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CvM identity finally proven


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I was hoping to find better use of my 1001 Post, but all I have to say is:

"Madness, Madness.................MADNESS!"

CvM (Otto) (Rambo) (Hubert) (Santa Claus) Claus von Barbi) (Monet) (Nostradomus) (Ignatius Loyola) (Winston Churchill) (Teddy Roosevelt) (Smedley Butler) (William Edmund Ironside)

(Gus Grissom)

Its too bad im Catholic or else i wouldve had some interesting Pass Lifes!

BTW, what i Said about respecting you, I take back.

[ December 30, 2002, 01:50 AM: Message edited by: Carl Von Mannerheim ]

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CvM -- A thousand postings, dude, I really admire that and I'm sure Hubert and Rambo do too, don't you guys?


Thanks for the use of this still; glad to see you also make Mr. K puke! It was getting lonely, it being just us three and all.

Rambo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A guy needs three identities!

[ December 30, 2002, 04:26 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Ran the IP-number through a friends software program.

Guess what I found out;

Carl von Mannerheim is actually Otto

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh God, please no more,......hopeless....breathe....

....I'd love to meet this "friend" of yours too....

Otto = still laughing

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Just try to deny it. You make puke :mad:

I "make puke"? or me and CvM "make puke" together? or is it Otto "makes puke" when he's pretending to be CvM? Who "makes puke"? tell me please?

....oh by the way, I'm still laughing....

Kuniworth = worthless

Otto = laughing (still)

[ December 30, 2002, 02:40 AM: Message edited by: Otto ]

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Yeah sure Otto.

Funny thing; it falls into place - if you look at all facts this is what I think is going oN;

- The mastermind which no one knows the real name of, just referred to as "Hubert Carter" creates the game - he knows leapholes and how to cheat. Now he gotta create a hype around the game.

- He creates an alias - "otto" which he use to make mods and campaigns. Interest grow. All part in the plan....

- Suddenly...strange fellow named Rambo emerge on the forum, winning in strange ways which annoys practically everyone(except me who couldnt care less). The hype around the game is growing, Rambo is mysterious....a poor fellow...lets just call him "Brian" almost commits suicide when he loses to Rambo

- Meanwhile, or a bit earlier, another strange character -JerseyJohn- appears with deep knowledge of the war. EXACTLY the kind of knowlege one had to have if you would wanna create a game like SC. Coincidence? I think not :mad:

So what happens? Interest starts to grow in the wargaming world. He Bribed legendary Les the Sarge to visit the forum, makin all the wargaming fans get excited meeting such a wargamer-god.

But the mastermind gotta catch a breath and go on vacation spendin all his new money. So his 14-year old son, Carl, is giving instructions to keep interest up. Carl introduces a new character - CvM - to control the forum. So suddenly "Hubert's" visits to the forum stops while at the same time CvM xan be seen all the time....strange right?

I suspected something beeing wrong for a couple month. But it was not until I tred my friends software program I could see the pattern.

Is it just me or doesnt this seem a bit like a conspiracy :confused: :confused: :confused:

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"Told you we were going too far adding Rambo after JerseyJohn, but would you listen, Noooooooo!"

Rambo >>>>>>>>>>>>A horse is a horse, of course, of course.



"- Meanwhile, or a bit earlier, another strange character -JerseyJohn- appears with deep knowledge of the war. EXACTLY the kind of knowlege one had to have if you would wanna create a game like SC. Coincidence? I think not"

I'm flattered, and thanks and yes, I am a strange character -- but this is a pretty strange website!

[ December 30, 2002, 04:51 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Funny thing; it falls into place - if you look at all facts this is what I think is going oN;

- He creates an alias - "otto" which he use to make mods and campaigns. Interest grow. All part in the plan....

I suspected something beeing wrong for a couple month. But it was not until I tred my friends software program I could see the pattern.

-three things:

1) I'v made one (1), flag sprite modification, I can't make a good campaign to save my life, nor to I purport to, but I'm damn good at html.

2) Please tell me what program your "friend" is using, so we can all verify your theory.

3) Please, please tell me what drug you are currently using. I would love to be in your world, even just for a few minutes,...please?

Otto = making a list, checking it twice

[ December 30, 2002, 05:47 AM: Message edited by: Otto ]

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