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Naval assets of conquered countries

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I think that it would be nice if there was a chance that some percentage of a defeated country's naval assets would revert to the control of the conqueror.

The British certainly feared such an outcome when they attacked the French fleet at Toulon, and it was a card subsequently played by Churchill when he unsubtly threatened FDR with the American nightmare scenario of the Germans controlling the Royal Navy of a post-defeat Britain.

Perhaps, for instance, the model could work in a fashion similar to the "Free French" calculus. Maybe some of the French naval units that don't become "Free" or "Vichyite" end up going "German."

Anyway, I thought that might add an interesting option to the gameplay with the added bonus of having some historical precedent.

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Thanks for the reply, Hubert. I am a huge fan of what you have done! Put me down for every version that EVER comes out for this game.

Grog moment: Stupid me - just remembered that it was at Mers el Kabir that the Brits fragged the French fleet, not Toulon. BAD Camicie Nere! BAD BAD BAD!!!!!

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