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:confused: What effects does Soviet Partisans and Yugoslavian Partisans have on the game.

Yugoslavia always seems to join the war. One time I defeated England I had the USSR and the US neutral. It said Britain Surrenders and after that Yugoslavia joins the war. I had Allied Minor and Axis Minor on Random. But I got the Victory anyway. You only have to defeat the Allied Major.

Also what does War in Siberia do.

I never heard of Vichy France. They need to change what they teach us in school.

:mad: :D

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If you've had a US Education then I feel for you. I was constantly tangling with my teacher about Nazi issues and the holocaust. One incident we got heated over was her reasoning for going to war over Poland. She said it was to "Rescue the Jews." I said "They beat Jews in Poland." She said that was crap and that I had no proof. I had no proof with me at the time, but I did say "If we were rescuing the Kews, wouldn't we have sent in some troops to rescue them?"

I never got tired of making that lady miserable. It's as stupid as the notion that the American Civil War was fought over slavery. The same as the notion that all Germans were Nazis and all Nazis were jew beaters.

I was also up in arms about why we covered the holocaust for SO DAMN LONG. Well, according to her infinite knowledge, it was the biggest case of Human suffering ever. Of course there was no mention of the 30 MILLION Russian dead, no mention of the Dresden firebombing or the Tokyo Firebombing.

And the thing with Vichy France: A lot of things after the surrender of France were extremely embarassing to the French, such as Reparations and collaboration. All French in History classes were shown as either men too old to fight, women too pregnant to fight, or Resistance Fighters.

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Who really won the war I would say Germany did not do so bad considering they lost much less then the Allies. That much my US edumacatoin taught me. We spent 9 weeks on the holocaust in 8th grade. F*ck that. I never even heard about Vichy France. Or the pro-Allied Coup in Yugoslavia. All we learn about WWII is the holocaust and the camps like Aushwitz and Dachua like I know how to spell that.. Why does bush and every American but me Hate Suddam Hussian and Fidel Castro. Maybe if we did not bomb Iraq every time they build something they would not hate us. And crash planes. and do terroristic acts. If we did not back Isreal and concentrate on problems we have at home. We would not get Crazed Muslims after are as*ses.

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In order to educate those who have had to suffer through the American school system, here is the The Ultimate Guide to WW2. ;)


World War 2 began either in 1937 with the Japanese invasion of China or 1939 with the German invasion of Poland, or maybe even when Britain and France declared war on Germany. The nations most responsible for it for either Germany or Japan or the Soviet Union or Britain and France. Its cause was either World War 1 or National Socialism or maybe Communism. It was fought between the so-called Axis and the so-called Allies. Axis countries were either completely evil, or not completely evil, but Germany was the best because they had those snappy uniforms. The others were useless and incompetent, or maybe not incompetent, just didn't have enough tanks. Unlike the Axis, the Allies were all good, except the obviously evil Soviet Union (or maybe not evil (while the other Allies were more evil)), but then there is also the opinion they were just as evil (and the opinion the Axis was good and the Allies evil, but it has no place in this forum). In any case, it seems the Allies won, but they might've lost. The Axis sort of lost, but they won by points. Then again, they might've lost by points as well.

The War Starts, Alternative #1

<insert Japan here>

Or Maybe This Is When the War Starts

The war started when Germany attacked Poland. Or maybe Poland attacked Germany. Or Germany attacked, but it was a pre-emptive attack. In any case, it started.

Yet Another Possibility

Then Britain and France declared war on Germany. In any case, Germany easily defeated the Poles who either quickly ran away and surrendered, or fought bravely and inflicted severe losses on the attacker. They also either did or did not charge panzers on horseback. And then USSR either conquered or liberated either Eastern Poland or Western Ukraine and Belorussia. In any case, the only thing left of Poland was either its government or a band of renegades.

The War Heats Up

Meanwhile, France was sitting behind the Maginot Line, which was either very good or a piece of crap. France had either more troops than Germany, or less, and either chose to let Poland be finished off, or was powerless. Then Britain joined the French forces on the continent, which gave some hope to those worthless Frenchies. Alternatively, the good for nothing Tommies only complicated the life of the French command. Meanwhile, Germany was sitting there making threatening noises until one day it attacked. The plan for German attack was brilliant because it was thought up by the genius Manstein. Or completely dumb because it was thought up by the idiot Manstein. In any case, the French ran away in panic, or fought bravely, but soon lost anyway (but in some places they won). But that is where Hitler lost the war because he didn't let his panzers to finish off Brits at Dunkirk. Or maybe they wouldn't have been able to do that anyway. Or if they did, nothing would've changed.

