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PBEM Start Up


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I sent the following email to everyone on the PBEM list, except those that have still not given me their email. I'm posting it here for the reference of others.

"I will be communicating with you primarily by email from now on rather than through the Forum.

Attached is a text file with the list of 34 people that have asked to be part of the PBEM list, giving their Forum user name and email address. Some still have not given me their email addresses and those are noted. If I don't hear from them soon they will be taken off the list. You now have a list of lots of people that you can contact to set up games. Some are brand new to the game, while others are very experienced. A nice variety!

I will try to have your initial game assignments to you within the next few days. You will each be given two people to play against -- one as Axis and one as Allies. When you finish a game, let me know the results and I'll give you a new assignment. The initial goal will be for each person to play one game against everyone on the list.

I will thinking about developing a database that would help me to systematically keep track of assignments, etc. But, it's too much work so I'm just going to randomly make assignments. If I make a mistake (like assigning you someone that you've played already) then let me know.

The focus will be on fun, and keeping things flexible. The de facto campaign used will be the standard Fall Weiss, but if the two opponents agree to use a variation of that campaign or another campaign that is fine. We will be keeping track of wins/losses. My view is that the primary purpose of that record is to help people on the list identify others to play with. For example, if you want to play against someone at a similar level to you then you can arrange a game with someone with a similar win/lose record.

While the goal will be for everyone to play everyone else at least once, if you want to go ahead and set up games on your own ... go ahead.

Enjoy! Have fun!

Reid (a.k.a. Oak)"

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Here is a second email that went out shortly after the first one:

"Well, matching up people for your initial game assignments went faster than I thought. Here it is (given below). Those on the left are Axis and those on the right are Allies. I've given assignments based on user names. You can get the email addresses to go with each user name from my previous email.

My suggestion is that the person who is Axis set up the game, make their first move and then send the file to their opponent. If the opponent, upon receiving the file, doesn't like the set-up or the campaign chosen then there can be some discussion that, hopefully, leads to agreement between the two players.

Let the games begin!

JerseyJohn vs Panzer39

KDG vs disorder

Reepicheep vs Hueristic

Shaka of Carthage vs kenfedoroff

xediel vs Rol

Oak vs Edwin P.

Wan vs Dragonflame

Bill101 vs Tigleth Pilisar

Iron Ranger vs Paqman

Curry vs SeaMonkey

Thoranaga vs mpacc

Agamemnon vs Jollyguy

Kuniworth vs TheBlackDouglas

Archibald vs Tolwin

xwormwood vs Rannug

disorder vs JerseyJohn

Panzer39 vs KDG

Hueristic vs Shaka of Carthage

kenfedoroff vs Reepicheep

Edwin P. vs xediel

Dragonflame vs Oak

Rol vs Wan

Tigleth Pilisar vs Iron Ranger

Paqman vs Bill101

mpacc vs Curry

Jollyguy vs Thoranaga

SeaMonkey vs Agamemnon

Rannug vs Kuniworth

TheBlackDouglas vs Archibald

Tolwin vs Archibald"

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Here is the text of a 3rd email sent out to everyone on the PBEM list:

"Based on some initial feedback and comments, I wanted to pass along the following comments:

- flexibility is the watchword for these games. Feel free to use any house rules or campaign that you would like ... as long as your opponent agrees. Variety is the spice of life, so feel free to add a little spice to these games.

- you should also feel free to move at your own pace with these games. Some of you are busy with other games and some are just plain busy. Start your games when you can and move forward with them at whatever pace you prefer.

- don't cheat! This is an honor system, and your opponents will be trusting you to play fair and square. For those new to PBEM, please note that when you select a PBEM file to open it will indicate the number of reloads. This indicates how many times a move has been replayed by your opponent. The number should be zero. If it is more than that, then you are encouraged to get clarify from your opponent as to why a move was replayed. Also remember that you should play a move only once. If it doesn't go as you would have liked or if there are some unpleasant surprises DON'T play the move over again. Instead, accept that it is all part of the game and do what you can to overcome the challenges.

Reid (a.k.a. Oak)"

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I've been busy today. Here is the text of a 4th email sent out to everyone on the PBEM list:

"In the Z-Ladder games, whether someone plays Axis or Allies is decided through a bidding system which gives extra MPPs to the Allies. I have taken the approach of assigning sides to players, arranging it so that everyone will play an equal number of games as Axis and as Allies. As a result, there is no need for bids.

I suggest that players can take one of three approaches, and how you want to handle it is entirely up to you (as long as both sides agree).

1) Play without any MPP being given to the Allies. Since everyone will be playing an equal number of games as Axis and as Allies, even if the Axis does have an advantage (and I don't think they do) things will even out in the end.

2) Agree to give Allied powers extra MPP when the enter, using either the 1-1-1 or the 1-4 formula.

3) Agree to use a set-up that you feel provides the most even arrangement.

I would suggest that players will probably want to avoid the second option. The reason being that players will find themselves giving their Allied opponent an edge (in the form of extra MPP) in one game and not getting that same edge in another. Also, if the sides are decided then why give anything extra to your opponent.

Again, how you want to work it is entirely up to you. My own experience is that 'fun' games tend not to include giving extra MPP to the Allies while 'competitive' games do. These PBEM games are meant to be 'fun' games.

Reid (a.k.a. Oak)"

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