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No Fight: Terif vs Zappsweden battle is CANCELLED


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Terif --- Let me cut to the chase, your spat with Zapp is just that, your business. I have my opinion, it's just that...

Anyhow...do you want to play SC?

It's USA Rambo Primetime >>>>> I skipped out of work early to with my nice fat paycheck smile.gif

Turn on you ICQ,


........................In a game now..........

[ September 26, 2003, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Good luck in your game with Zapp.

Sorry, its like I said: no SC game for me in the foreseeable future...


I just saw you posted a loss against me in ZL. Thank you for the "tribute", but its not necessary to post a loss without playing.

For all my outstanding ZL games:

They are CANCELLED. You dont need to post a loss.

Unfortunately still not possible to delete my account....But the time will come :D

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Terif is like Bjorn Borg (but wrong country). Gets a title for 6-months & is gone.

Terif, play me, Rambo PrimeTime, when the clock is normal for me smile.gif

What's your record against me when I'm fresh? We've only playe ~4-6 games that way. I had 2-wins, add in a religous move RRI, that would make 3.

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We played 41 games, 2 wins out of them for you smile.gif

As I explained: I concentrate at other/new things at the moment.

I was/am not hiding and waiting to come back when things would look how people think I want them to be... I have moved on in the last days....

Theres no way back to SC (ladder) for me...like I said: perhaps a fun game or two in some weeks/months again. I am curious how strategies will develope smile.gif


Nice to see a vote about this issue. My vote is clear I guess :D ....

But if I would vote officially in your thread, Zapp would only more persist on this rule after all that happened between us...I just saw him again posting in your thread he doesnt care about a vote since the ladder is his property and he has the saying (or something like that :D )...

I will not comment this rule change again, this would only make it harder for you and the other ZL members to remove the rule.

I wish you good luck with the vote, but even if it succeeds, I wouldnt come back. I stay to my word and it would be no fun working together with Zapp (and I guess vice versa) anyway.

I want to have fun with my hobby...

[ September 26, 2003, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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Originally posted by Terif:

I just saw him again posting in your thread he doesnt care about a vote since the ladder is his property and he has the saying (or something like that :D )...

No one is buying your twisted words and twisted truth. I always accept votes, if there IS a voting. Consistently, there is none in this kind of case (as u know...). Sorry, I thought you were a man and could take a challenge, guess I was wrong...

You were a myth at best, but now you are just a ghost forever haunting the Z-League society. You were never a legend...

You have a problem with authorities, Terif. You would not last a week in an army training camp or police school. They would simply kick you out the first week when you start protest and discuss their rules instead of following them tongue.gif

By the way, here is the ruleset i.e all the rules that we never voted about but that I managed to control fine before this (way out of proportion) argument started.

Rank gain for a win: (percent, 50% default)

Max matches/day beteen SAME users: (matches)

Number of days before winning and losing streaks reset: (days)

Minutes players must wait between each match report: (minutes)

Days of inactivity allowed before players deleted: (days) [minimum 3]

Days of inactivity allowed before drop top ten players: (days)

A "top player" is defined as a player less than: (rank)

Days top players must wait before playing same user again: (days)

Highest rank that is allowed to utilize formal challenge system: (rank)

Days between formal challenge by same users: (days)

Days players have to complete formal challenge: (days)

[ September 27, 2003, 10:45 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Terif --- You're attacking like an animal that eats its own children. You loved (were playing) SC everyday & suddenly you snap back at the thing which was good to you...the League...the Cup...and sadly enough, Zappsweden. Zapp has put time in the game, time w/ Ladder, time with Z-League...and the first time there is a dispute (whether who is right or wrong, if anybody), you begin this attitude:


  • "I only play for fun", what does this mean? We don't play for fun? You post numbers & claim to have saved EVERY game EVER played? That is weird, kind of pyscho to ask me.</font>
  • "I will never play Zappsweden again, league or not". This is sad! So you & your former SC friend can't even play a game together because of a silly little league rule. How many hours did you play together, how many strategies, how many discussions on ICQ? Now Zapp is that disgusting to you, your enemy who can't be EVER played, very extreme, no, that's a strange pride. You quit the SC Cup because of that, gee, that's solid character.</font>

SC has been good to you, the people, the League(s), & Zapp. You love something, then kick it in the teeth. I hope you don't treat your other relationships in life that way. The difference between my smack & your postings is simple, my ranting is a joke for all to enjoy, your's has a sinister voice to it. I remember trying to send you a simple .mpeg of myself & you wouldn't except it? Being paranoid behind a computer is a sad state to be in. I try to ask you simple questions like,"Hey, Terif, I'm watching a stock on the German market, can you tell me the conversion rate & how the markets work there? (Calypyte Biomed to be exact, I had large jack on it, just one example), & you won't even answer? I was curious about OctorberFest & you won't answer, but will only talk about SC in the manner you like while playing SC. What are you scared of?