The Eastern Front

Germany attacked USSR on 22 June 1941. It was an unprovoked aggression, or possibly a pre-emptive attack. Then there were German allies who also attacked, but who cares about them. (And Finland, either an Axis ally or co-belligerent.) In any case, Axis forces vastly outnumbered Soviet forces, or Soviet forces vastly outnumbered Axis forces. Anyway, at that time Germany had such an awesome war machine, or junk on wheels that couldn't supply itself past 500 km. The Red Army was also awesome, or possibly a non-entity, either because of the purges, or its expansion, or its deployment, the fact that no one knew tactics, or just for the hell of it. So basically Germans quickly overran half of USSR, or maybe not so quickly, and not quite half, but they were pretty successful (or not so successful, capturing 1 objective out of 3, but still sort of successfull). On the other hand, it might've been the beginning of the end. But then the idiot Hitler (or a genius according to other sources) ordered the brilliant (or dumb) Guderian to turn south (or north). If that didn't happen, Germans would've captured Moscow and won the war. Or they might've captured Moscow but still lost the war. On the other hand, they probably wouldn't have captured Moscow anyway. But then they still might've won the war if they captured Caucasus instead of Moscow. Or might've still lost it.

The Turning Point of the War

At first Axis was sort of successful. But then the war turned, and the Allies became successful. That happened after the Battle of Moscow. Or when Germany declared war on the US. Or at Stalingrad. Or El Alamein. Or Midway. Anyway, it is clear that the war turned many times. From that point Allies kicked ass. Or blundered badly. Depends on whom you ask.

In conclusion, we see that the good once again triumphed over evil. Or at least won by points!


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MMpac(?): You are obviously an interested and intelligent youngster. If you would go down to the library or the bookstore and READ books about the things you are interested in, you would not have to complain. They did teach you to read, didn't they? Don't fixate on revisionist drivel, find out what really happened!! MORE READING, LESS COMPUTER GAMING!!! This is your life! You won't get another one! Use It.

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What I story I think. thax for your help

Wow thanks for educating me. My school did not teach me about the facists and communists in Spian either I learned about that from watching the History channel and Playing SC. The only thing that seems to be on is Hitler the Holocaust or WWII.

Now if someone would kindly answer what War in Sibera does I would greatly appreciated it. smile.gif

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Originally posted by mpacc:

What I story I think. thax for your help

Wow thanks for educating me. My school did not teach me about the facists and communists in Spian either I learned about that from watching the History channel and Playing SC. The only thing that seems to be on is Hitler the Holocaust or WWII.

Now if someone would kindly answer what War in Sibera does I would greatly appreciated it. smile.gif

War in Siberia refers to a Japanese attack on the eastern portion of the USSR which would have forced Stalin to fight on both fronts instead of bringing the well equipped Siberian divisions to fight against the Germans. In game terms I think this means the USSR will have less men or points to fight the Germans.
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Originally posted by mpacc:

What I story I think. thax for your help

Wow thanks for educating me. My school did not teach me about the facists and communists in Spian either I learned about that from watching the History channel and Playing SC.

I learned all this stuff in High School... but then again, I actually liked my History class!!

Also, I graduated in 1979... so perhaps things have changed...

My two boys will have played plenty of war games, and the like, by the time they get to high school. I consider it part of their education!!! ;)

I also get opponents to play with!! So, there is a reason for having kids after all!


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I think the quality of the classes varies much more with the capabilities of the individual teachers than with the educational systems themselves.

The kids often come to think a particular subject is boring while it is in fact just the teacher who is incapable. There are teachers who can make analytical geometry exciting, and then there are others who manage to render history dull, dull, dull ...


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Originally posted by Mammou:

The Ultimate Guide to WW2.

This is great stuff, can you expand on it and can I use it later whenever anyone asks me what happened in World War Two?

(naturally, I will take full credit for it, as I do with the internal combustion engine and velcro, but I'd never tell you that)

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Originally posted by Straha:

I think the quality of the classes varies much more with the capabilities of the individual teachers than with the educational systems themselves.

The kids often come to think a particular subject is boring while it is in fact just the teacher who is incapable. There are teachers who can make analytical geometry exciting, and then there are others who manage to render history dull, dull, dull ...


You are wise 'ol Straha...

And in this case even correct! :D

My history teacher was the type who looked outside of the text for more interesting materials. He must have been a wargamer, as he used to tell jokes about the Italian Army in WW2.



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