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The legendary SC-forum quotes list


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Hi this is the legendary SC-forum quoting-list. Feel free to contribute with quotes worth of remembrance :)

“The reason for this subject is how each message starts out with some concept that we all think we know so much about because we've read a few books on WW2. Then a couple of internet guru's get sidetracked and start having internet mental sex, patting each other on their backs!”


“Conspiracy Theories! I love it! Guess what guys, I'm actually Moon, and Eva Braun/Hitler and sometimes, when I'm really lucky, I'm Cobra Commander, modern day dictator with a socially acceptable and politically correct logo.”


"The last time you had these theories I wound up saying I'd defend your right to do this even to the bitter end, Jim Boggs and myself wound up being banned on the mistaken belief we were the same person, You said "Yes, I knew it all along" and proceeded to do a brisk Rhumba on my grave.

But who can remember these things?"

JerseyJohn on christmas-riot memory lane

“It's really intolerable and I often wonder how I myself have been able to put up with this constant abuse and lack of understanding.

A bunch of insufferable barbarians here and you're the worst of the lot!”


“You're asking for information about a rumor you yourself started -- incredible!”

JerseyJohn to Kuniworth

“Guys, this forum is about SC, and fairly little of that is in this thread. Locking it up!”

Commonly said by Moon¨

“Score! Hey, we better tie this to Strategic Command somehow or else Moon will rend us in the gobberwarts with his blurglecruncheon”

Bill Macon

"Oh freddled gruntbuggly thy micturations are to me

As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.

Groop I implore thee my foonting turlingdromes.

And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles,

Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon,

see if I don't!"

Konstantin V. Kotelnikov quotes Douglas

“Actually I didn't realize I was being chanllenged to anything by Gaylord or anyone else. I recall Mr. Focker starting a topic a while back..but around six or seven people posting became hostile with him…..Putting Gaylord in a weird position -- not for the first time I'd imagine”


“But every once in a while a wind stirs out of the Arctic, crosses Sweden, and has a strange effect on a certain mundane individual who suddenly becomes --

Kuniworth, Wild Man of The North, Deliver-er of Senseless Posts!”


“Guys, this thread is overloaded. In order to prevent the UBB software from crashing, I'm locking it up. Feel free to start a new thread (without pictures) if you like.”

Moon´s desperate attempt to stop picture-posting by JerseyJohn

“intelligence says general johan travolta has apparently been promoted and taken the lead of the western army groups for the nazis. rumored to have spent his youth in the u.s., and taken back elements of our culture (from hollywood/new jersey), back with him to his prussian roots”


“Never thought you made much sense till you left and I found myself quoting you all the time. It was horrible. Glad you're back with the Good Woid!

Unfortunately you missed all the action. All gone, nothing but memories. Missed your LOLs! Without Hueristic my best stuff just drifts away.”

JerseyJohn likes his boy Hueristic

“actually got better for awhile so i started getting my life back in order but whamm did something stupid and i'm laid up again.”

Hueristic is a SC-oholic

“JerseyJohn is a posting who-or! Did you just call me a Focker??? Hey why don't you go grog yourself SeaWho-or-se!”

Gaylord Focker has some issues with Seawolf and JerseyJohn

"Great to see you, as always. Greatly enjoyed your attempts at sinking the General Forum's News Sticky -- I thought the Devourer of Worlds would do it for sure, but not even the normally formidable Darth Vader was up to the task. Truly an unmovable force there."

JerseyJohn replies to mr Focker

"The Life-Time-Ban is for Pete Rose types, Kuniworth wasn't betting on SC, cheating, or fixing games. Steve Howe had 7-drug related incidents & they let him back. Despite his two-hour rampage of stupidity, it wasn't that bad."

John J Rambo in defence of Kuniworth after the spring-riot

"Is this the end? Rambo and Kuniworth going at it like killing snakes and now pitching woo. JerseyJohn and CvM providing halftime entertainment by suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune cast by the other and then graciously uncast. It's dogs and cats living together, Old Testament stuff. What's next - the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man or the pig-faced Nazi (5th from the left!) to deliver our final destruction?"

Bill Macon

"Don't turn this into a religious discussion on my account…I was quoting Ghostbusters."

Bill Macon

"The dork made stupid post after stupid post, and had also used his "program" to look at our IP's. What a dork, keep him banned.

He is no Pete Rose either."

Brad T doesn´t like Kuniworth

"Brad T. --- You want see people's I.P.'s? Goto the Opponent Finder, you'll see hundreds of them. It's funny to hear you talk tough about war Canadians & you're scared sitting at home, with the door locked, hiding behind the computer because of Puniworth."

John J Rambo

“Ask your mama what it is”

Waltero´s last words, a bit off-topic

“Bottom Line: If you want to play against "Rambo Legend" you need to play faster. Yes, I know the connection went out because of weather, the family, etc. But like you said, I play like Chess, & those championships use the flip sand-dial-timers. I don't have 8-hours to play the 1st year of SC. It's like playing in a golf tournament, hurry the hell up!”

Rambo the Legend

“BIG CONFESSION HERE! Rambo doesn't play against Kuniworth because...

Rambo IS Kuniworth!!!!!!!!!!”

Piumarcobaleno joins the identity-inqusition

“btw is it only me that think that the eye of Sauron in Lord of the Rings looks like a big cunt with fire in it?”