Maybe it is time for you to move on...No, maybe it's time you made up with Zappsweden.


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- I never attacked someone else than Zapp. If you had the impression then I am sorry (english is not my mother language), this was never my intention.

- Zapp did a lot of good things for SC in the past, no question.

- But in the last time he got more and more fanatical in order to beat me. In the game and outside of the game. Every time he saw me he wanted to play me. I clearly told him many times that I need a break between our games and dont want to play him every day. He didnt accept it and this was really annoying after a while...

- At friday sept 19, he went to far: after I said I cant play him now and gave him a time when we can play - instead of waiting some days - he activated the challenge system and challenged me within 40 minutes after I said no. Then he told me triumphantly I had to play with him now, that would be the rules...

In case you forgot what happened - and after reading your post I guess you forgot it:

read it again:


And after I had been gone he continued rampaging in the forum trying to make me bad... Originally I didnt want to say something about this, but at some point I HAD to...

Perhaps this was a mistake, cause his posts speak for themself...But after reading enough of his slanderings, I really got angry :mad: .

And after all the things that happened you wonder why I have enough from playing for a while ?

Now the little things:

- you sent me the file without telling me you would send me a file or what it is. If I get a unknown file I delete it within half a second, that goes automatically (therefore I never had a virus on my computer smile.gif ) after it was deleted you told me... had you sent it again I had accepted it.

- you asked me a lot of questions in this "conversation" and when you remember: I mainly answered with yes and no. Simply because I had other things to do at that time and couldnt answer long. I also have to work and do some other things than playing and this I usually did during my waiting times... otherwise I couldnt play so much.

- And I really keep all my games/saves. At the moment they need 1.82 GByte. But thats nothing today... my harddisk has enough space smile.gif

BTW: we really played 41 games together. (38 losses for you, 2 wins and the last one unfinished) If you dont believe it, I can send you the last moves from every game :D .

suddenly you snap back at the thing which was good to you
It was not suddenly and I didnt snap at SC, I snaped at Zapp after he started attacking me ;) .

But like in every argument, I am sure both sides made faults and I dont say I am innocent (e.g. my replies to him were not very nice any more after a while...).

Fact is: one of us had to go. Since he is the administrator he has the whip hand.

I said what I would do and I stay to my word.

[ September 27, 2003, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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Terif --- I'm just surprised it has come to this, no more Z-League. The fact you're on the top 96% of the time means you will get challenged. I'm not ignorant of your decision & how it came about, Zapp wanted to play (& gave a slight appearance of pushiness)...lets not replay that issue. I've read your takes, lets move the conversation a different direction.

I confess, I've made "some digs" towards you...my motivation is simple: I want you to stay in the Z-League. Everybody wants you to stay in the Z-League, SC-Cup, etc. I'm frustrated because the week you're up late on your time (good for USA guys), I can't get a Z-League game. I play a "little better" during Rambo PrimeTime smile.gif

If I was champ at the time of the "Zapp vs Terif" agressive discussion. I would have handled it different,"Hey Zapp, your rule is crap, I'll beat your ass anytime, anywhere, shut your piehole, quit pushing my buttons, that's all I'm going to say." The whole thing got crazy! Zapp has some power, but not ultimate power, the Z-League is not a dictatorship. I'm a little frustrated you're out of SC Cup, several people want you back in. No has questioned the fact that you "stick to your guns" when it comes to decisions. You've seen the opinions of many online.

It's silly that if I have the "2nd Annual Rambo Christmas Thanksgiving Holiday Turkey Shootout", and I can't invite you & Zapp. There should be a way to keep you in competitive SC.

If I was able to "talk to the Z-League official", & got a resolution, could you take a half-step forward?

For the Love of the game,


[ September 27, 2003, 10:11 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Zapp has some power, but not ultimate power, the Z-League is not a dictatorship.
I hate saying this but I believe your wrong about that. Don't get me wrong, I like Zapp and he has done a lot for the game.

But currently, there are no guidelines in place to prevent Zapp from doing what he damn well pleases. Yes, some things have been put to a vote and changed accordingly, and it’s ok for Zapp to change some minor things without putting it to a vote.

But since this has been causing so much controversy, I think it should have been put to a vote when people (and it wasn't just Terif) voiced their disapproval in the first place, but Zapp still refuses to put it to a vote. I started a thread for a vote yesterday; the vote is currently 3 opposed and 0 in favor (Zapp posted that the vote wouldn't count either way so many people didn't bother posting). In my opinion, the lack of a vote is degrading the integrity of Z-League.

