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How does one _do_ a "Dunkirk"?


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I've just downloaded the demo. I find that I am unable, using the instructions contained therein, to evacuate the BEF from France once the Germans have defeated the French. I also note that it seems I am unable to combine attacks or stack naval units. Nor does there appear to be specific ASW assets to counter the German U-Boats. Finally, it appears to me that research is incredibly expensive. To even gain one point in research, I have to sacrifice my entire GDP as British for nearly 2 years, which seems a trifle unrealistic to me.

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Originally posted by Brian:

I've just downloaded the demo. I find that I am unable, using the instructions contained therein, to evacuate the BEF from France once the Germans have defeated the French.

If you want to save the BEF, you should operationally move it to Brest and then sea transport it to the UK from there, before France surrenders.

Originally posted by Brian:

Finally, it appears to me that research is incredibly expensive. To even gain one point in research, I have to sacrifice my entire GDP as British for nearly 2 years, which seems a trifle unrealistic to me.

I'm not sure what you mean here, I think the research point cost is quite reasonable. One point only costs 250 MPP's, where are you getting the "entire GDP for nearly 2 years" from? :confused:
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Historically, at Dunkirk the Brits save most of their remaining men and a few frogs as well. However they lost ALL their heavy equipment. So disbandment of the BEF in the game would closely simulate what happened historically - you get some MPPs back, but unless you've already got some MPPs saved up you can't field a new army right away.

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Originally posted by DevilDog:

Historically, at Dunkirk the Brits save most of their remaining men and a few frogs as well. However they lost ALL their heavy equipment. So disbandment of the BEF in the game would closely simulate what happened historically - you get some MPPs back, but unless you've already got some MPPs saved up you can't field a new army right away.

They however saved their most valuable asset - trained manpower. While disbandment would be a possible means of representation, is this possible while in contact with the enemy?
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I have actually found that doing "dunkirk" is VERY powerful for the brits.

against a human opponnet, the BEF moved to the NW corner city of france (brest?)

I was able to hold onto the space for several turns for these reasons:

1. only 1 land unit can attack that spot

2. A brit navy can attack the spot where the german attacker HAS to attack from

3. I had 3 fighters, 2 brit 1 french that were able to provide air cover for the spot, thereby negating the german air attack.

Although this has only been attempted once in my games, i don't see a solution for the german side, I would like to see what others have to say.

btw, after destroying/heavily damaging 4 different german units, i withdrew the BEF, strength 4, to the british coast.

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