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I knocked out Canada and the Allies bugged out

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In a head to head game I had an Italian corps sitting off the coast of Canada and when the USA prepared for war I landed the corps, took Ottawa and knocked Canada out of the war.

When my opponent, IronEagle, recieved his turn he noticed some strange things had happened and I will try and relate them to you, second hand from his descriptions.

Swatches of North Africa, possibley where the Canadian army had moved through, but not Tripoli or Tobruk, which were allied occupied, switched to Italian control. Not too wierd, but it didn't seem right.

Then my opponent claimed that some British units that were near the Canadian army, preparing to jump off and attack Iraq, had disapeared.

Finally, and the wierdest of all, IronEagle said that if he moved more British units into the evacuated positions near Iraq, they too would disapear.

We stopped the game and I have my 'auto save' ready to send to you if you should desire. We are hoping you can help us as this was a ladder match and I would like to continue. Not sure what to do. Email me and I will send you the save file and I'll have IronEagle send you his password.




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This my end of the turn in question, many of the area's that I'm confused on or due to my lack of seeing this side of the game - allies - USA enters due to attack on Canada ect..

my story - alittle different then above due to poor communiction using 'short hand' in IMs

1) USA enters after sucessfull attack on Canada

2) Noticed that USA only has MPPs from bid, I'm not sure if they should have more (AKA russia starts with 700+ and the bid number). For some reason we both thought USA enters with 180 MPPs plus the bid value.

(this is a ladder game, could this be the reason for our problems - using the Camp. Editor?)

3) Noticed the the Canadian units are gone - understandable due to surrender of the country

4) Noticed that all axis hex's that the Canadian units were the first to control (N. Africa) reverted back to Italy. I know that most (all?) of these hex's had a british or FF unit march over after the Canadian unit. This is the area I have the most problem with - I would have expected this to be more like when you have Itialian and German units in Russia - last one on the hex has control.

5) I'm not sure of this, as I'm moving my units east to the Iraq border and putting some corps in transports.... I seam to be missing a unit (corp) that was midway between the two citys in Libia - it was out of supply but moving east to releave the Bomber. In the confusion of so many odd events (late last night) it seems to have surrendered with the Canadian units. One Item not happening is that units next to the now gone Can. Army are disapearing I haven't moved any - in too much shock to continue (lol).

Note: the real problem I have is with hex control (and loss of units, similer to british units in VF teritory when france falls) - can't operate untill reestablished - poor supply once route to russia is made ect ( unless i 'retake').. If this is true for all minor's the surrender, this could cause real problems.

Example - Germany has units from Romainia and Bulgeria enter Russian western citys first and leaves them there as garisons. Germany is fighting to the far east. Allies surpprise attack Rom & Bul. They Fall - the citys (and hexs) these units entered first return to Russia and the supply chain of 5 str city is gone - Germany is crushed with little supply. Shouldn't these hex's and cities remain german but with out a garison - open for attack by partisans?

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Ok just took a look at the saved files you sent me, in answer to the last message here from Iron Ranger:

2) Not sure what you bid but the US does normally start with 0 MPP's unless it is declared war upon by the Axis where in this case it will start with 180 MPP, i.e. it's per turn start MPP's

4) Not sure if you did move a FF or British unit over the last controlled Canadian territories in North Africa, just tested this on my end by landing a Canadian unit followed by a British and all hexes went to the British master control as expected with a Canadian surrender. My guess is that you did not follow up the Canadian hexes with British regulars. Not sure if the FF would have the same effect, chances are they are treated as a minor as well but I did not test this, and this could be easily verified by yourself with a quick test as well.

5) I ran the saved game you sent me and I could not recreate this situation of units going missing, if you can do this and send me a detailed and sure fired example of how to reproduce this I will take another look.

Hope this helps,


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Thanks for the update -

2) Yes did some play testing and USA starts at 0 when allowed to join, my mistake.

4) I know I moved some british units over the eastern 1/2 of Libia. I also moved the bomber from Malta to the eastern half and it landed somewhere in the middle.

5) I would need to look at the game again, seams I remember a 8 str FF unit marching east and can't find it now, perhaps I operateed it, its been a some time now.

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Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

Ok just took a look at the saved files you sent me, in answer to the last message here from Iron Ranger:

2) Not sure what you bid but the US does normally start with 0 MPP's unless it is declared war upon by the Axis where in this case it will start with 180 MPP, i.e. it's per turn start MPP's


The problem is if I do a ladder game or other a scenario modifcation where USA start with more than 180 MPP extra. Axis will then declare war on USA and rob them of their bonus. Imagine a scenario where USA are supposed to start with 400 MPP and gets robbed and start with 180 MPP. That is a flaw in my opinion :mad:

I believe there is no problem changing that flaw in the code. But that also means there are alot other things that ppl want changed if u made a new patch smile.gif

I had to produce a special rule in my ladder because of this. In my ladder, Axis are forbidden to declare war against the USA.

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