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Siberian Transfer?

Sol Invictus

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Well I cant remember the details. Or maybe my mind just doesn't want to remember. I can tell you it was like stepping through the gates of hell. The blazing heat and swirling dust that an endless swarm of metal treads kicked up was mingled with the blood and screams of my valiant soldiers.

The treacherous Axis armies betrayed us in the month of July 1941. Initially they made good progress with slashing penetrations through and around my stunned and overwhelmed soldiers. There was much panic and confusion at first and many units were cut off and destroyed.

Far from bowing my countrymen, these setbacks only spurred them to greater efforts. My generals were ordered to retreat to defensible terrain and form a coherent line and this they did with alacrity. The heroic workers, which are the sinew of our great nation, produced the machines of war without regard to personal sacrifice.

Odessa, that jewel on the Black sea, fell in a few weeks and it's twin on the Baltic, Riga, soon after. Initially I was forced to simply plug gaps with a corp here and there, trying to stem the deluge that had been released upon me. Minsk and Kiev held, with much loss to both sides. A line soon formed, the length of the entire front, and the Germans were unable to break it.

The treacherous Finns declared war soon after the German invasion but their pathetic little army was no match for our fearless soldiers. We were able to steadily push them back to the gates of Helsinki and force them to welcome us as heroic liberators from their capitilist oppressors. Those swine Italians even had the nerve to send a tank army and 4 field armies against us.

Things were grim from the winter of '41 till the Winter of '42. It was a series of endless attritional warfare all along the front with neither side gaining an advantage. Fortunately the capitalist dogs in the West launched an invasion of France in March '43 and took some pressure off of us. Ever so slowly, you could perceive a weakening of the Axis resolve. With my technicians able to improve our tank technology by 3 levels, it was soon time to unleash the pent-up hopes of my people in the form of a steel hurricane aimed at the invaders.

By early '44, with British soldiers on the Italian mainland and large American armies rolling through France, the storm broke in the East as my armies sliced through the German defenses like a scythe. The Italians and other German minor allies melted like ice on the Russian steppes in July. I was able to cut off two large armies trying to defend Odessa and Riga. When the two armies were destroyed the collapse was general and it was a race to Berlin, which fell in Jan. '45. I can speak no more of these things, they have left an incureable wound in my soul.

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Nice AAR Sol!

I looked up the Soviet-Japanese Non-Agression Pact and it was signed April 13, 1941. At the time it was signed the Soviet leadership and even the average man in the street didn't consider the treaty very dependable. Historically the siberian army transfer began in the fall of 41 when the Germans were threatening Moscow and the treaty seemed more sustainable.

My problem was the Soviets transferring the siberian army too early in the game, in march of 41, one month before the treaty was historically signed. And yes, in the game, the transfer took place as the Germans approached Moscow.

So, if one goes for the early Barbarossa and the Soviets transfer the Siberian army b4 April 13th, one must accept that the SC Stalin is gambling on the Japanese leaving his eastern front alone with no treaty in place. A little 'suspension of disbelief' comes in handy here.

A nice SC option might have been to allow the Japanese to attack the eastern USSR, but I guess that will be in the GLOBAL SC. ;)

By the way, I'm extremely covetous as I have not recieved my full game yet. :(

[ August 03, 2002, 10:25 PM: Message edited by: Fubarno ]

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Well now the shoe is on the other foot and I'm fighting for the Fatherland. Same massive bloodletting. Do the Russians ever run out of men? :D I went after France after Poland and took them in May '40. Then I went for Norway and Yugoslavia. After that I thought I'd push my luck and went for Sweden and Greece. The U.S. didnt like my aggression and actually declared war on me a turn before the Russians and this all before I had actually taken Sweden. My first reaction was, I'm a dead man. after I took a large frink of beer and calmed myself I went about my task.

I was making good progress in Russia but then I saw 3 U.S. and 2 English transports approaching Brest. I had 3 Corp and 1 Army without an HQ with 3 Airfleets holding France. Yikes! I barely was able to repell the invasion, in late '41 mind you. Good job AI. This caused my Russian timetable to be thrown askew. It's now late '42 and I have taken Suez with the italians and they have advanced to the Iraqi oilfields but havent taken them yet. the Russians have sent 2 Armies to help the Iraqi defense. I have taken Leningrad and I'm adjacent to Moscow and Stalingrad. The Russians are starting to show some economic strain and I think they are about to break but the constant pressure on my own troops doesnt give me much time to catch my breath and restore the strength of my Armies. We are like two punch-drunk fighters staggering toward a conclusion.

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Posted by sol invictus:

The treacherous Finns declared war soon after the German invasion but their pathetic little army was no match for our fearless soldiers. We were able to steadily push them back to the gates of Helsinki and force them to welcome us as heroic liberators from their capitilist oppressors. Those swine Italians even had the nerve to send a tank army and 4 field armies against us.

Ooooh boy your trying to get me mad...

just kidding. When i get the game (tuesday, it should arrive) I wanna do a pbem w/ you so i can show what the Finns can do.

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In my current game as the Germans, as soon as I approached Moscow the Transfer happened. Dont know if it can be random from the time that the Germans approach Moscow or if it is automatic.

Carl, In reality, I have the greatest respect for the fighting qualities of the WW2 era Finnish army. I was just wearing my Uncle Joe hat when I was slamming them. :D I was somewhat disturbed in my current game, playing Germany, beacause the Finns took about 6 months to declare war after German and Soviet hostilities commenced. Maybe it was because the Russians declared war first. I am happy to report that once they did become involved, Lenningrad fell soon after.

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Originally posted by J Wagner:

I'm guessing here but will the difficulty level you select impact when they arrive? Perhaps the higher the difficulty, the sooner they come.

Maybe there is a certain criteria that needs to be met?


Actually, a higher difficulty setting for the Allies reduces the chance of their arrival.

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Originally posted by J Wagner:

ST, I was approaching it from the Axis side...based on what you said, does that mean that when you play the Axis at a higher difficulty setting, the transfer will come sooner and that they will be delayed longer at the easier settings?


I see. Yes, that is essentially how it works. The settings also affect other things, like units becoming Free French...

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