“I have another confession: I am George W. Bush, and i used this nick to spy your secret war tactics, with the aim of using them in my iraqdollars war.”


“I have not gotten a direct response from Rambonehead about sending me a copy of SC and proving I can't fold spindle and mutilate his pathetic little neo wargaming hide, specifically because he has no real skill, and can't handle the challenge.”

Les the Sarge

“For lack of vigilant moderators, this forum tends to drift off-course like some bad scene in "Lord of the Flies.”

Bill Macon is desperate during Christmas-riot

“Kuniworth Thanks for dancing on my grave with such vigor and I hate to say this, but you forgot to zip your fly after doing it on my headstone.”


“I bought this game last fall and at that time this forum seemed like such a happy place.! However after Chistmas I got busy with my model building and had not played for sometime. I did check in a few weeks ago and saw a complete change in the forum. I guess when this ladder thing came into being everbody went nuts!”


"Well gee, I too have done some of the treacherous moaning & groaning, but, see, the things is... I INTENDED TO!"

Immer Etwas

”You need to think for yourself...oh that's right, you live in some Commie-Country were you gotta go with the flow. No wonder you don't like independent, successful, competitive, flag-waving, bible-quoting Americans...it's called Freedom, try it..”


“These petty moanings coming from the self-proclaimed icon, legend, forum-cop, industrialist, philanthropist and bicyclist.”

Leopard to Jon J Rambo

“I got told to post this here, instead of there: Rambo is dork.”


“I'm the real Rambo, yes I'm the real Rambo

All you other Real Rambos are just imitating

So won't the real real Rambo please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?”

C:E Mannerheim – new lyrics to the Eminem song

“Hm just wondering...wonder if the horrible experience of getting your ass kicked in SC is the same as takin it in the ass??? Does it mean that if you lose in SC you get the feelin of beeing gay??”


“What are you trying to do? You want to send me to the glue factory like a dead horse? I've played 50+ games & get beat a couple of times by a top-ranked-player when I'm the frickin' Allies? Then I get ambushed by Hueristic on the double-gambit when I get home from working taking numerous cell calls, placing my sportsbook bets, & getting my dinner.”

Rambo doesn´t want to be a former champ

“I have a shrewd idea who I was playing, but I won't name names without definite proof. I'm also not inviting speculation from others either privately or on the forum as to whom it might have been. All I would say is at least find out who you're playing, so that you're not left with the sour taste I was.”

Archibald facing off against the masked player

“Mistakes were made, apologies sent and accepted, despite this there were reactions during and after yesterday's incident was concluded. I am asking that everyone just cool off as much as possible.”

Hubert during Christmas-riot

“Just dropping in to say bye to those that care.”

Les the Sarge retires for the first of 5 times

“It's the game, Rambo. Winning or losing, who cares? I sleep well at night, always. I have had to sacrifice for the cause of my integrity. And Integrity, to me, is all that matters. Why do you lie? Why so intense on proving yourself here? Why is this so important that you will decieve and lie and accuse and well, I don't know the words, but the thought is masturbate yourself to excellence in this house?”

BrianTheWise gets insane

“Far as Rambo movies sucking...Of course you don't like them. You're a Russian Communist. The world likes to tell us Americans what's wrong with our culture, life, & religion as they beg to come into our country.

And the crowd cheered,"USA...USA...USA...USA" And the congregation said, AMEN”


“Yes, the locking begins now with this thread. And if things continue on the current note, the banning will follow. Guys, this forum is about SC. No personal stuff. You guys have a Peng thread now for trash talk, use it. Anything off-topic outside of that will be moved or locked, and I am going to kick everybody out of these forums who continues to post nonsense. I'd rather be enjoying New Year celebrations, and since you guys force me to hang around here instead, I'm angry.”

Moon draws the line during Christmas-riot

"Wait a minute, I just want to get this straight. According to you Rambo is Hubert right? And these two are both JerseyJohn as well. And on top of that I'm the same as Cvm right? OK, now that we got all this straight, the proper way to phrase what you said is: The Gamer known as Rambo and/or Hubert and/or JerseyJohn called the gamer known as CvM and/or Otto a bitch."

Otto doesn´t believe in Kuniworth´s conspiracy-theories

“Its no wonder everybody thinks you are a cheap son of a bitch. And you acually take pride in these cheapshots, its just sad. No wonder you claim you win all the time...all you do is cheat.”

Comrade Trapp, 72-hours headcracked list

“I am still wondering if my friend was kidding when he saw someone selling their sister.”

Les the Sarge on affording to buy SC

“Jersey; Is it true that you told everyone about me and Rambo beeing gay???”


“What the hell does this have to do with this TOPIC? You have to be one the most instigating individuals i've ever seen. Man stick to a topic!”

Hueristic replies to Kuniworth

“I really think this thread can be useful to Hubert and if it gets locked down for turning into a flamefest it would show tremendous disrespect for a class guy”

Jim Boggs

“Yeah, I've heard of shared connections. You're on some Socialist shared computer system. It's crap. Maybe your opponent was located on another Socialist computer system. They probably have a bunch of stupid fire-wall crap. Gee is somebody going to see what you have on your PC?”

John J Rambo

“Rambo - you seem like an arrogant fool and a whiner to beat. Europeans are poor socialists living in their third world countries?”


“Bush is a role model of mine as well, do you have a problem with that?”

