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Cheating: Hex marks the spot :D


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My apologies -- the post has been deleted.

I had no idea hex editing single player save games would cause such an uproar; if I would have known better, I wouldn't have posted this.

But in all fairness, I read a few posts on "cheats" (using the Campaign Editor to create a replica campaign and changing the MPP to 9999) and thought I would contribute my hex cheat. As far as I've tested, this does not work for multiplayers games.

I really don't think the author should take this personally -- I know of dozens of games that have been "hacked" (I like to call them mods) and have ended up being better because of it, namely the Close Combat series, Steel Panthers, Panzer General series. For example, there were many inaccuracies in the Panzer General series (no fault of the authors -- sifting thru endless piles of WW2 armor tables can be nauseating) but fortunately, there were dedicated grognards creating new equipment files, units, etc., which resulted in a much more challenging and authentic wargaming experience.

This does not mean that Joe Programmer is now offering a free version of the game; in every mod I've ever seen you still have to have the original game to play.

I don't think I can recall one mod in the history of gaming that has been perceived negatively by either the gaming community or the author's themselves, and there is no way around it -- you have to "hack" the game.

Yes, cheating is generally frowned upon by the purists but the fact remains they are popular. 90% of games (regardless of genre) ship with cheat codes.

I can't recall the poster's name but he put it well, "to relieve a little bit of stress, I like to crank up the war machine and stomp all over the world from time-to-time"

nuff said...

[ March 02, 2003, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: bad_person ]

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I can't prove it; but I believe people have all kinds of cheat passwords.

1) Experience German planes in Home-Cities, experienced, HQ'ed, etc. get shreaded by no HQ'ed French Air. I get intercepted & take 6-hit damage to a French Air on turn #3 of the game!

2) Canadians who defend in rivers & slaughter my best German armies in the Rhine.

3) Player's who have "Eagle eyes"; probably a password which deletes the FOW on their end.

4) I play 2-years & get no Tech with 8+ chits applied as Germany? Are you kidding me?

5) And of course, there's about 3-players out there who love to "Host". They know who they are. Give you a hint: you were my favorite from the e-mail days.

"Don't Trust Anybody (save Christ)" --- Rambo 3:16

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Cheating, it really is merely an admission to oneself, they are just to damned stupid to win any other way.

It's a complete breakdown of respect for oneself when one cheats.

If I played a wargame against someone, and they cheated, I would not be angry really. I would merely stop playing the person, and pity them.

"Damned shame they are not bright enough to beat me honestly" would be my first reaction.

No I am not a genuis wargamer, but no one will ever lose to me because I cheated. I have way to much respect for myself.

Besides, when I win, I love to bask in my self congradulatory praise and glow. I love telling myself how smart I am.

Cheating ruins all this. So I won, I had to cheast to win. I am not as smart as that other guy (whom I don't likely even know).

Cheaters are a sorry lot at best.

Now if it's poker and my money is on the table, you are on your own heheh :D

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This needs to be locked ASAP and the offender banned. Cheaters and cheat codes have absolutely no place here. Hacking tips are strictly forbidden. But bad_person already knows this, correct?

For those who don't appreciate how serious this type of behavior is, here's an excerpt from July 5th - a very dark day in SC history:

Gold announcement was planned for today but unfortunatly a certain individual has decided to take it upon himself to steal my intellectual property rights with the Beta Demo. To his credit, "Hags" has since apologized to me and I am trying my best to accept this apology, but to be completely honest, this type of behaviour is very disheartening and makes me seriously wonder about making games in the future. It really has to be appreciated just how much work and risk is involved in making games and how "hacking" can really end up ruining it for everybody. As a result today's official announcement will have to be delayed as we attempt to sort out this mess, but expect a Gold announcement with an updated Gold Demo sometime next week. For some good news I have decided to attach the official Gold Demo changes that have been added. Thank you all for your patience and your input.


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Originally posted by Bill Macon:

"This needs to be locked ASAP and the offender banned. Cheaters and cheat codes have absolutely no place here. Hacking tips are strictly forbidden. But bad_person already knows this, correct?"

A very, very improper area to make a posting on. This is listed as Bad_Person's first and as far as I know only posting. I think he should either publicly give us an assurance that he isn't a troll, or, as Bill suggests, be banned from the site.

Extending the benefit of the doubt, it could be this individual was only exposing a way of cheating in the game. Certainly, even the worst player would notice his opponent's MPP total suddenly shooting up tens of thousands of points and become a little suspicious. If this is the case, bad_person, by all means say so in an open forum for everyone to read.

Otherwise, I agree with banning.

As for Hubert not making any more games -- We all hope not and after all these suggestions for SC 2 -- Good, Bad, Ludicrous or Ingenius -- I'd certainly hope not. And if he does decide not to, hopefully he'll tell us about it so we can stop posting suggestions. But naturally, we all hope that was just said in temporary frustration.

As for stealing intelectual property, that's a criminal act just like embezzling a bank, and should not be tolerated.

[ March 02, 2003, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Excellent, squares it with me as it was your first post. From your revised posting, I believe you put it there in the spirit of revealing something undesirable rather than causing mischief.

One of the more explosive debuts!

Looking forward to many fine postings from you.

[ March 02, 2003, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Not-so-bad_person, thank you for reconsidering your post. From your single posting, it "appeared" as if one of our former offenders was up to his old tricks under a new name. If yours was an honest mistake and my response a bit too harsh, then I apologize to you Sir. Welcome to the forum! :D

In all fairness, I agree with your ideas about being able to edit game parameter files and was rather vocal myself about it way back when. But we must respect the game designer's decisions. Too much editing may have unintended consequences on AI behavior or for file transfers, so best to stick with what the campaign editor allows. Another quote from long ago sums things up pretty well:

To make this clear - nobody here has anything against modding. This whole discussion here isn't about modding! Already now there are mods for SC out there, which is GREAT!

Make new graphics for the game and distribute them, excellent - the game is using BMPs and WAVs for a reason! But - when you touch the game code, no matter what the file extension is, you should at least ask Hubert for permission before making these public.


There may have been another post or two with more explicit guidance. Maybe it's time for a refresher for some of the new players. Hubert? Battlefront?

[ March 02, 2003, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: Bill Macon ]

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

4) I play 2-years & get no Tech with 8+ chits applied as Germany? Are you kidding me?

For what it's worth, I have also had some incredibly bad Tech. luck, (mostly against the AI), but against humans as well.

I see I'm not the only one.

On the other hand, I didn't complain when I got to L-4 jets with one chit against Shaka!



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