricades HASL & TURNING POINT: STALINGRAD games.

Brent's Design Notes:

***********************SPOILER ALERT****************************
































After playing this once from each side in 2-player mode & reading the plethora of comments on the BFC site, I concur that the original is too tough for the Germans to have a reasonable chance of winning. Now, perhaps that was the original intent (they did not reach the Volga EVERYWHERE, afterall!), but I though some changes should be made, not just for balance, but also for "atmosphere".

Overall changes:

- extended the game from 30+ to 45+ turns

- wider map to include opposite Volga bank and the artillery park thereon

- the major factories are no longer just a big box; they include internal walls and outer doors (i. e. no outer wall)

- revised set up zones to shrink no-man's land to a single street

German OB changes:

- max ammo for most infantry & all artillery units

- no German sewer movement

- 25 % fanatic Reg or better

- only one wave of air support

- no independent AFVs (all are in platoons)

- instated Pz III platoons and fewer Pz IV G

- only six FOs, all on map, but with maximum ammo and TRPs on each target factory

- start with coherent Jaeger battalion supported by a company of Pioniere.

Soviet OB changes:

- max ammo for some infantry & all support weapons & artillery units

- all 50 % fanatic

- dug in, including vehicles

- "dirty tricks" (i. e. ATGs/PBs/bunkers/mines/AFVS in prohibited terrain)

- no air support

- only one FO (120 mm mortar), and he is across the river with the rest of the artillery park, which has direct LOS for the 76s down some East-West roads and a TRP at almost every road intersection. Much higher AA protection.

- no light armour, other than the dug-in tanks

- few independent AFVs (most are in platoons)

- removed the surrounded units and replaced them with a "via the sewer" raiding party (reinforcement markers in German zone)

- start with coherent Naval infantry battalion with all their 50 mm mortars removed and their HMGs converted to bunkers/pillboxes

[ August 27, 2006, 04:20 PM: Message edited by: Brent Pollock ]

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I still remember testing this one with Smitty. What a game, easily the best CMBB PBEM I've ever played.

The Stuka attack was especially memorable:

"Oh look, I received a company of infantry and a platoon of tanks as reinforcements"

"Oh look, a Stuka is screeching down on my reinforcments"

"Oh look, I have a squad and a half left"

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  • 5 months later...

Hi there,

It has been a very long time that i have been away from these forums and its always a pleasure to see that the Scenario "Our Backs to the Volga" still generates a lot of interest.

It was my all time favourite scenario and a quick search revealed so many topics where this scenario has a mention several years after its release.

Looking back there are so many reasons why it was so good, firstly the very name has a great ring to it and brings an expectation from the start that it will be a tough battle and it expresses the flavour of the battle very well. The lads at Boots & Tracks especially the play testers and Scott all made great suggestions from gameplay to units and historical data which is why the team at B&T produced such great scenarios in the Stalingrad Pack. I hope you continue to enjoy the scenario in whatever form it is regenerated. I am not sure if Boots & Tracks still exist and they may wish to have a say in the matter - but for me its fine.

Best wishes,

Terence McLaughlan

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Ahoy Terence McLaughlan...

I've been away from these forums for years myself and so it was good to catch this post of yours. I had quite a bit of fun play-testing some of your excellent scenarios. Last I heard you were in Shanghai planning on a move to western Australia..but that was several years back I think.

Drop me a note .. maybe we can try a pbem if you like: mick_hv@optusnet.com.au

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Brent Pollock,

Scenario sounds amazing and huge. Something to aspire to when I get really good at CMBB. Right now, though, TrappenJagd is as big as I get, and it's barely begun.


Your description reminds me of the great cut scene in the Eastern Front version of Call of Duty and is pretty historical, too. The accounts I've read speak of regiments being sent across and basically evaporating.


Long time no see! We've missed your presence. Where've you been all this time, and where are you now? If you need to reorient yourself in the game, please see the resurrected Invitational Tourney, ROW I and II threads under my name here.

Still some gaps, but the most complete assemblage yet.


Thrill to how you kicked my butt in night combat in the Invitational and ponder the inner meaning of the signal absence of any AARs from our ROW clash in?


John Kettler

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Interesting that you feel it was too difficult for the Germans to win as standard. I sort of felt it was the other way around! At the Blitz it has been played 27 times for 8 Russian wins, 11 german wins and 8 draws. It went down for me as one of the best scenarios I have ever played.

This is just one person's opinion of course, and I would like to stress that your changes sound very interesting and playable....more or less a completely new game. Great stuff!!

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