CvE Mannerheim

“Kuniworth After throwing a parade for you and forgiving your groundless and less than rational accusations about my true mulitple identities and Roswell type agenda, you practically dance on my grave and scream in rejoicing that your madness was finally justified. After being cleared of something I was never guilty of your best response was disappointment at being wrong again, as you invariably turn out to be. And to top it off you proclaim nobody will ever again call you a fool. Well, I certainly won't. Nor will I ever call you a knuckle-head, a lunatic, a trouble maker, or any of the other titles that seem to fit so perfectly.”


“Thanks also to my friend Rambo for recommending I stop using multiple identities and start being myself, have some self-esteem, etc., Advice well taken. So far I've masqueraded, according to Mr Kuniworth, as Hubert, Rambo, Jim Boggs and CvM . Of the lot, as I've said earlier, I had the most fun pretending to be you. If the truth must be known, JerseyJohn and Kuniworth are one and the same and I'm denying that even as I say it.”

Jersey John

“As stated above, I am not a young kid, and my concepts of treating people with respect and courtesy apparently come across as sappy and gratuitous. I realise that times have changed and the now generation has entirely different ideas on this theme, which is beyond me to comprehend.”

Jim Boggs

“Boggs stay with us. Just dont be caught beeing mr Immer Etwas or somebody else and all will be happy.”


“I've always wanted to either live in Scandanavia or California but a cruel twist of fate, marriage, has left me marooned in New Jersey. Take my word for it, you don't want to know any facts about New Jersey.”


“However this guy JerseyJohn or what he calls himself never gets of my back. One moment Im a knuckle-head, then I was gay and now Im apparently danish.”


“Boggs. The rule here seem pretty much everyone against Rambo. Like in the movies you know...”


“Once upon a time there was a swedish attempt lead by Zappsweden to take over this SC forum. Unfortunately our masterplan for global SC domination failed. But the swedes will be back. You cant fail with the swedish bikini team and ABBA on your side”


“Thx guys. Shakespeare and me got one thing in common - we both deal with taming the shrew, in my case Rambo”


“Ah, it's the priveledge of Youth to have a good laugh at their Old and Decrepit Friends. I almost remember when I was fifteen -- I mean I used to remember that far back. I mean, I have documented proof somewhere that once I was -- uh, where did I put it, can't seem to remember where I . . ..”


“How many retirements is this now? I think it's 3. What happenend, wife pulled the plug on your computer again? Get out of the house & play in the yard.”

Rambo-Hollywood, trying to help those in need(In this case Les the Sarge)

“It didn't mean anything back in the times when we all were breathing thick sweet air in that Garden Eden, or out on the Tundra or Savannah, and it won't next week or next year. Blah blah blah... who cares?”

Immer Etwas

“Your spinning back and forth more than PM Chretien, ever noticed how he speaks from the left side of his mouth. Your changing sides more times than Michael Moore or Peter Arnett. Stay or go, go or stay, it's just a forum, not a marriage.”


“Therefore, based on your two statements, you are happiest when you are taking it in the ass.... thanks for sharing....”

J P Wagner

"This list has turned into a joke, and from the look of things, noboday wants anything to do with it. There are no rules to stop people from randomly accusing people...This list is ridiculous and I want nothing to do with it"

Comrade Trapp tries to stop Liam´s AWOL-list

"And how the hell does the amount of games I have played have anything to do with this thread? Is that the only thing you can say in your defence?"

Comrade Trapp once again about the AWOL-list

“That guy Hags who hacked the first demo, then bragged about it here, deserves some form of bad Karma to come down hard on his head. If it hadn't been for him we could be doing PBEM with the gold Demo, warming up for the real thing.”

Jollyguy back in the golden days

“What was her message? If it was anything like, "Give peace a chance" then good on you. We certainly don't need to hear that around here!”

Germancampaign glad that Angel was banned

“He was apparently someone that is now finding out just how pissed I can get and how far I am willing to go in order to see them get a little justice handed out to them...No more need to be said on this matter...”

Madmatt on the latest banning

“here we go...who the heck keeps unlocking the damn cages at the zoo?”

Otto on the latest thread by Commi18

“does anyone know if there is some "cheat" to go farther then 1941 in the gold demo, this is a stupid questons buts theres got to be Some way around that lock, please dont say anything stupid haha”


“Someone pinch me please! Do I really read what I'm just reading?”

Straha on Commi18’s demo-suggestion

“any one got any hints&tips on what to do after the Wedding????????????”

Bernhard Honig

“Bernard, I moved one of your threads to the General Forum, and I'm moving this, too. Don't make me move a third one. Posts about Strategic Command belong here, post about everything else, including weddings, should go into the General Discussion Forum”


"I've been commenting lately that someone seemed to be tampering with my postings. This morning I found a posting I didn't make with my forum name of JerseyJohn -- it was by Jon__J__Rambo or whatever he calls himself. In it he….posts some stupid remarks referring to me as "Claus Boobie”


“This Jon__J__Rambo character is not the first nor the last fellow to make a nuisance of himself. Just ignore him and he'll eventually go away, or reform himself, or simply be banned by the moderators.”

Bill Macon was wrong back in 2002

“You have a weak mind & character! Why you can't even address me face-to-face. You cry like a little tattle-tale to "Dear Hubert, this Rambo guy is a stud & making me look bad". It's funny, then you turn around & post German soldier pictures like your a tough guy or something. The whole time you hide behind your computer. I don't hide behind the computer; I meet my opponents "in the Game”

Jon J Rambo vs JerseyJohn

“Too bad Rambo and that Stalinist guy aren't

around at the same time...I'd grab the popcorn,

sit back, and watch the mayhem...”

