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Bullet "One-Liners" for Hubert


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How about a "Very Simple" thread for Hubert to capture the many ideas talked about for future gaming w/o all the detail.

Please add your subject in "Bullet form". If you think of other ideas after posting, just edit your own post! Everybody post just once so we can keep all the good saved info for Hubert.

1) Paratroops

2) Weather

3) New Naval Supply Rules

4) New type of Naval ships: supply, admirals

5) Railroads

6) Bridges

7) New MMP's for USA

8) Choice for random event chits

9) modifying subs

10) Map: Atlantic

11) Map: Africa

12) Stacking

13) Retreat

14) Reduced Experience

15) Special forces: Marines, SS

16) Landing craft, beach-head counters

17) Beach hexes

18) HQ's for minors

19) Russia factories

20) Round-trip Suez canal

21) Differ carriers fighters to normal fighters

22) New carrier rules

23) Limited number of total units like 3R

24) Supply changes for cut-off units

25) Tank exploitation

26) Fighters can't wipe out ground units as much

27) Spying

28) Decoy units

29) Political events

30) Nukes

31) New sub rules

Maybe we should put things in a priority order, then we could vote for our top changes.

[ March 24, 2003, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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I agree, most excellent idea.

1) Fog of War Option: [ON] for Human, [Off] for AI

2) Improved AI

2.1 - AI selects different strategies for each game

2.2 - AI can be modded at the strategic level

2.3 - AI can be modded at the tactical level

2.4 - AI has library of opening tactics

2.5 - AI will consider Sea-Lion

2.6 - AI considers invasion of Norway/Egypt/Syria

2.7 - AI tech strategy can be modded.

2.8 - AI Reclaims Tech Investments when threatened.

2.9 - AI Reclaims Tech at higher tech levels - 100% at Lvl5, 60% at Lvl4, 20% at Lvl2

2.10 - UK AI will sometimes disband starting Bomber for MPPs and use to ?

3) Diplomacy Chits

4) Russian Post Surrender Rules for Partisans

5) Russian Scorched Earth affect on Plunder

6) Neutral US Lend Lease Program to UK and USSR

7) Selectable Merchant Ship Convoy Routes

8) Spanish Post Surrender Partisans

9) Free Brits Option

10) Levels of Neutrality

11) Naval Supply - Ship must return to a port after X turns or gradually lose strength

12) New Techs/Investments

12.1 Intelligence/Espionage

12.2 A-Bomb

13) Selectable Government Ministers - Germany/Russia

13.1 Production Minister - Affects Production

13.2 Foreign Minister - Affects Diplomacy

13.3 Chief of Staff - Affects HQ Readiness +/- %

14) HQ Units with Strengths & Weaknesses

14.1 Gen. Lucus (Anzio) -1 attack/-1Movement

14.2 Gen. Pattion +1 attack

14.3 Gen. Eisenhower +1 Units Commanded

15) Oil limits on Movement of Oil Guzzling Units

16) Random Events affect by Diplomacy Chits/MPPS/Decision

16.1 Plane Crashes in Turkey with Troop Plans (1 in 10 games)

- Use Diplomatic Chit (Remove FOW for 1 Turn)

- Use Spies to Access Crash Site (5% to Remove FOW)

- Offer Turks 50MPP to See Crash Site (50% remove FOW for 1 Turn)

16.2 German Sub Sinks Americaqn Ocean Liner

- Use diplomatic chit (No increase in US war Readiness)

- Tell American the ship was in a war zone (+5% US war readiness)

- Stop all Merchant ship attacks for 1 year (+30MPP Bonus for UK while in effect, +15% US War readiness if Axis breaks agreement and attacks merchant ships)

17) Spanish Mobilizes if Axis builds up troops on Border

17.1 Turn 1- Sends Axis A warning

17.2 Turn 2- Mobilizes 1 5 str Corps per Turn (Max 4)

17.3 Turn 3- Requests MPP Assistance from US

18) Spanish Production can be used to reinforce Spanish units.

19)Sweden mobilizes if Axis buildup on border

19.1 Turn 1 - sends Axis a warning, shares FOW view with Allies

19.2 Turn 2 - Mobilizes standing militia - Add 1 Corps Str 5

19.3 Turn 3 - Mobilizes standing militia - Add 1 Corps Str 5

20) New Sub Rules

20.1 Surface ships can only see subs if they move into a sub occupied hex. Carriers can see in a radius of 1 hex.

20.2 Greater dive percentage

21) Production Delays to reflect Training/Production Time

21.1 Infantry Units Appear in 1 Turn

21.2 Armor Units Appear in 2 Turns

21.3 Air Units Appear in 3 Turns

21.4 Naval Units Appear in 4 Turns

[ March 25, 2003, 10:55 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Random Japanese-German Strategic Cooperation

1. little or no cooperation (historical)

2. moderate (like Siberian War option, US MMPS randomly may also drop - Pacific theatre getting more resources)

3. heavy (Siberian front heats up - Russian player at risk of having to give up MMPs and to transfer units away, US MMPs drop - more effort spent in Pacific, UK MMPs drop some - due to threat to India/Burma)

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1)Recruitable HQ's with variable or random stats

2)HQ's phased into game at more appropriate points so that Rommel and Montgommerie (sic) arn't immediately available.