Comrade Trapp

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C.Trapp --- There's more underlying in my post then whether we should vote or not (I actually voted no). People have different personalities & sometimes they don't mix. This whole thing is well beyond a vote: Zapp made decision, Terif made a decision. Maybe there was more between this guys than we know? What information don't we know?

Zapp --- I'd like to talk to you about Z-League.

[ September 27, 2003, 10:52 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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*scratches head* Hi, I'm a noob to SC but I've been paying attention to this for awhile. All I can say is...WHO CARES!!!!!!!??? It's a game, if Terif doesn't want to spend hours of his time in front of a computer screen, then let him. If he exploited the system, then let him. Everyone tries to exploit a system, that, along with hard work, is how people succeed. If Zapp wants a game with Terif, just wait until Terif's ready. After all "All good things come to those who wait."

This argument is really one of the most petty and pathetic I've seen in a long time. This is a forum for SC, not your personal flaming ground. Bury the hatchet, let old dogs lie, time heals all wounds. Just let it go, and let's just end this silly fued now. You're adults, act like one, please stop for a moment and just think about how foolish this all is. It's destroying the game and the community that has supported it for so long.

Don't ruin it

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C.Trapp --- Did Zapp take a vote when he decided to use his time to find a website to host the Ladder? Did Zapp take a vote for the Riga Landing rule? Did Zapp take a vote for how many spots you climb in the ranks when you win? Did Zapp take any votes on the old Ladder for positions who could play the Champ? I think you had to be top 3 or something, can't remember. By the way, the United States was set up as a Republic, not a Democracy.

Terif already stated a reversal in the rule will not keep him in the Z-League. Regardless of Terif, maybe there should be a vote. The "Zapp vs Terif" thing went so fast, nobody was able to put sanity into them.


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All I can say is...WHO CARES!!!!!!!???
Then don't waste our time by posting on this thread.

It's a game, if Terif doesn't want to spend hours of his time in front of a computer screen, then let him. If he exploited the system, then let him. Everyone tries to exploit a system, that, along with hard work, is how people succeed.
Obviously you haven't read the entire thread or you would have known that this has nothing to do with exploiting SC itself, its about a rule on Z-League that Zapp put in place without a vote that is causing a lot of controversy.

This argument is really one of the most petty and pathetic I've seen in a long time. This is a forum for SC, not your personal flaming ground.
This also shows you haven't taken the time to read the entire thread. This rule that has been put in place directly affects every member of Z-League. I see you are not in Z-League, so please don't get in involved in things that have nothing to do with you.

If this topic had nothing to do with SC, then Moon or Madmatt would have lock it a long time ago.

Comrade Trapp

[ September 28, 2003, 12:30 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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I've already said that my argument has nothing to do with Terif. I'm arguing that this rule should've been put to a vote. You said it yourself that you would have never voted for this rule, and there is no doubt in my mind that if it was put to a vote it would be voted down easily. But yet, it hasn't been put to a vote, why is that.

Before this I thought that Z-League was run by its members, but now it’s beginning to look like its being run by Zapp and only Zapp. There are no guidelines in place to prevent Zapp from doing what he damn well pleases; maybe there should be some guidelines to prevent problems like this.

Comrade Trapp

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C.Trapp --- Thanks for the clarification.

Zapp --- Time for you to speak. C.Trapp wants a vote independent of Terif.

TCPilot --- Time for you not to speak. This has everything to do with SC, it's called competition. Terif has played 300+ games, nobody has twisted his arm to play. If he wants to quit (or just not play), Yes, that is his business. But for Terif to try to act like a victim, that's a joke. You know what? Why am I addressing you? You're not a newbie anyways! So don't play the newbie card as an excuse to be an idiot. You have been around for awhile. Just a note: I was kicking SC ass in my first 2-weeks of play smile.gif


[ September 28, 2003, 02:05 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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"This argument is really one of the most petty and pathetic I've seen in a long time.


Man do I ever take exceptiong to that, you must have skipped a couple of thousand of my own postings. Everyone knows I've had the monopoly on petty and pathetic and will not let a pair of Swedes come in and evict me regardless of how well they play and how much I like them! -- :D

It's good to have a peacemaker my good intentioned not so new member, but in this case my friends Comrad and Rambo are giving good advice, the competitive guys need to work it all out among themselves.

I've been trying to avoid commenting on this, or at least in any way that goes to one side or the other or talks about the League itself. I'm not in it so I haven't got that right.

Your intentions were good and perhaps will influence a good outcome, which counts for something. I hope your fine talents are applied where they're needed and appreciated, like taking the Sarge's advice and giving us some more of your intrigueing scenarios.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

C.Trapp --- Did Zapp take a vote when he decided to use his time to find a website to host the Ladder? Did Zapp take a vote for the Riga Landing rule? Did Zapp take a vote for how many spots you climb in the ranks when you win? Did Zapp take any votes on the old Ladder for positions who could play the Champ? I think you had to be top 3 or something, can't remember. By the way, the United States was set up as a Republic, not a Democracy.

