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Do most of you play with fog-of-war on?


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Against humans I play with FOW on.

Against thev Axis AI I play with FOW on but give the AI 3 Bombers - with the Axis AI getting one bomber near Poland to prevent the situation where Warsaw falls but Poland does not surrender because the Polish units are hiding out of site.

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The A.I. plays a terrible game with the FoW in force and only a lousy game if it's off.

With FoW on the AI will miss most of what's going on, it can't actually figure anything out, it needs to see where the units are located.

A lot of us have been asking for many months for an option where FoW is off for the computer and on for the human.

At first I thought this question was only regarding games against the A. I., then I thought about Night's question and if it also includes human vs human games my response would need to be the same as his; FoW is one of the best things about computer wargames, against another human why play where it's all visable?

[ February 01, 2004, 07:01 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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With FoW on the AI will miss most of what's going on, it can't actually figure anything out, it needs to see where the units are located.

Which is why my 1939 Scenario gives the Axis 3 Bombers.

The problems I have with this is that if I can't restrict a bomber's unit to a specific territory/front or tell the AI to use it only for recon (so it will not be spotted and intercepted). The one thing though is that the AI bombers do build up a lot of experience and become quite powerful over time and once damaged the AI during interceptions the AI retreats the bombers a very far distance so THAT its spotting ability becomes useless.

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Thanks for posting that, I must have missed it. Yes, definitely a needed addition.

I've given up anticipating what the AI will do with units. A long time ago I considered giving the side slated to have the AI bombers for recon purposes, tried it, and found that the AI was sending them off to where they were least effective in that role.

Same with starting an HQ in Egypt. The AI usually packes it off to the UK even if you've also go one starting there as well! Once it even tried slipping Wavell past the activated Italian fleet, which promptly sent him to join Cromwell, Marlborough and Wellington.

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I have often run into the same problem and wish that the AI was moddable via text files.

Perhaps create a recon air unit for the AI with an AI designed to optimize its use in this role.


Perhaps Role Specific Units in the Editor could solve some of these problems.

What I mean is having units available in the editor that have specific AI routines attached to them.

For example:

Bomber - Normal AI Routine

Bomber(Recon) - AI would use it to Recon the enemy positions

Sub - Normal AI Routine

Sub (Merchant Shipping) - AI for this unit would have a priotity to attack enemey shipping

Thus players could alter the AI by alerting the mix of units.

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All interesting but I've got to admit, as was the argument when Immer was advocating special recon ground units, without stacking and with each unit equalling a corps minimum specialized units become a problem.

Which means we loop back into suggestions that were shot down two or three times already.

To stack, or not to stack ... personally I'd like some sort of stacking -- which goes to my old suggestions regarding advance and retreat after battle and related issues.

But I think you're talking about having bombers fill both roles under different predetermined assignments, or something similar, so the AI won't send them to Canada or Ireland instead of observing France and the North Sea regions.

There's probably a good solution in there somewhere.

But with SC2 so close, only a few days off, I'm trying to keep my speculations down to a minimum.

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Delayed Reaction ... :D


I agree with your view on the Free French option, as Immer always says about showing him an actual Free French Army etc. ...

Can't say how the computer handles it, but it leads to a better human vs human game for obvious reasons -- no great exodus of armies and corps and air fleets that would and should really be defending their own homeland.

Hopefully SC2 will have a better way of handlin it where the UK gets Free French and Free Polish credits to apply toward Commonwealth formations, as was done historically.

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The A.I in SC1 is fundementaly flawed, not at the fault of the designers because it was simply impossible to predict all the problems before the game was even in working order.

I think the real problem with the A.I is that it is too narrow minded. It only really seems to care about capturing cities/resources and defending them. Any good SC player knows that it would be more important in most cases to destroy the enemies forces first and foremost.

As an example, the A.I. will never set up the kind of large traps that we saw at Stalingrad and what the Germans tried at Kurst, insted they just go forward and backward toward cities with no real regard for units in the area, and only attacking them when they are in the way. Almost always in my game, I trap large groups of AI forces in Russia and elsewhere since they go blindly at a target city and leave themselves open for destruction, not only do they fail to properly protect themselves, but they never try to regain the advantage by destroying large numbers of my forces.

The result is once you have delt the A.I player a severe blow, which is extremely easy, he can never really recover, and the game is just overly easy.

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A similar problem arises because the AI does not concentrate its airpower to support a ground attack and sometimes when a unit in a city hex is destroyed air units continues to attack the city hex, when it should be supporting another ground attack.

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