John DiFool

“As a newbie, I was pleased to find a forum to discuss the game. I was looking for strats and insights into gameplay, perhaps some matches versus adult opponnents; however, it seems to be controlled by children. I feel like I'm suddenly in the middle of a pre-pubescent pissing match.”

Andre Bolkonsky

“Hey, I specifically hijacked this thread for the express purpose of bashing on the Shrubbery. No counter-hijacking allowed!”

Jeff Heidman

“Did anybody mention Strategic Command in here? No? OK, locking up this off-topic thread...”


“Calling one country or the other "crap" is not called for nor are you any authority to make sure a catagorically broad statement. We don't stand for people picking on countries around here and I am going to go have a look at what EB has been saying but for not just drop it and I closing this, and similar threads up as of this second.”


“blah blah, oh look I am going to get banned...blah blah blah”

Tyler.S in the famous don’t talk poo thread

“Don't talk ****? Don't be an idiot. Oh wait, I see you're frm Bakersfield... guess you can't help it.”


“Moving this to the Matrix forum.. ah wait, I can't... ok, locking it up”



Mincks lists reason why SC sucks

“Seems like SC is an interesting game, it attracks the parasites. Will drive-by-order it when getting TacOps 4.”


“The first post in this thread is perhaps the greatest argument for birth control I've ever seen.”

Holzemfrumfloppen on Mincks

“Perhaps I'm wrong... if so, then I fear for the human race... or atleast the circle of humanity that comes in contact with mincks...”


“At the risk of making a negative comment (which I most certainly do not wish to do), mincks where are you from? With your incessant use of all Caps manner of posting text, and your outrageously atrocious grammar/spelling, your are either a non native english speaking person (and thus it is not your fault), or you are one of today's annoying breed of teens that can't speak proper english due to having learned to speak using a computer (although any net savvy person knows you don't type in all upper case letters).”

Les the Sarge got a question for Mincks



“Serious discussions? What do you want to talk about? Moving a tank? What Patton's shoe-size was? This is a game, not cancer research. What do you think all the smack is about? It's about playing the game. I just happen to be the best. How about we have a serious game”


” Hey Rambo, go pound sand. What the heck is the matter with you? Found somebody like me that can talk more smack than you can? You don't like it? You can dish it out but can't take it? You got your feelings hurt or something? Grow up! No sooner did I say something more on this stupid subject than you jump up and throw another handful of mud. You are more predictable than the AI, but with considerably less personality.”

Bill Macon

“This forum is startin to get mental. What da hell is this thread about really? Come on guys get a life!”


” In regards to Lord of Flies --- I don't believe that either. I remember a HUGE High School argument broke out over that one in English class. I told the teacher this book is crap that kids would not turn into savages, making up some stupid Monster in a cave which was really some dead parachute dude. She told me without adults, Yes, kids would go nuts. I disagree, I would have made that Island a Paradise, Swiss Family Robinson style. It would depend on having some resources, I wouldn't want that piece of crap Island of Tom Hank's in CastAway.”

Rambo 3:16

“Kuniworth, this is your first and final warning. I have yet to see a post from you actually contributing something to a discussion. The next post like the ones above will get you banned from this forum.”


“What an opportunity! ok guys...back up. left a little. look this way.. now everyone smile!”


“Light&Dark never worked together, i have to fight against the dark manouvers of the Dark Side what are menacing the balance of power of the forum, the archi-villain, insidious rambo of the Sith, should be erradicated.”

Codename Condor, the lord of light

“Nice try, tryin' to place me in the same knack that others guys that have previously confronted u? I have nothing in common with kunnyworht, jo-hans, tobby chung, freaking charlie chan, and what they called u or accused u i just dont know.”

Codename Condor wants nothing to do with bad bunch

“Where u from private rambo? Holy dog ****! Idaho? Only steers and queers come from Idaho, Private rambo. And you don't look much like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down.”

Codename Condor

“Please, please tell me what drug you are currently using. I would love to be in your world, even just for a few minutes,...please?”

Otto mistrust´s Kunniworth´s identity-inquisition

"Do I hear somebody complaining? Here, that will improve your record, Kuniworth... locking up this off-topic thread."


“If Rambo gets into a no-win situation he might bite of Bill Macon's ear!”

CC Baxter

“That's what I thought, typical Liberal response about competition…You sit at home & enjoy the lame A.I. Better yet, go get your Panzer General game off the shelf & play that A.I. where the pieces don't even move…Oh well, go turn on "TV Land" & watch those old re-runs, then fight the A.I. Remember, competition is the root of Capitalism.”

"Get a sack" --- Rambo 3:23

"Holy mothers pants in a whiskey jar! - a thread from Immer Etwas without a pretty parrot poem"


"I always tell women I chat with, to pick the guy that's unafraid to say they don't mind dating their hand when bored."

Les the Sarge on masturbation(off topic?)

"Do you refer to your left or right hand as your girlfriend?"


"I always enjoy how the natural progression of a topic veering astray occurs...from a complaint about slow players, to scatology, to masturabation, to insecurity, to dating tips"

JP Wagner

"You say "pervert" like it's a bad word..."