Terif already stated a reversal in the rule will not keep him in the Z-League. Regardless of Terif, maybe there should be a vote. The "Zapp vs Terif" thing went so fast, nobody was able to put sanity into them.


Rambo is right. There have been many changes where there have been no vote. In my opinion, this rule change was blown out of proportions maybe since Terif overreacted and threatend to quit.

If an administrator has to ask for promision changing every minor rule (yes, challenge system is minor because it only affects the top players i.e players that SHOULD be active and have no problems with it) then being administrator suddenly becomes a larger task. Actually, many ppl have NOT complained about the rule. They have probably though, "rulechange, whatever". There are 77 players registered in the League and maybe 3-5 of them have complained about the rule.

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To sum the whole subject up in a very important tennis match that would change that world. Something not that big in the United States anymore but at the time I'm sure a top10 sport.

Ivan Lendl was playing John Macenroe in the Finals of the French Open. a Very coveted European Championship, hard to win, a rough surface for most American Serve & Volleyers being it's all Red Clay. Most Americans are used to Hard Courts, or some synthetic turf. Grass is usually easier to convert to. Mac had the Czech down 2 sets and was pretty much going to make his major 'mark' in history. Ivan always played seconds to the other greats and never could do it. John started talking sooooooo much dirt on poor ole Ivan<It was fairly degrading words>. BOOM!!! The whole matched turned around Ivan, won... Then when on to rule Tennis until the end of the 80s and Pete Sampras the finest Player in the History of Men's Tennis came up to dethrone him. John, who could've had a Career to be remeber from all time, got married to Tatum O'neill, tried to come back, never quite made the break after that. With a vast amount Talent at 25 breaking his career will never be remebered as 'true great'...in fact the Czech will have as big a place if not bigger than he will.

[ September 28, 2003, 08:30 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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Grand Slam wins by Johnny & Ivan (in ascending chronological order):

1979 US Open John McEnroe

1980 US Open John McEnroe

1981 Wimbledon John McEnroe

1981 US Open John McEnroe

1983 Wimbledon John McEnroe

1984 French Ivan Lendl

1984 Wimbledon John McEnroe

1984 US Open John McEnroe

1985 US Open Ivan Lendl

1986 French Ivan Lendl

1986 US Open Ivan Lendl

1987 French Ivan Lendl

1987 US Open Ivan Lendl

1989 Australian Ivan Lendl

1990 Australian Ivan Lendl

My favorite match was when Pat Cash beat Ivan. The match was publicity said,"CASH is always better than a CHECK" smile.gif

1987 Wimbledon Pat Cash

Johnny was an early 80's guy & was out of tennis in the late 80's. There's no way one match did that, it was age & his left arm falling off. Johnny Mac did have Tatum (star of Bad News Bears), but better yet Johnny has his own Rock band, is currently a broadcast guy for Tennis (U.S. Open, Wimbeldon for sure), & has filled in for David Letterman. Mac also had one of the coolest lids (that's hairdo) except for Yonnick Noah.

What has Ivan done since tennis? He left his country (does Czechoslovicka even exist anymore) & became a U.S. Citizen & is one ugly bastard. Who cares about the French/Austrailia Opens anyways?

Jersey --- You're are resident Historian, do you do tennis? When is the last time a U.S. Citizen has left the United States to become a Citizen elsewhere?

Conners & McEnroe are Legends

Sampras is a smug dork

Agassi, Image is everything

Andy Roddick is now the goods

Rambo KNOWS Tennis


Rambo KNOWS alot of cool stuff

[ September 28, 2003, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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If an administrator has to ask for promision changing every minor rule (yes, challenge system is minor because it only affects the top players i.e players that SHOULD be active and have no problems with it) then being administrator suddenly becomes a larger task.
I'm not arguing that there should be a vote for every minor change made to Z-League, but for something that is causing as much controversy as this, it should have been put to a vote when people first started voicing their disapproval.

Actually, many ppl have NOT complained about the rule.
Many people didn't bother voting when you posted on the vote thread that the vote wouldn't count either way. You havn't really givin anyone a chance to complain.

There are 77 players registered in the League and maybe 3-5 of them have complained about the rule.
Once again, you didn't give them a chance, you stopped the voting when you said it wouldn't count. Before the voting was stopped, there was 3 opposed and 0 in favor. There is no doubt in my mind that if it was put to a vote, it would be voted down.

Comrade Trapp

[ September 28, 2003, 10:25 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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