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"MasterReichKiller" AAR Aesop verses Curry


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The mighty allied armada launches into the fray as smurf forces are concentrating their forces in a southern attack into USSR.

The northern and central USSR fronts are not being challenged.

Brest is empty and the smurf cowards choose to abandon it.

The allied armada is bracing itself for axis naval counter-attacks.

Let's rock... Al Bundy

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Suddenly a large invasion force appears off of Brest. It would appear every ship in the UK and US navy is there with some Armies and Corps and I am sure more troops outside of my viewing range.

Papa Smurf is ready.

- The full Italian Fleet with 4 experience bars and one German sub attacks, sinks the two US BB and heavily damages two UK. Three Level-3 Jets deployed with a HQ and ready near Bordeaux has many choices as to what to attack. They forgo the Army or crops or other UK Naval ships and instead choose a UK carrier and sink it. Second carrier Sunk so far. If he has not built any more than he only has one more.

- Italian armies from Greece get operated up into France and join the armies that are already in France to push back any invasion. More are on their way if needed.

IN RUSSIA. Quiet, just some attacks but not much. Forces getting redployed for another drive. A third Heavy Bomber joins the Iraqi air detachment in Iraq which is pounding Russian oil fields. Two Russian oil fields are now down to 0. That is 60 less MPP points each turn for the Russians.

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

I don't understand why Assmypoo keep this draggin on. Waste of time for Curry and everyone reading this AAR.

Originally posted by Kuniworth:


No offence but why did you not grab the name SeaDonkey instead?

Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Ah lets look into the crystalball...oh yes Overlord will be a complete fiasco. The tiger will eat the mouse in the east. Assmypoo will have to apologize for wasting curry's time...

Why are u still here? Dont you have anything better to do then be an ass?
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I should start an anger management class for you folks. It's just a game for fun, don't let your egos get wrapped up into this. That's why it is called a game.

It is up to you folks to either read this or just plainly ignore it.

This is the fight. The axis navy had been drawn out and we take heavy damage. British air tries to draw smurf air resources into a dog fight.

We counter-attack their naval assets and was able to sink one ship and heavily damage another.

In Russia, we start probing.

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Originally posted by mpacc:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kuniworth:

I don't understand why Assmypoo keep this draggin on. Waste of time for Curry and everyone reading this AAR.

Originally posted by Kuniworth:


No offence but why did you not grab the name SeaDonkey instead?

Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Ah lets look into the crystalball...oh yes Overlord will be a complete fiasco. The tiger will eat the mouse in the east. Assmypoo will have to apologize for wasting curry's time...

Why are u still here? Dont you have anything better to do then be an ass? </font>
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Not a waste of time, we all have to learn. I use to believe much the same when I was a rookie at this game. But when playing humans you cant play the same way that you played when you played the AI.

My Italian fleet gets hit hard by everything the UK has but gives back as much. Only one BB sunk, all the rest pull back to the coast. My Italian armies are ready and waiting in France and one is operated into Brest.

In Russia the only significant development in a line that has now become stagnant is the German Jets go headhunting. Following NATO doctrine they attack Konev and kill him off. One good Russian leader that will never come back.

Our three bombers continue to pound the southern Russian oil fields, now up to something like 72 MPP's Russia is losing each turn.

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Siberian transfer?

Didnt see that - it should not have come yet. Oh well.

In the east the Russian lose two armor and one army.

In the west the Italians form a defensive line between Paris and Brest after losing Brest. Not worried at USA level 1 AT as Italy is also at level 1 AT.

In Iraq the German bombers continue to pound the four southern oil fields. Not 99 MPP points lost per turn.

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War in all its force for the last two turns.

In the East: The Germans now have level-4 Jets.

The Russians have counter attacked in the east. I was expecting it. Let him come. Heavy loses on both sides which is in my favor. I have the MPP to replace my loses the Russian does not. I am bombing his oil in the south and out of his 4 southern oil wells he only had two with a strength of 1, and two with a strength of 0. That means he is now losing 114 MPP points a turn right now. I also continue to head hunt and go after his leaders, I attack with my air Chuikov and kill him. That is the second 7 rated leader to fall to the German Air head-hunters. Konev and now Chuikov gone from the game. I also have in the east a Carrier sitting in the port of Lenigrad, last turn it intercepted a Russian level 1 Jet and destroyed it. Can you guess which tech I also have with that? I learned this from General Rambo. A Carrier with level-4 jets in a port with AA can be damn mean.

In the west

The Americans have level 3 AT. Both sides also take loses. The Navies fight outside of Bordeaux. The Allies lose some ships while the axis are only damaged. I have three Jets with HQ support around Bordeaux, each time he attacks I intercept. That should keep the UK MPP points busy to keep his Level-3 jets supplies back in the UK.

