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Official SCHQ AAR Contest Entry: "Schreiverwüstung, bis das ende!"

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Official SCHQ AAR Contest Entry

1945 Scenario "Cry Havoc" Allied AI +100

"Schreiverwüstung, bis das ende!" (The last volume of the Official history of the German Armed Forces in World War Two)

They’re getting closer now, this will be my last record. My name is ----- -- ---- I am a Hauptmann serving in the Army High Command here in Berlin, about 6 years ago I was selected to write the official history of the German Army in the new War. It was thought my writings would be the story of the Rise of German dominance in Europe, and for awhile, it seemed as if that would be the case. It is now July 1945, and This is the last volume in my story. It will begin on January 1, 1945, and will contain the details of the Reich’s final battle. The Battle for the Reich itself!

JAN45.jpg (Situation: January 1945)

By Jan. 1945 our offensive in the Ardennes had lost all of its initial momentum the Fuehrer finally realized that the amount of equipment that would be lost would be more than the offensive, which had now bogged down, was worth. In the East, Budapest was surrounded, it was ordered to break out. Also, our line in Poland was in need of strengthening. On Jan 2, 1945, the Fuehrer demanded that a ring of steel would be placed around the Reich, (Using the Rhine in the west, the Danube in the south, and perhaps, the Oder in the east) making Germany one giant kessel. This was to be completed by Feb 24.

It was decided that our front in the Balkans should be consolidated first, pulling the line to Austria, Czech. And Southern Germany itself, XVI corps in Belgrade was pulled back. At this same time, the 6th army staged a successful breakout from Budapest. Our Anti-Partisan fighters in Yugo. Were also evacuated to help form a line along the Danube. The 6th mountain corps based in Athens was told to stay put, as it would be needed for a ‘special operation.’

The plan seemed simple enough, withdraw, and dig in. But By the end of the month the situation became even more bleak. In the west the allies launched a fierce offensive across the Rhine, our line held, but just barely. In this time the American 9th Airforce launched an attack on all remaining German airfields, By Feb.1 the luftwaffe was gone. In the East, The first Guards Tank group supported by the 33rd army broke our lines. In our northern section of the front, near the besieged city of Konigsburg, heavy fighting was seen, and our line held, but barely. On Feb 14. the order to evacuate Konigsburg was issued, by the end of the week, the former defenders of Konigsburg were digging in along the Oder.

MAR45.jpg (Situation: Late Feb. Early March)

It was about this time that the 6th Mountain corps was issued its last order, it was to launch a final raid on the Allied Occupied City of Bari, and seize the port at Taranto. This was to be our last offensive. While en route, the convoy was attack by Allied Naval and Air forces, and was completely decimated. That wasn’t the worst of it, by April 9th, our line in the east was shattered to the West of Warsaw, 5 days later Russian troops were on German soil. The Order was given to retreat to the Oder for the Final battle. In the south, Army Group Italy commanded by Field Marshall Kesselring was ordered to protect Munich. By April 15th, the final defensive line around the Reich was established.

APRIL45xLast.jpg (Final Line: April 1945)

We then found ourselves in a rather odd position, our line on the Oder river was holding firm, and we reoccupied Northern Holland, thus giving us an even stronger defense in the west. In the south, XI corps, defending Venice was surrounded, the American 7th Army on its southern flank, the British 8th to the west and the Soviet 2nd Guards in the East! It was the only unit keeping the Allies from linking up.

On June 6, 1945, one year after the Allied landings in France, our most loyal of Allies, the Bulgarians surrendered, here is the last radio message that was received from it’s besieged capital of Sophia:

***“Fighting house to house….. tanks reported in the vicinity of the capital building….. 500 men left….. this is it……… Bulgaria calling.. Bulgaria calling.. this is for our German comrades in arms: “We regret to say that our capital will soon fall, but let it be known to the world that we went down fighting! The last of us are about to make a charge on the leading tank column… with this we say to our loyal allies, “Schreiverwüstung, bis das ende!”***

In the week that followed the Western allies launched new attacks on the Rhine River Line. The French 1st army breached the line along the Lower Rhine, getting within 50 miles of Hamburg. In Venice, XI corps put up one of the greatest defenses in history, only falling to the American 7th Army on June 15th, 1945.

In the east, the Oder line held firm. “Perhaps we’ll make it too next winter…” muttered General Jodl. However it is seriously doubtful that we will last another Month.

By the End of June the final blow had been received, south of Cologne, the American 3rd Army broke through, causing chaos in the ranks. North of Berlin, the Soviet 13th Shock Tank Army broke through, and made it all the way to Kiel. At this point all organized resistance ended. On July 2nd, the last Order from German high command reached it’s forces in the field. The Order: “Schreiverwüstung, bis das ende!” All out attacks were made North of Berlin, destroying the 15 shock army and the 3rd soviet army, this cut off two full Soviet tank groups from the rest of their forces. In the south, Munich was abandoned, the units there retreated north to attack the Allies spearhead across the Rhine.

july45.jpg (July 1945)

Early July saw fanatical fighting in the North of Germany, and by July 17th All German forces had been confined to a rapidly shrinking pocket of resistance around Berlin. It was made clear to us here at Command HQ here in Berlin that the Soviets would be making the final assault on the city. This account is being written on July 19th, in the year of our lord Nineteen hundred and forty-five. This will be the last. All men our ordered to the front. How will history judge us? Will they judge us by our leaders, or by the men that fought for their Fatherland? I can only hope that history will be fair, fore we shall not be the ones writing it. This is ‘Hauptmann’ closing the official German Account of the German armed forces in World War Two.

****This is Lieutenant Roger. P. Anderson, US Army. This account was discovered in a bombed out basement on January 5th, 1946. I have been assigned to conclude this account. The City of Berlin fell to Soviet Forces on August 18th, 1945. Their forces fought admirably. The last Unit to be destroyed in the city was the Bavarian Panzer Corps, they fought with a tenacity unsurpassed in the history of warfare. On that day, August 18th, all German resistance ended. The Former Germany, has since been divided. This Account was found in the American controlled section of the city. This will be America’s account of the German Armed Forces in World War two. We will take it upon ourselves to analyze and research this work, which was written by a Hauptmann in the German Army. This work will be used to acquit the innocent and convict the guilty parties in the continuing trials taking place in Nurnberg. Total casualties for Germany in the Second World war were in excess of 3.5 Million, had these men not given their all in the last Several months of the war, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics would’ve overrun most of Europe. How will history Judge the German Army? I cannot say. But in the opinion of this American Historian, the Germans were a great army deployed for the wrong reasons. However their sacrifices have allowed Germany to exist as a nation, and such a nation, deserves the right to live.


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Great job CvM, I havent worked on mine, I started 2 different ones after the thing was announced (One I started in our game). I guess Ill get it back out and attempt to compete with yours, great job. I am also trying to find out how to post Screen Shots.

[ March 30, 2003, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: Brad T. ]

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