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Kuni what happend to W-League?

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Hi All

It all comes down to preferences.

Do I want to know the current best player?

Do I want to know the relative skill of every league member by taking a look at his rank?

Do I want encourage players to play many games?

Do I want to ...

OK, and the answers to all those and other questions will tell us our target group of the league and its design.

Good players lean more towards knowing who is currently the benchmark and competition. A ladder system is fine for them.

Others may prefer different systems.

The PL is one of them.

And soon with an international section ...


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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

I would like to play a league. You face every player twice, once as allies once as axis: That would be great.

Me too but what about retirements?

How many players would actually sign up for such a massive package of games?

The big risk is that say if you should play 10 games and after 6 games those who performed bad will drop out causing headaches for those left in the seasonal league.

[ May 06, 2004, 05:15 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Indeed the best system would be a worldwide championship where during a season (1 Year?) you have to play ag every player who participates twice or even more games. Wins giving 2 points, draws 1 point....the player with the most points at the end of the season is the true champ.

Every other system is for fun only and not competitive.....except tourneys....but as you know in a single game alot can happen.

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Hi Kuni

You said:

I would like to play a league. You face every player twice, once as allies once as axis: That would be great.

Up to this time that is one of the very principles of the PL. In the PL it is called "mirrored mode". When ever you play a match and bid for the axis, you will have to play once with the axis and once with the allies under the same conditions (bid) against the same opponent. On the base of the results of both games the outcome of the whole match is evaluated and you receive your points accordingly.

Unfortunately (as I feel) there are members in the PL (Hey, lasst mich leben :D ) that try to question whether the mirrored mode is still fitting for SC and try to get done with it.


PS: Kollegen, jedem seine Meinung ;)

KT, ich hoffe, das hat im PL-Forum keine Konsequezen für mich :D .

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Originally posted by Feldtrompeter:

PS: Kollegen, jedem seine Meinung ;)

KT, ich hoffe, das hat im PL-Forum keine Konsequezen für mich :D .

Ab nach Sibirien mit dir du Ratte!!!! Bopeep richte ne Baracke her.

In fact you know that i like both systems and a peacefull coexistence would be the best as long we dont rate it for a socalled championship.

Currently we have to following competions in the Panzerliga....the SC_League ....running fine, a Tournament....just ended with a victory of zapp, one fun event where a team of 8 players compete ag another team like Ryder Cup....much more fun...and now the point we have a running championship as i stated before....and what happens excactly the concerns which zapp stated above....some players quit....and this championship is dead........

Is really difficult to find a perfect solution...but the most important thing is that this game should be fun and no job.

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Perhaps I got you wrong, Kuniworth. The mirrored mode is no substitute for a league that you have in mind.

But I think the "Meisterschaft" in the PL comes near to what you discribed. Unfortunately, during the cource of the season, some of the members resigned and the whole thing ended up as Zapp feared.

[ May 06, 2004, 05:42 PM: Message edited by: Feldtrompeter ]

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To be honest about World League, you've got to be good. Sure the best players have a Monopoly on the top positions, but the rest of you are just not trying hard enough. tongue.gif

Complain away, but the fact is there isn't enough low or mid level competition for a player to continue or enough 'time' and 'desire' to get better. That's a problem with SC, not with World League. There is still a lack of SCers in TPC IP, as you see PBEM League is quite healthy cause of the steady flux and many different level players. So what happens when a guy walks into World League and gets his face knocked in 5 Xs, he runs off and plays a couple AI and Single Player games, gives up essentially. IP Requires a fast pace, a player who is going to lose 100 matches before he wins and I'm afraid to say most of you just don't have what it takes.

I've been a low and mid level play that can only find IP games vs Terif/Zapp/Rambo/Dragonheart/DH/etc... Next in line is IronRanger<who doesn't play any more>/Codename Condor/Comrade Trap/Avatar/Kuniworth/etc...

I played Gorski and he did "Good." Great possibilities, but he only stuck around a week. Olivia, has 3-5 games with unfinished. Yaggmoth, never reported our game<so I can't really play him again :( > but he seemed nice. Some God I've never got the chance to play him nor Dutch Army. I see an obvious lack of Fresh meat and a obvious lack of devotion to playing and more discussion on the boards to be quite frank. IP is just not as popular it seems...

All members, but none of them active.

There are several Newbies on there two who'd love to play but just can't put up much of a competitive fight. They won't read Terif's strategy notes nor the Strategy Guide nor take 20-40 Losses to learn to be as good as the top dogs. I've taken more losses in IP Competition play than anyone and right now I'm #2 ;) And I'll likely be #1 after I whoop Avatar's Axis tongue.gif

Doesn't mean much though, most of the competitive players aren't a member of World League. I'm sorry but PanzerLiga has sucked many up<cause more reputable players who finish games paly there> and PBEM is more popular for rookies or low ability players and you just aren't getting more than 30-40 guys in. So there is plenty of mid-level competition.

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Hello Fans,

There's some things I need to address which are quite obvious...but you know what? I don't care, I'll let my challenge match with DragonHeart do the talking. I could careless about leagues, old games, this & that.

I'm about being a Legend, chillin' with my Lady, entertainment, making money, playing golf, eating steaks, drinking beer, shooting guns, reading the Bible, being an American, hanging with the family, & being good looking.

Match on Saturday with Dragonheart. To be continued...

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