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Comeback of Kuniworth possible??


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Any possibility to allow Kuniworth at least to post in the opponent finder forum. Without this possiblity it´s almost impossible to find opponents.

He promised not to post in the SC-Forum anymore and he is now a really nice guy. :D:D

Nice moderators make a chrismas present in advance

for Kuni Ok?

Cheers Dragonheart

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Kuniworth -- ?

Yes, now that I think of it I do remember someone going by that name. He did a Rhumba on a fresh grave he thought was mine and christened the headstone with his essense, forgetting to zip his fly afterwards.

A basically fun loving fellow who occasionally forgot his medication.

It would be good to have him back, especially if he remembered to take his sedatives.

Also, there are many thousands of members of his World Wide Fan Club who presently spend their days sitting by roadsides, weeping, awaiting the return of their Leader. Nothing can make them understand he's gone forever. It would be good to see these poor wretches once again walking with their heads up and with meaning put back into their lives.


[ October 19, 2003, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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It is a good painting. I was looking for silly looking people looking sad but obviously not over anything tragic and couldn't find anything. This painting caught my eye, but obviously isn't silly looking.

Glad it has the same effect on you that it had on me. It came up in an image search with the keyword of lament.

Here's the link to where I found it:


Hope you're able to find the info you're interested in.

[ October 19, 2003, 10:22 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Kuniworth needs to Repent & believe the Gospel. "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission." Hebrews 9:22.

It is up to the adminstration if Kuniworth will ever walk on Battlefront's Forums. Currently, his situation is "Banned" after, well...you know.

His actions before the banishment were questionable, but the penalty fit the crime? I'm not the judge, the timing was very, very bad for Kuniworth to play with fire. Things were ugly thanks to the Lucky Z's actions. Battlefront did what they thought was right, according their ways (rules). Puniworth was put on "Double-Secret Probation" --- Dean Wormer, in the movie Animal House.

"But was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" --- Pluto in the moview Animal House.

For Puniworth to return, he will need to contact Battlefront with a humble heart & see if they will forgive. Time to repent. "Ye must be born again" --- John 3:3.

"To be a factor in this world, you need to be soft hearted & thick skinned." --- Rambo 12:9

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Jersey... after scrolling half an hour i finally saw the hole picture :D:D

I wonder if you have one filling a hole page of a tread :eek:

I don´t know (P)Kuniworths offtopic posts. Maybe he started quite serious and was sliding into offtopic areas and maybe he was already warned and banned once before but when i compare actions from Lucky or some other guys to his treads i dont see the point. Thats not really fair. So i have no other chance but to invite the moderators to cancel the ban in the name of Kuni. Please!!!

After all he is lurking arround the forum because he has bought the game and has an active...maybe to active part in the SC-Community. And since we all are running out of serious topics because everything has been already discused a little distraction is appreciated and can´t be the reason for this harsh punishment.

Considering the rules i´m offtopic now...hopefully not a reason to ban me too :( :confused: :rolleyes:

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Kuni was made an example of - for right or wrong - his timeing was poor in that the forum was getting out of control and the Mods. felt they needed to do something. I suggest he 'cheats' and trys to reregister under a different name with a different/free (?) internet provider.

Bombers suck - Air Fleet rule - Jets and LR dominate

Play with/against the Cookie Cutter Plan is boring

- back on SC subject, safe from banning -

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