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The Soviets seem to be trying to push into Finland and have made some progress in the drive north of Lenigrad. But we will halt that. The center is quiet for the most part. In the south the soviets counter attacked again. We held our own with both sides taking losses. This move two important Soviet cities have fallen to the Germans. Smolensk which the Germans have been at for some time finally falls. We could have taken it much earlier but was trying not to trigger the Siberian transfer. Once it came we have taken the city. In the south Rostov falls. The Soviets counter attacked north of the city but let the city fall and a corps moved through it making a drive into the MPP rich south and an army occupies the city.

IN THE WEST: The front remains between Brest and Paris. Italians lost one army, the UK Navy retreats and two more UK naval ships are sunk. The Allies are going to have to move much faster and deeper if they want to help their Soviet allies.

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The Americans are landing more and more troops. Getting harder for the Italians to hold. Ameriancs now line the coast from Brest to Amsterdam. But we still hold both Amsterdam and Paris. Each turn I usually lose one Italian army. I could pull men away from the Russian front but would rather not do that. My 3 Jets (level 4 now) intercept each turn and I know they have to be eating up UK MPP points. This turn the UK loses another BB to the weakened but still kicking Italian navy. The UK cant have many ships left. I just have to hold out long enough to finish off Russia.


The Russian has lots of good units way north trying to work into Finland. So we work south and south central. We break through the line in several places and start to form pockets of Soviets. What will he do to try to reform his line? Pull units away from the north? Pull back? Or fight in the pockets? I will be interested to see. We have some troops make a break through above Stalingrad and accross that river almost to the map edge. ALmost breaking the USSR into two. In the south Stalin operated some troops to cover the souther breakthrough but that left other holes in his line. I am estimating that Stalin is now only getting 190MPP's a turn due to the Bombing of the oil fileds and most of Russia is in Axis hands. That is why I want to continue to press the eastern front and not take away any troops to help in the west. The Russian front is starting to have some major cracks in it. Oh, almost forgot. I need to add another leader to my headhunters. Timoshenko RIP. That makes: Konev, Chukov and now Timoshenko. All good 7 rated leaders who are resting in peace and out of the war.

[ June 15, 2004, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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Finally! Got the turn to you. Looks mpretty grim in Russia. Headhunting really hurts if you can't compete with air power. Ouch! Southern front has been pushed and also central front. The only progress we are making is in the north and he has allowed me a breakthrough to pur in massive infantry troops (hurting for generals also). Let's see how this ends.

Had to start cannibalizing our research techs little by little to get extra mpps.

Hard to play against experienced convention but it is not over yet.

US troops had reached the outskirts of Paris and have punched a major hole in the Italian defenses. His jets are within arm reach of US infantry now. Will he stay or retreat his air cover?

The battered remnants of the allied navy had to scurry home like wounded dogs, vowing to fight another day. We have to make due with what allied troops we have in France now.

Will his attention divert from Russia?

Well, I hope I am giving Curry a challenge in this match although it looks pretty harrowing and grim for me.

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IN THE WEST: Axis has to pull back. Allies with US at AT-3 are strong, capture French mine. But axis surround the corps that takes the mine and knocks its value in half. Italians pull back as well as air power in France. No British air attacking this turn so gives me a break to pull my troops back. The UK air had to be taking a beating too without a lot of MPP to replace all the loses we both had each turn before. I Will hold but may have to pull back more. WIlling to do so in order not to take away from my Russian front where I am winning. If Russia falls its all over.

IN THE EAST: Lots of action as Russia tries for one more counter attack. In the north he is strong and he makes a drive against me in the north above Lenigrad. He also sends some units (foolishly I think) to attack above Moscow and enters my line and hits a HQ in the rear. I counter with my turn and form a pocket out of those units. 1 armor and 3 corps are pocketed and surrounded NW of Moscow. Around Voronezh is another pocket of two corps, rest of that pocket killed off. We sent a corps north of Stalingrad to the edge of the map and have cut the USSR in two. He saved up lots of MPP for Russia for I have killed lots of units. I think he is finally running out of MPP's and all his saved up MPP are gone.

If I can hold in the west, which I shall even if I falls then game over. We all know that dont we.

[ June 16, 2004, 10:28 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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Paris had fallen. We have liberated France! italian defenses are in disarray. UK is bleeding and resorted to cannibalizing. This is valuable MPPs Smurfdom can't lose! Stalin also rejoices hearing the news in his bunker in Moscow. Gen Eisenhower still feels the fight is still ahead when the German borders are reached.

Damn jet fighters!

In the East, we are trying to hold in the south and the center is almost gone. We have destroyed two armies and weakened a lot of other formations in the north. His northern line is disappearing. Our isolated units began a vacation tour on the Russian countryside.

He has been trying to amphib infantry to the south but we are blocking.

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