"Once upon a time there was a little bitch named Maximillion, he was a little smartmouthed bastard..."

Comrade Trapp tells a story

“Two kinds of players... old and the new.

New: Use a corked bat if you can get away with it, and uppercut the ball most of the time, and strike out so very much that The World (... the pitcher... merely 60 feet away ) begins to look... like a delirious demonic dream... and you are the Archangel of righteous Freudian retribution. All in all, kind of like playing... pinball, in a Buster Brown shoe-box.

Old: Choke up, hit to the opposite field, like Nellie Fox (... 2 strikes? don't matter! it can be, it WILL be done... for the TEAM) moving "Little Louie" Aparicio over to third, with less than 2 outs.

Or, "Laughing Larry" Doyle... laying one down right on the first base chalk... so that the hustling over Pitcher, say like old "Three-Fingered" Brown... will soon enough... be counting to... two... when he orders his little brown bottles of root beer... from that working class Vendor who likes to feed pigeons in the park.”

Immer Etwas on differences between old and new SC players

“I believe however that this so called "temporary retirement" by Rambo is just a scam. He is disappearing to practice new moves and masturbate in front of the screen to the sound of axis airfleets pounding russian corps.”

Kuniworth on Rambo’s retirement

“I've figured it out! Kuniworth is really Rambo! Some might say it is coincidence that Rambo is going on vacation just as Kuniworth comes back from a 'fishing trip'. I say that it is just further evidence that Rambo = Kuniworth. No one ever saw Superman and Clark Kent together. Also, no one has ever seen Rambo (Superman) and Kuniworth (Clark Kent) together. The conspiracy is revealed. The truth has come out! That wild American Rambo has disguised himself as a wild Swede to infilitrate the masses and find new secret moves.”

Oak…identity-issues still raging

“Oh no, the identity-inquisition is back. Hm must be third time Im accused of being Rambo. I must underline clearly that I dont want to be connected to Idaho in anyway. But guess what guys, I ran my friends IP-number program and you know what I found out;

Oak is really Gaylord Focker!!!!”


“Pardon my ignorance, but who is Gaylord Focker? If I'm going to be this guy, I'd at least like to know who he is.”


“Oak That you don't know who Gaylord Fockker is must mean he likes you!”


“Kuniworth Oak's finally got your disguise figured out. Guess you didn't get enough fishing heh? The above photo speaks for itself, and the face matches a recent photo taken of the speaker at the Kuniworth Fan Club Convention. What is your mad and diabolocal scheme?”


“I may as well come out with it.

I am really Rambo.

I have multiple personality disorder.

Tomorrow I'm going to be Joan Of Arc.”


“I used to think multiple personality was a disorder (not to be confused with our friend of the same name) but now I think it's a blessing and the rest of us agree with him.”


“Jim Boggs;

Do you mean that Herbert Hoover is still alive and disguise himself as Hubert Carter. Thats a pretty wild speculation.”


Brad T. --- That's what I thought. You're a wannabee American, then you turn & run to the Euros. YOU'RE NOT PLAYING CvM, YOU'RE PLAYING ME YOU DODGING SACK OF CRAP. You've been avoiding me for a year. Canada sucks. Did you Canucks listen to George W. Bush today? "Marriage is between a man & a woman". Why are you Canucks marrying dudes to dudes?

It's Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve,”

Rambo on Brad T and fellow canadians

“You try to bitch-slap me you son of a druken priest? Just because you´re some flag-waving patriotic fan of Idaho golf-club you think you can come here and critizize me and my fans???”

Kuniworth to Rambo

“What? With a line like that we don't get a visit from Gaylord Fockker! What's this place coming to?”

JerseyJohn and Shaka discussing threesomes


“I have reached a conclusion: SC sucks as much as Chuck Norris sucks at kung-fu.

Therefor I'm gonna stop playing this game and dedicate the time I used to spend playing sc to studying english. I think that all people who don't speak english fluent should follow my example!

You guys who are fluent in english should try to learn a new language, spanish, german, chinese?There are many choises!”

Lucky Zebra – the Lucky Zebra revolution

“This is not another riot, this is a revolution Kuniworth!”

Lucky Zebra leads the cavalry

“My mission is to lead you missguided souls from Hubert Caters steady sc grip. If you won't follow me, then you are a nazi. Period.”

Lucky Zebra

“Lucky Zebra is running amoc...is this a new famous SC-forum riot??? Arrgh Arrgh panic

HELP!!!! Someone restore order please”



Jordy tries to stop the revolution on his own

“Ban the little bitch”

Comrade Trapp

” They can't keep up.”

Iron Ranger on the enforcers

“Just what this guy needs a fan base . Kuni, get your insults in quick before 'Judge Dread' starts a stake burning.”

Iron Ranger


Kuniworth, the panic-monger

” You can take my life but you can never take my freedom moon!”

Lucky Zebra quoting Braveheart during the mayhem

“He holds the record for most locked up threads (25) and he has been banned to time and returned 2 times! He is a rolemodell for us all!

God bless America and Kuniworth!”

Lucky Zebra likes Kuniworth

“Im truely flattered Lucky Zebra. It takes a lot of work to be the best. But I see you´re mounting a serious challenge against my record.”

Kuniworth, Lucky Zebra revolution

“Hey evildoer, I know who you are! Moon!”

