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AAR : Me vs Terif, lets see who wins.


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Originally posted by zappsweden:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Terif:

Zapp, did you really want peace ?

Or why do you continue spamming me with requests for a game - and mostly with hidden accusations between the lines ?

Terif, did YOU really want peace ?

I said I can beat you (obviously abit too loud) and you go crazy again :rolleyes:

Now, explain what that "hidden accusation" thing meant. </font>

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I think you pretty well know the issue is not about a single expression ("I bid 100.000...") you posted. Its the sum off all your postings in several threads and at different websites, where you ask me in various ways to play you - spiced up with alternating "nice" remarks...

The reason I posted my comment HERE was simply because it was fitting to the topic. You really dont need to explain your joke here...

I really tried to ignore you like other people proposed, but thats not possible when you follow me even in my - german ! - AARs to post crap and other stuff in between to get my attention.

Now you act like an innocent who did nothing. In THIS thread you really did not much. It alone could have been even funny - and perhaps was - but not if you read ALL your stuff and see the whole puzzle.

BTW: I will not search for them, post URLs, make a lot of quotes out of context and similar stuff - like you love to do it. I have better things to do with my time.

Until now my last comment produced 6 posts from you only in this thread - not to mention the other ones - analyzing every word and sentence of my post...

I know you will respond with a new flood of postings to this one. This is one lesson I learned during our dispute: you never know when to stop.

But I will try my best to ignore you in the future...

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Originally posted by Terif:


I think you pretty well know the issue is not about a single expression ("I bid 100.000...") you posted. Its the sum off all your postings in several threads and at different websites, where you ask me in various ways to play you - spiced up with alternating "nice" remarks...

Here are the only "at different websites" 2 replies I wrote in Panzerliga (which me, Rambo and a few others here at BF are members of too, do not forget that) of which one of them was a reply to your statement (in the same topic). The Zappsweden replies are from mid-down section of that webpage.


The reason I posted my comment HERE was simply because it was fitting to the topic. You really dont need to explain your joke here...

I really tried to ignore you like other people proposed, but thats not possible when you follow me even in my - german ! - AARs to post crap and other stuff in between to get my attention.

Thankyou very much!

As I said. I only posted twice in PL. The first one was this: "Seems Terif is kicking everyones butt in Panzerliga except me (me=zappsweden=W-League Champ)." and the second one was a reply to your: "I kicked your butt nearly 50 times in the past...this is really often enough :D ". If that is "I post crap" then there is LOTS of LOTS of crap in BF as well since other players post like that from time to time, not just me. :rolleyes:

I know some German language and read both AAR here and some AAR at Panzerliga (use some neat translating software too) so what?

I read alot of AAR's especially between the Champs or top players. I know you read my AAR's too because some hours ago in this topic you wrote: "what I read from AARs and hear from others - it seems you didnt improve your gameplay." ;)

If you see RED just because my name shows up in a Terif vs Dragonheart AAR then it is YP = Your Problem. So, please do not even try to twist this one (like you did several times before) and blame the writer saying that if you get upset it is a proof that someone did something wrong.

Now you act like an innocent who did nothing. In THIS thread you really did not much. It alone could have been even funny - and perhaps was - but not if you read ALL your stuff and see the whole puzzle.

BTW: I will not search for them, post URLs, make a lot of quotes out of context and similar stuff - like you love to do it. I have better things to do with my time.

Until now my last comment produced 6 posts from you only in this thread - not to mention the other ones - analyzing every word and sentence of my post

You are always (with rethorics) trying to create reasons to justify your actions. Suddenly the important stuff now is artistic work of adding small pieces together, making every effort to make them look many and (without even showing them) use them for your conclusions. :rolleyes: Slippery as an Eel...

"not to mention the other ones".

No, lets DO mention them instead (which I will do later in this post). Lets sort this out once and for all. Also those 6 posts were short ones, I could have combined them to one large instead. Fact is, in that many posts you still ignore the question I repeat time after time namely "What do you mean when you say I use hidden accusations?"

I do not fall for the rethoric tricks. You are suddenly dissing URL's now because it does not help you and because you know you have nothing to add this time. In our arguments long time ago, you posted alot of links but now you make this swift turn just because it benefits you. So now the fault is that I am replying to you too much on this topic and posting URL's (to make it clear I have done nothing wrong)??

