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Thanksgiving Vactation AAR - Rambo (Axis) vs Comrade Trapp (Allies) - Bid 300 (1:10)

Comrade Trapp

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August 1940

Take a big risk and loose. In a attempt to destroy a German Pz group on the outskirts of Manchester, the American 1st and 2nd armies land in and next to Manchester and attack the Pz group. Pz group survies at 1, attacking US 1st Army in Manchester reduced to 6, 1st Army will be overrun and Manchester will next turn after some more massive air attacks :rolleyes: .

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1) Monty is dead

2) USA loses 2-Armies on English soil, but kill German Panzer

3) All kinds of air combat

4) UK is taking a beating

5) USA has no HQ visible, easy pickin's after their Manchester Port attacks.

6) Germans research gains Jets+1


Russia 46% (guess they don't give a rat's ass)

[ November 26, 2003, 10:47 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Yep, I don't know the specifics regarding Russian readiness during SeaLion, but they didn't budge. Axis spent EVERY last MMP on Air Power, that's life, only way to dig out Manchester.

Moral of the Story: I'm bad ass when I'm on vacation. Took my time & made a critical beer run at the Apex on the game. Don't EVER give the Legend London, I will take it!

Who's next for a Vacation reunion?

Rambo >>> I'm that good smile.gif

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Same thing happened to me. I was actually making UK inviting on purpose counting on US/USSR readiness to jump, but both were VERY slow even after London was taken.

I've done this twice vs. the AI (taking London) and the readiness of both countries was much faster.

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I haven't read the AAR, just jumped to the end when the first few lines didn't hold the Rome Gambit.

Let me guess - UK disbanded the bomber (only unit that can really defeat sealion) - Axis powers never placed a unit in London and it fell quickly and or was never garisoned.

I'll go back and read the AAR to see but I think I'm right.

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Quick and dirty on stoping Sealion (only guidelines) any operation can be countered so this is not 100% proof.

1) Never give up London easily unless the act will bring USA and USSR in very quickly (the next turn or two)

2) Look for the Axis HQs and sink them in transport form (bomber works best). With out these HQs the troops on UK soil will be useless

3) England has two natural line of defence. First means holding London and a line running NW to Manchester. After London falls keep the line in the first MT hex runnning NE.

4) Don't stick the HQ in Manchester - its better to keep it in one of the Northern MT hexs after London falls.

5) IF the axis don't place a garision in London after it falls use the bomber to turn the city to rubble - without the extra supply pts from London the axis ground units will be very weak.

All of this can be easily defeated with LR tech - If germany can get L2 LR and equal Jets early - UK is screwed!

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Sometimes it can be helpful to read a hint thread, even if you are no new player any more tongue.gif


- SEALION: When Axis land units attack Manchester or London then US readiness increases 20%/full turn as long as enemy units are within 1 hex range of one of the two cities. Russian readiness also increases 20%/full turn, but only AFTER Jan/Feb 1941. Therefore an early Sealion is dangerous for allies cause they have to fight without Russia. So protect your homeland as Allies against an early Sealion. With your fleet this should be no problem if you take care. Axis are usually too weak at the beginning for a Sealion if UK is defended.
BTW: USA and Russia dont care if UK leaves London undefended and Germany only has to move a corps in to take it. Moral of the story: always defend your homeland, if you dont care about your capital, why should your potential allies ? ;) .
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Terif, if you wanna hide DO hide properly. Last time I spoke to Dragonheart on ICQ, he said he was going to try play you and that you were online on HIS ICQ list. I checked MY ICQ list. Guess what?

You were not online... :rolleyes:

Get up on the horse again and play the best SC players out here instead of cruising around trying to build a Glamourous status again (read "trying to build statistics at the panzerliga rankings") to make people worship you. This is only a computer game, not a substitute for life. tongue.gif

Iron Maiden:

Fear of the dark..........., fear of the daaaaaaaaaaark.

[ November 27, 2003, 06:45 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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I dont like to do silly battles in the forum and waste my time with them. I am finished with you and this will hopefully be the last post I have to adress to you.

Since there is no need to talk to you any more (everything important has been said) and I dont think I will play against you ever again I set you on my ignore list at ICQ (deleting is unfortunately not possible, at least I didnt found such an option..). SC is a game and if I dont like someone I simply dont play him and if possible ignore him.

Now you know I will ignore you, so dont expect me to answer to any of your further posts directed to me.

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Originally posted by zappsweden:

Terif, if you wanna hide DO hide properly. Last time I spoke to Dragonheart on ICQ, he said he was going to try play you and that you were online on HIS ICQ list. I checked MY ICQ list. Guess what?

You were not online... :rolleyes:

Get up on the horse again and play the best SC players out here instead of cruising around trying to build a Glamourous status again (read "trying to build statistics at the panzerliga rankings") to make people worship you. This is only a computer game, not a substitute for life. tongue.gif

Iron Maiden:

Fear of the dark..........., fear of the daaaaaaaaaaark.

Zapp you make yourself look more and more like a cry baby everytime you post your gripes on a public forum.

So what if he selects who he wants to play? How does this affect you? It's only a game.

And why would you want to play him for the 100th time, you keep loosing, no wonder he no longer wants to play you... You whine and you don't offer a good challenge. Just so you don't blow your lid at the last comment; I did not say you are a bad player, I said you don't offer a good challenge to Terif.

[ November 27, 2003, 11:16 PM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

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