Lucky Zebra joins the identity-speculation during the revolution

“Hey whoever locked up my proporsition post, why did you do that?! I know you probably are some kind of a sparetime-nazi strolling around in jackboots asking your nonexistant wife to give you a good spanking. But wanna know something?! This is not the third riche! This is the bf forum where you should be allowed to express your opinion. And yes, the post was related to sc! Pencilneck!”

Lucky Zebra revolution

” Jerk”


“Come on Jordy the best you can come up with is 'Jerk' twice? Moon is going to lock this thread quick, you need to get better and faster then 'Jerk' two times in a row - now start planing your next insult.”

Iron Ranger

” Jerk”


“Master of the universe, that's me...”

Lucky Zebra

” I'm so disapointed in you Jordy, Call him a Dush Bag, a useless hunk a flesh, Jerk just isn't enough time after time after time....”

Iron Ranger

“Either you are with us or against us”

Lucky Zebra leads the SC-players genesis

“I see a banning in the near future. Damn newbies.......”

Comrade Trapp

” I need someone to spread my message and fight to get me back to the board! Remember me not for what I have said, but for what I have done!


Lucky Zebra, realizing banning is near

“Moon Ban this guy quick - otherwise people will think you really don't have any eggs!”

Iron Ranger

“If it "has not got anything to do with sc actually", it has not got anything to do in this forum actually. Locking this.”

Moon putting the revolution on hold

[ August 05, 2003, 10:45 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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“Its no wonder everybody thinks you are a cheap son of a bitch. And you acually take pride in these cheapshots, its just sad. No wonder you claim you win all the time...all you do is cheat.”

Comrade Trapp, 72-hours headcracked list

Was that really my best quote? As you could tell thoses were my newbie days. I picked a hell of a time to join, the Christmas Season from hell.

Comrade Trapp

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I think this should be ranked Number 1 post in SC history:

"Funny thing; it falls into place - if you look at all facts this is what I think is going oN;

- The mastermind which no one knows the real name of, just referred to as "Hubert Carter" creates the game - he knows leapholes and how to cheat. Now he gotta create a hype around the game.

- He creates an alias - "otto" which he use to make mods and campaigns. Interest grow. All part in the plan....

- Suddenly...strange fellow named Rambo emerge on the forum, winning in strange ways which annoys practically everyone(except me who couldnt care less). The hype around the game is growing, Rambo is mysterious....a poor fellow...lets just call him "Brian" almost commits suicide when he loses to Rambo

- Meanwhile, or a bit earlier, another strange character -JerseyJohn- appears with deep knowledge of the war. EXACTLY the kind of knowlege one had to have if you would wanna create a game like SC. Coincidence? I think not

So what happens? Interest starts to grow in the wargaming world. He Bribed legendary Les the Sarge to visit the forum, makin all the wargaming fans get excited meeting such a wargamer-god.

But the mastermind gotta catch a breath and go on vacation spendin all his new money. So his 14-year old son, Carl, is giving instructions to keep interest up. Carl introduces a new character - CvM - to control the forum. So suddenly "Hubert's" visits to the forum stops while at the same time CvM xan be seen all the time....strange right?

I suspected something beeing wrong for a couple month. But it was not until I tred my friends software program I could see the pattern.

Is it just me or doesnt this seem a bit like a conspiracy"

Posted by Kuniworth - Christmas Season from hell 12-30-02

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Great stuff, just got in and in the middle of a week where I've got zero free time, but I agree with Hueristic -- Great job and also a lot of good stuff posted by Comrade Trapp. smile.gif

At first I wasn't pleased to see the old rift between Rambo and myself being brought up again, but you've chosen some of the most ridiculous quotes from both of us and I had a good laugh reading them. Claus Boobie !! :D

Those quotes were a couple of thousand postings back for both Rambo and myself -- but obviously not far enough back to escape the Kuni digging machine. :D

Honored to have been quoted, you chose some real gems from everyone. I've enjoyed this thoroughly and think it is by far your best Thread ever.

[ July 16, 2003, 11:31 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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MoreWorth --- You have proven yourself, congrats. It had to take alot of work to compile your favorite takes.

Waltero is my favorite too. I think he was a 23 year old bowl smoker living with his mom.

Since you went to so much trouble to create this masterpiece, please put in a textfile or something. Then you can keep "Best of SC-Forum".

I'd like a copy, signed by you of course.


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Ah... SELECTIVE quotes... taken out of context and without appropriate elaboration.

With this kind of arbitrary tomfoolery, why... you could make a person seem... quite the idiot, or just sublime, as you personally please... hey!

People in the Mass Media do it all the time!

And so do Government propogandists and spin doctors! :eek:

And, it's apparent that you have your... favorites, those that you make out to be just wild with elan and animal grace,

And, you have some others that you don't particularly like... and of course they come off as blithering idiots.

And many poor souls that you just ignore altogether.

Why... you could even make a dogged and robust Army Mule seem like... an old Nag long overdue for the glue factory!

I am wondering... to what common SC purpose?