I have heard you saying that "I have better things to do with my time" (and similar sentences) about onehundredeleventh times (throughout the history) now I think.

I will gladely link to everything I have said since the peace on April 12th (please correct me if I miss out on something relevant).

Why do I need to act innocent? I stick to the facts.

"not to mention the other ones" explanation follow here:

Your name is only relevant in these 3 topics.

1) I said in PL that I was unbeatable, that I could beat you, that I slaughter opponents in SC (by the way, cool smilies at PL) and such stuff (hey, I was on a winning streak and felt cocky and braggy). http://www.panzerliga.de/dt/docs/forum/showtopic.php?threadid=825&time=1082405458

2) I already said I started this topic because it sounded funny and I have now explained it i.e presented links to where I got inspiration and stuff (see initial post in this topic).

3) I questioned your decision to not join the Ryder Cup 2004 (God forbid :( ) because I wondered if the decision had anything to do with me (since u played Ryder Cup last year). http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=003571

By the way, Avatar also posted in that Ryder Cup topic and said that you could play Ryder Cup because you did not have to play me. Now, why would he post that if he believed you? Means he also (like me) wondered why you did not join. So, you still cannot see that you are overreacting here?

For information (though not relevant) and for not hiding any facts, your name was also in the Poll (among other good SC players) for the topic about if ppl wanna see AAR's in general and which ones in particular http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=003567

and also mentioned in the Kuni vs Moon topic http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=003576 (but that was AFTER this argument started).

So, what else do you have? What of the above stuff (or anywhere else pls let me know) is an accusation (because you said I use "hidden accusations")? From you it sounds like there is a flood of posts that I posted recently about you somewhere on the Internet. That is not the case. The best you can come up with is that vague statement "sum of all postings" (1+1=5?) but might just as well have written "sum of all fears" (great movie by the way) instead or whatever.

You now say it is too much work posting links (though you posted much more links than I ever did before both in discussions and other topics. Also, there is a search function in the forum where you can find all recent postings of specific members, use it)... but you could start digging it up now once and for all. If you are right then I will apologize but I am 100% sure you can dig all the way to the center of the earth and you will not find anything more concrete or relevant (use the forum search function with zappsweden as membername and SC as forum) than what I have mentioned here and now.

Anyway, stick to the facts. Is is a fact that I am posting accusations about you (nope) or is it your general impression (yes)?

That is a big difference because when you say something like that without explanation it is NOT nice at all.

FOR EXAMPLE (made up quotes, not real ones):

Saying like: "I think you are the best SC player" does not have to be explained.

Saying like: "You are a liar and a thief" DOES have to be explained.

I am sure you get the point and know the difference.

I know you will respond with a new flood of postings to this one. This is one lesson I learned during our dispute: you never know when to stop.

You only say what you feel is important for you to say and then leave. Disrespectful. I treat opponents fairly, you don't. Politicians avoid answering questions that can hurt them. Instead they shift focus on something else and try to hurt the credability of the opponent.

The difference is, this time you do not have old Zapp mistakes to shift focus to and make me look bad like you had some months ago when we argued. You do not have any "It's all your fault, you should not have done this or that" this time. You do not have any offensive harch words or sentences. You have nothing else than that I was being braggy and cocky, which alot of ppl are in this forum from time to time (to be cool :cool: ). But I can see you are still trying to look good regardless of the facts. Maybe there is a reason that THIS TIME no worshippers showed up to support you.

I have not done anything worse than questioning you once for not joining Ryder Cup 2004 (because you played it last year) and said I can beat you in SC. If that is a crime then I am guilty as hell. Otherwise, the battles started up in your head Terif.

I have presented everything relevant I posted on forum now. For christ sake, please use the search function in this forum (with forum = Strategic Command and member name = zappsweden) and you will see all my latest posts and all the so called "horrible things I say about Terif" :eek: (NOT) .

For the last time Terif, explain what you mean when u say that I use "hidden accusations between the lines" (instead of repeating this "I flood the forum" or "I never stop a discussion").

[ April 21, 2004, 12:41 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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