3)Global game

4)New terrain types (E.G French Boccage).

5)Axis supply convoys that allied subs can interdict (Africa - Italy)(Sweden - Germany).

6)Stacking on HQ's only

7)Designate which units come under an HQ

8)Maintenance cost per unit in addition to purchase cost

9)Delayed entry into service of purchase units to reflect training.

10)Instaed of the one "Army Corps" have a range of more unique corps types (Infantry, Artillery, AA - for garrison, tank etc)

11) Decrease sub impact on fleets (these are fleets not single ships or small flotillas)

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0) Production Queu - Limited Units

1) Paratroops

2) Weather

3) Naval Zones - Convoys - Sub warfare

4) Admirals (raeder) & Sub (doenitz) & Air (Goering) Leaders

5) Choice for random event chits

6) Stacking only in anphibious op.

7) Retreat

8) Special forces: SS

9) Beach-heads

10) HQ's: Spain, Finland - better Italian HQs - HQs with strengths and weaknesses

11) Round-trip Suez canal

12) Bombers warfare

13) Carriers less powerful than Airfleet

14) Intel as another research area

15) Nukes

16) Pops up windows with events

17) Special abilities for troops: blizkrieg...

18) New Troop: Garrisons

19) Mobilizations of nations when they sense too many armies around

20) Political Pressure to other nations

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I really like Edwin P's list to which I would add:

1. Nations with "movable capitals" (Britain, Russia):

Capitals can be moved to a city of the player's choice. The game would notify both players of the new capital city. Britain has the option of moving its capital to Canada ("...until the New World steps forward to rescue the Old...")

2. Germany could have a random chance to move its capital to the mythical "Alpine Redoubt" or some other (fixed) location, depending on location of Allied armies when Berlin falls. (Maybe Eisenhower wasn't so crazy after all...)

3. An Allied invasion of Italy could have a random chance to cause a palace coup removing Mussolini and converting Italy to neutral or Allied (before the fall of Rome).

[ March 26, 2003, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: santabear ]

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started this in January and never finished it but i doubt i will and this looks like a s good a place as any to put it.

MY wish list for 1.07 patch (Note some of these ideas are stolen, if yours is here I stole it And agree with you smile.gif )

1. Fix SUB Bug

2. Fix Siberian Bug

3. Units from minors on an ally's territory should not surrender if thier contry surrenders especially if they are in England or sitting in a cap or city.

2. Bidding system ( I believe a Pool system would be best so as not to give an initial Boost to one major)

3. Allow Unit Switch (in other words 2 units that are within range of each other should be able to switch positions in one turn not 2). Now it is a third variable needed type of setup. I.E. to change X and Y Z is needed. Z=X,X=Y,Y=Z

4. Allow Fighter wings to choose whether to intercept.

5. Allow subs to Disappear Therby Emulating Complete Defensive posture (obviously they could not interdict nor move in this mode)

6. Ships in port take extra damage from naval attacks! Look at the french navy sunk by the brits look at pearl harbor. Ports do not give a ship advantage in Naval battles. As far as land attacks on ports, The naval unit should have the option to disengage or actually to move out to sea therby not recieving damage. It is impossible For a land unit to "Sneak up" on a Naval unit.

7. Option to turn Chance off or lower it's effect.

8. Change editor (thereby allowing better mods)

a. to allow control over city/oil/mine Size

b. Allow Activation/DeActivation of countries

c. Maybe allow different or Editable Triggers for All Minors. (would allow for Greece never invaded Yug go pro axis scenerio in addition to others)

SC2 Improvements that prob can't be implimented easily into SC1

Persistant seed for tcpip and pbem

Random Map Generator

Compression: Bitmap/Jpg Wav/Mp3 .sav/zip?rar?tar? whatever just cause Sc doesn't take half a gig there is no reason for it to take 10 times the space it needs.

Instant Messenger chat (Allong Trillian lines) There is open source avaiilable for this!

VCR Component. Replay battles from either side with FOW or Both without.

Option to choose route piece will take to stop "Surprise" contact that is no surprise.

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Many great ideas guys.

I'd just like to add:

1) Planes can't eliminate ground units(can knock down to 1, no further).

2) Random starting positions when entering the war (majors and minors)

3) Full editor(allow units, research, mpp values, etc to be modified)

4) Random events

5) Planes don't see subs as well

6) Eliminate a couple researches and replace with better ones(or improve least used ones)

7) Weather effects

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Good job Jon.

My wish list:

1. units retreat instead of stand and die.

2. units retreat toward supply

3. units retreat after up to 33% damage

4. units retreat unless told to stand and die

5. units retreat unless no where to go

6. units retreat if

7. units retreat when

8. units rtreat

9. units

10. units surrender if French!

Well, I guess you see what I would like to have in SC. Let's have SC get out of World War I tactics. :D

[ March 27, 2003, 06:13 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

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