I am thinking, thinking... and IMHO, this surely falls into the category of... CHEAP TRICKS. :eek:

Then again, what the hell, it's the kind of World we live in now... one-upmanship and rip! while the ripping's good and no sense of fair play... ah, not to fret,

It's done without discrimination and all over the place and even in... highly enlightened Sweden. ;)

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Bill Macon was wrong back in 2002

Yes, I admit it. I was w... I was wr... I was wro... I was wron... I was WRONG! There. :D

Very funny compilation. Now put it all to music as the "SC Melody." Add some of JerseyJohn's pics and make it into an MTV video. tongue.gif

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19-7-2003 Added some more favorites at the bottom of the list. Sorry to say there was a lot of empty "replies" in the SC-Tournament round 2 thread. Thats to bad, some of the best quotes ever were posted there(eg Rambo vs BriantheWise).

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Great job, we all do look very silly, grown men arguing over a kids game, actually thinking that our view point (opinion, eveyone has one just like everyone has a a_shole, and some people get them confused) is more important than eveybody else's.


It makes me realize that Rambo is really a jerk.

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Excerpts from The Great EB – dgaad War:

Last Autumn these two gentlemen were the kiss of death to any forum they contributed to. EB would invariably add his views, always that the only ones really fighting the Axis were the Soviets and implying the British and Americans were resting somewhere, sunning themselves and just having a swell old time doing nothing while uncounted millions of Russians perished. dgaad would appear a couple of posting later with a hostile response, sometimes very antagonistic, and more often than not a padlock would follow.

These are some remarks made toward the end of their posting days. Both have long since vanished from the SC Forum.

Oct 19, 2002

Originally posted by EB.:

"In terms of politics, those officers purged were pro-Trotsky. . . . Every one of the officers shot was very specifically against Stalin and had wanted to remove Stalin by a coup. This was well understood at the time by EVERYONE, especially by the enemies of Stalin--the only way to remove him and to reverse his policies was a military move by Tukhachevsky against Stalin. So Stalin saw this and counter-moved against it. If he had not done so, then he would have been shot himself and his policies reversed, leading to the defeat of our country."

Truly amazing, isn't it folks?

dgaad’s editorial comment on EB’s Stalinist philosophy.


Dgaad it is truly amazing. I have to admit that I find your exchanges with EB the best things on this board. I find EB's perspective quite unusual and it's hard to believe some of his statements could be anything but a piss take..I have this vision in my head of EB with a big picture of Stalin above his fireplace. (LOL) Say it ain't so!!! And Dgaad I've got to tell you, your a funny MF, man..Keep at him...Nobody does it better. Thanks guys, it makes for good reading.

My old friend Zeres adds his opinion


I have this vision of the son of an apparatchik who spent his childhood years playing with hundreds of little stick figures charging the fascist imperialist foe yelling oooRRAAAA-pobeidaaaaaaaa!!!! Currently residing in the squalor that is Kaluga, frustrated by the lack of jobs for True Believers, talking the ears off of anyone who doesn't think that Uncle Joe was, in fact, the closest thing to God on Earth. While he may not know it, he's the main reason Vladimir Zhirinovsky and the Russian LDP has only 1 remaining vote in the oblast.

[ October 19, 2002, 02:35 AM: Message edited by: dgaad ]


Originally posted by EB.:

"Also, we have no fireplace here. But the portrait is there of course..."

So, you are the son of an apparachik!

-- dgaad gets the last word.

[ July 25, 2003, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quotes update; Added some more quotes to the bottm of the list. To make it easy for you to read I will post the new ones in this thread so wont have to read the whole quoteslist over and over again.

This new quotes contains a very special event which will get an own headline. Today august 6th, we witnessed a revolution of enormous proportion. The lucky zebra revolution was the latest riot-attempt to hit the SC forum. Some lucky veterans as myself, Iron Ranger, Comrade Trapp and Jordy survived the carnage and panic to tell our story's to the media. The perpetrator was banned and is now serving time at a mental hospital. 16(!!!!) locked threads in a row is a new SC-forum record.

well ok here we go;

“Two kinds of players... old and the new.

New: Use a corked bat if you can get away with it, and uppercut the ball most of the time, and strike out so very much that The World (... the pitcher... merely 60 feet away ) begins to look... like a delirious demonic dream... and you are the Archangel of righteous Freudian retribution. All in all, kind of like playing... pinball, in a Buster Brown shoe-box.

Old: Choke up, hit to the opposite field, like Nellie Fox (... 2 strikes? don't matter! it can be, it WILL be done... for the TEAM) moving "Little Louie" Aparicio over to third, with less than 2 outs.

Or, "Laughing Larry" Doyle... laying one down right on the first base chalk... so that the hustling over Pitcher, say like old "Three-Fingered" Brown... will soon enough... be counting to... two... when he orders his little brown bottles of root beer... from that working class Vendor who likes to feed pigeons in the park.”

Immer Etwas on differences between old and new SC players

“I believe however that this so called "temporary retirement" by Rambo is just a scam. He is disappearing to practice new moves and masturbate in front of the screen to the sound of axis airfleets pounding russian corps.”

Kuniworth on Rambo’s retirement

“I've figured it out! Kuniworth is really Rambo! Some might say it is coincidence that Rambo is going on vacation just as Kuniworth comes back from a 'fishing trip'. I say that it is just further evidence that Rambo = Kuniworth. No one ever saw Superman and Clark Kent together. Also, no one has ever seen Rambo (Superman) and Kuniworth (Clark Kent) together. The conspiracy is revealed. The truth has come out! That wild American Rambo has disguised himself as a wild Swede to infilitrate the masses and find new secret moves.”

