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War in Africa


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In my opinion there are to little space to fight in northern Africa around Egypt.

You can only attack with one land unit against Alexandria. Also my Battleships can't attack the city since the harbour block the only hex that can effectively attack the city.

Couldn't we be able to use those half exes on the edge also, that would allow us to attack the city from two hexes at once.

I could land a unit behind the city, but my supply drop too much if I do that.

I would advice to move the port so that bombardment against the city i possible, likewise with Tobruk.

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There are a couple of extra options you should consider when attacking Alexandria.





(well, some might consider the following to be a spoiler)




The first is using a headquarter unit. It won't keep your units at peak performance, but it'll help. Second, use aircrafts. They too suffer from lack of supply, but every bit help. Stack both aicrafts and HQ to the west of Alexandria.

Finally, keep one army off the coast (in transport mode). When the unit in the "other" side (i.e. not on the same side as the HQ) becomes too damaged, you can move it back and land the new one. It'll have 100% supply and can do really well in it's initial attack.

In my latest game I gave the AI a +1 experience bonus, and I took Alexandria four turns after the initial attack (without reinforcements at sea), and the aircraft didn't hit in two of those turns.



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Sacking the Suez and Alexandria worked for me as well just as described above although without the +1.

The air cover is key, imho. There's a sizeable British fleet that can show up and the combination of german air and italian navy takes care of them handily.

I'm toying with the idea of taking Vichy first and then swinging around and sacking Alexandria. Might be a good way to build up axis industry and sock it to the brits before 1941.


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I have used exactly that tactic, I shipped over two Italian armies and an Italian HQ and a German Airfleet.

I destroyed the allied fleet outside Alexandria, still I do think another hex would be apropriate and if we would be able to bombard the city itself wouldn't be to much work to change.

[ May 23, 2002, 05:27 AM: Message edited by: Jorgen_Cab ]

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