Oak…identity-issues still raging

“Oh no, the identity-inquisition is back. Hm must be third time Im accused of being Rambo. I must underline clearly that I dont want to be connected to Idaho in anyway. But guess what guys, I ran my friends IP-number program and you know what I found out;

Oak is really Gaylord Focker!!!!”


“Pardon my ignorance, but who is Gaylord Focker? If I'm going to be this guy, I'd at least like to know who he is.”


“Oak That you don't know who Gaylord Fockker is must mean he likes you!”


“Kuniworth Oak's finally got your disguise figured out. Guess you didn't get enough fishing heh? The above photo speaks for itself, and the face matches a recent photo taken of the speaker at the Kuniworth Fan Club Convention. What is your mad and diabolocal scheme?”


“I may as well come out with it.

I am really Rambo.

I have multiple personality disorder.

Tomorrow I'm going to be Joan Of Arc.”


“I used to think multiple personality was a disorder (not to be confused with our friend of the same name) but now I think it's a blessing and the rest of us agree with him.”


“Jim Boggs;

Do you mean that Herbert Hoover is still alive and disguise himself as Hubert Carter. Thats a pretty wild speculation.”


Brad T. --- That's what I thought. You're a wannabee American, then you turn & run to the Euros. YOU'RE NOT PLAYING CvM, YOU'RE PLAYING ME YOU DODGING SACK OF CRAP. You've been avoiding me for a year. Canada sucks. Did you Canucks listen to George W. Bush today? "Marriage is between a man & a woman". Why are you Canucks marrying dudes to dudes?

It's Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve,”

Rambo on Brad T and fellow canadians

“You try to bitch-slap me you son of a druken priest? Just because you´re some flag-waving patriotic fan of Idaho golf-club you think you can come here and critizize me and my fans???”

Kuniworth to Rambo

“What? With a line like that we don't get a visit from Gaylord Fockker! What's this place coming to?”

JerseyJohn and Shaka discussing threesomes


“I have reached a conclusion: SC sucks as much as Chuck Norris sucks at kung-fu.

Therefor I'm gonna stop playing this game and dedicate the time I used to spend playing sc to studying english. I think that all people who don't speak english fluent should follow my example!

You guys who are fluent in english should try to learn a new language, spanish, german, chinese?There are many choises!”

Lucky Zebra – the Lucky Zebra revolution

“This is not another riot, this is a revolution Kuniworth!”

Lucky Zebra leads the cavalry

“My mission is to lead you missguided souls from Hubert Caters steady sc grip. If you won't follow me, then you are a nazi. Period.”

Lucky Zebra

“Lucky Zebra is running amoc...is this a new famous SC-forum riot??? Arrgh Arrgh panic

HELP!!!! Someone restore order please”



Jordy tries to stop the revolution on his own

“Ban the little bitch”

Comrade Trapp

” They can't keep up.”

Iron Ranger on the enforcers

“Just what this guy needs a fan base . Kuni, get your insults in quick before 'Judge Dread' starts a stake burning.”

Iron Ranger


Kuniworth, the panic-monger

” You can take my life but you can never take my freedom moon!”

Lucky Zebra quoting Braveheart during the mayhem

“He holds the record for most locked up threads (25) and he has been banned to time and returned 2 times! He is a rolemodell for us all!

God bless America and Kuniworth!”

Lucky Zebra likes Kuniworth

“Im truely flattered Lucky Zebra. It takes a lot of work to be the best. But I see you´re mounting a serious challenge against my record.”

Kuniworth, Lucky Zebra revolution

“Hey evildoer, I know who you are! Moon!”

Lucky Zebra joins the identity-speculation during the revolution

“Hey whoever locked up my proporsition post, why did you do that?! I know you probably are some kind of a sparetime-nazi strolling around in jackboots asking your nonexistant wife to give you a good spanking. But wanna know something?! This is not the third riche! This is the bf forum where you should be allowed to express your opinion. And yes, the post was related to sc! Pencilneck!”

Lucky Zebra revolution

” Jerk”


“Come on Jordy the best you can come up with is 'Jerk' twice? Moon is going to lock this thread quick, you need to get better and faster then 'Jerk' two times in a row - now start planing your next insult.”

Iron Ranger

” Jerk”


“Master of the universe, that's me...”

Lucky Zebra

” I'm so disapointed in you Jordy, Call him a Dush Bag, a useless hunk a flesh, Jerk just isn't enough time after time after time....”

Iron Ranger

“Either you are with us or against us”

Lucky Zebra leads the SC-players genesis

“I see a banning in the near future. Damn newbies.......”

Comrade Trapp

” I need someone to spread my message and fight to get me back to the board! Remember me not for what I have said, but for what I have done!


Lucky Zebra, realizing banning is near

“Moon Ban this guy quick - otherwise people will think you really don't have any eggs!”

Iron Ranger

“If it "has not got anything to do with sc actually", it has not got anything to do in this forum actually. Locking this.”

Moon putting the revolution on hold

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Great Choices :D

Got home from visiting someone with the wife and saw all those Lucky Zebra posts with the padlocks -- I don't think anyone will be breaking records to get him back in. Laughed my ass off at Jordy's repitition of that perfect word, Jerk and Iron Ranger's futile promptings for him to expand on it.

I'm sorry you had to lose an admirer, but in truth, he did seem a tad deranged.


Funny as hell sequence of lions eating a not-so-lucky zebra! A pity it was padlocked. ;)

[ August 05, 2003, 11:02 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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